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Gender Activity

By: Autumn Doss and Cecilia Glennie

Joanie on the Stony

● Joan of Arc is the patron saint of Longwood. Joanie on the stony is a figure to
represent the strong and independent women that attend Longwood.
Allen hall bathrooms
● Bathrooms are used as a way to separate genders into male and female. Society states
that bathrooms sound be used by the people assigned to that gender at birth but does
not take transgender people who may identify differently into consideration.
Sororities Landmarks

● Represents the founding of four sororities here at Longwood. This landmark really
showcases Longwoods history as an all female school and how the women who
attended Longwood left their mark on it.
Women in Starbucks

● This photo showcases the mostly female student body of Longwood by showing the
Starbucks line in upchurch consisting of only women. Also in the photo we can see the
staff of Starbucks is majority female with only one male.
College bell and plaque
● The college bell displayed in the library was hung in the Rotunda in 1896 and was a very large part
of student life at the time. During the time that it hang Longwood was still an all female school and
it is stated that generations of women perpetuated many traditions with it (such as painting it in class
colors or ringing it in the middle of the night). We would normally associate these “prankster”
behaviors with males, but obviously the women of Longwood were not apart of that stereotype.
Greenwood Library staff

● This picture shows a female student hard at work in the Greenwood library. There
were no male staff members working when the photo was taken.
Stubbs, dorm rooms, and sorority benches
● These photos show Stubbs residence hall, an all female dorm, and a few benches
outside the dorm dedicated to different sororities. Stubbs is the only all female dorm
here at Longwood and only sorority sisters can live there.

Stubbs Residence Hall

Alpha Delta Pi bench All Girls Dorm
Greenwood Library plaque
● This plaque in the Greenwood library tells us that the building is named after a
former female president of Longwood. Obviously Longwood has major respect for
women in power and has named many things around the university after different
Early Childhood education board

● A bulletin board in Hull showing opportunities for education majors (a mostly female
major). The two points of contact are women that work in the education department
which is heavily female led.
Brock commons clock

● This photo shows the clock on Brock commons that references a different sorority on
each side. This clock is a major staple of Brock commons and shows just how
important the female led organizations at the university are.

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