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Didik Tulus Subekti

Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences
Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, African Tsetse-transmitted Trypanosomiasis, Surra (Trypanosoma
evansi Infection), Chagas' Disease (Trypanosoma cruzi Infection)

Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, Theileriosis, African Tsetse-transmitted Trypanosomiasis, Surra

(Trypanosoma evansi Infection), Chagas' Disease (Trypanosoma cruzi Infection)

Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, Cytauxzoonosis, Hepatozoonosis, African Tsetse-transmitted

Trypanosomiasis, Surra (Trypanosoma evansi Infection), Chagas' Disease (Trypanosoma cruzi
Infection), Dirofilaria immitis

Babesiosis, Cytauxzoonosis, Feline Infectious Anemia (Hemobartonellosis), Hepatozoonosis,

African Tsetse-transmitted Trypanosomiasis, Surra (Trypanosoma evansi Infection), Chagas'
Disease (Trypanosoma cruzi Infection)

Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Babesia & Theileria
Domain Eukaryota

Kingdom : Chromalveolata

Phylum : Apicomplexa

Class : Aconoidasida

Ordo : Piroplasmida

Familia : Babesiidae Familia : Theileriidae

Genus : Babesia Genus : Theileria

Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Babesia (now;Theileria) equi Vektor caplak : Rhipicephalus,
Babesia cabali Dermacentor, dan Hyalomma

Babesia motasi Vektor caplak : Rhipicephalus,

Babesia ovis dan Babesia lainnya Haemaphysalis, Hyalomma,
Dermacentor, dan Ixodes

Babesia canis
Babesia gibsoni Vektor caplak : Rhipicephalus,
Babesia felis Haemaphysalis, dan Dermacentor

Babesia microti Vektor caplak : Rhipicephalus,

Babesia divergens Haemaphysalis, Dermacentor, dan
Babesia canis Ixodes

Babesia divergens, Babesia major Vektor caplak : Rhipicephalus,

Babesia bovis, Babesia bigemina Boophlus, Ixodes, dan
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Vektor :
Theileria equi Rhipicephalus, Dermacentor, dan

Theileria lestoquardi, Theileria ovis, Theileria Vektor :

Rhipicephalus, Hyalomma,

Theileria annulata, Theileria parva Vektor :

Theileria sergenti, Theileria orientalis
Rhipicephalus, Hyalomma dan

Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Siklus hidup caplak untuk Babesiosis & Theileriosis :
Transmisi / penularan terjadi secara horisontal dengan perantaran (vektor) caplak (tick).
Umumnya one host tick dan beberapa three host stick.

Didalam tubuh caplak terjadi perkembangbiakan di pencernaan (gut) caplak dan kelenjar ludah
serta terjadi penularan transovarial dan transtadial. Pada Babesia dan Theileria
terjadi beberapa perkembangan stadium gamogoni (di saluran cerna) dan sporogoni
di kelenjar ludah dari caplak. Selanjutnya saat menghisap darah sporogoni masuk
kedalam eritrosit dan berkembang menjadi merogoni.

Caplak betina setelah melepaskan diri dari hewan yang diulari untuk bertelur. Telur yang
dihasilkan mengandung Babesia & Theileria (telur yang tertulari). Saat telur
berkembang menjadi larva sampai dewasa maka caplak tersebut telah tertulari
Babesia / Theileria dari induknya. Apabila menghisap darah, maka hewan yang
sehat akan terinfeksi sporozoit Babesia ataupun Theileria.

Theileria berbeda dengan Babesia dimana perkembangan sporozoit terlebih dahulu didalam
leukosit. Saat caplak menghisap darah, sporozoit masuk ke limfosit dan berkembang
jadi merozoit, kemudian merozoit keluar dan menginfeksi eritrosit.

Pada inang, Babesia dapat ditularkan secara vertikal (intrauterine) dari induk ke anak.

Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Hunfeld, et al. International Journal for Parasitology 38 (2008) 1219–1237
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Penularan Piroplasmosis

Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Metode Diagnosa

Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Diagnosa Piroplasmosis

Clinical Sign DNA Based Serologi Parasitologis

ELISA CFT Aglutina
si PUD

Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
• Masa inkubasi umumnya sekitar 1-3 minggu
• Suhu badan meningkat, dapat mencapai 41oC, terutama saat puncak ricketsemia
• Respirasi meningkat, tremor, anemia, jaundice
• Lakrimasi dan nasal discharge
• Hemoglobinemia dan hemoglobinuria dan urine berwarna merah sampai coklat
• Bobot tubuh menyusut dan menjadi kurus
• Konstipasi atau diare dengan bercak darah mungkin terlihat
• Hypothensive shock syndrome, koagulasi dan eritositik stasis pada kapiler
• Gigi bergemeretak, membran mukosa pucat dan ikhterik
• Congesti dan hemoragi konjungtiva mata
• Betina bunting dapat mengalami abortus

• Karkas hewan yang mati akan nampak anemia dan jaundice
• Limpa membesar dan lunak, hati membengkak dan berwarna kuning-oranye
• Kongesti dan ptechiae pada jantung dan otak

Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Ikhterus Pembengkakan limfoglandula PA pada hati

Ulserasi abomasum Ptechiae pada ginjal Ptechiae pada jantung

Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Diagnosa Banding






Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Diagram of various forms of Giemsa-stained Diagram of various forms of Giemsa-stained
Babesia bovis-infected erythrocytes. Babesia bigemina-infected erythrocytes. Note
the large size of single parasites, which is
rarely seen in B bovis infections..
Courtesy of State of Queensland, Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries.
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Courtesy of Dr. John W. Harvey.

Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Figure 2. Panel of Babesia-infected erythrocytes photographed from pretreatment, Wright's-Giemsa-stained smears of fresh blood
obtained from the patient on July 31, 2002. The mean corpuscular volume of the erythrocytes was 103 (normal range 80-100 µm 3). Note
the multiply infected erythrocytes; the pleomorphism of the parasite; and the obtuse (divergent) angle formed by some of the paired
structures, which, like the form in (F), is characteristic of B. divergens and related parasites isolated from various wild ruminants. The
forms of the parasite shown in the panel include: (A) ring-like trophozoite; (B) paired merozoites; (C) maltese-cross (tetrad); (D) various
dividing forms; (E) multiple merozoites; (F) appliqué (accolé) form on right border of the erythrocyte; (G) and (H) degenerate (crisis)
forms. A glass slide of a peripheral blood smear from July 31 has been deposited in the U.S. National Parasite Collection, Beltsville,
Maryland; the accession number (USNPC #) for the slide is 093041.00

Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Babesia microti forming intra-erythrocytic rings (short arrow), exoery-throcytic rings (long arrow) and a
“Maltese cross” (red arrow) (Giemsa stain, original magnification ×100).

BLEVINS S M et al. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine 2008;75:521-530

©2008 by Cleveland Clinic

Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425

Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Diagnosa Piroplasmosis

Clinical Sign DNA Based Serologi Parasitologis

ELISA CFT Aglutina
si PUD

Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Serologi :
Aglutinasi < CFT < ELISA Based
Dapat membedakan IgG dan IgM sebagai penanda infeksi / relaps dan infeksi
pada waktu lampau
Dapat digunakan untuk uji cepat di lapangan maupun di laboratorium
Dapat dikembangkan untuk mendeteksi antigen

DNA Based :
T. annulata : cytochrome b1 = cytob1 (312 bp)
Reverse: 5’-CTC TGG ACC AAC TGT TTG G–3’

A. marginale : major surface protein–1b (265 bp )

Reverse : 5’-CTG CTT GGG AGA ATG CAC CT-3’

B.Bovis : multi-copy VESA–1a (166 bp )

Forward: 5’-CAA GCA TAC AAC CAG GTG G–3’

Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Theileria annulata

Anaplasma marginale

Babesia bovis

Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425

Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425
Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Sciences (IRCVS), JL. R.E. Martadinata 30 – Bogor 16114, Tel. + 62 251 8331048 , Fax. + 62 251 8336425

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