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2-3 Tree

Balanced search tree

 In AVL tree insertion and deletion operations involve rotation. It makes the
operations complicated. To eliminate this complication 2-3 tree can be used.
 Many search tree operations take time proportional to the height of the tree.
 Keep the height small: make the tree balanced.
 2-3 trees are one kind of balanced search trees.

Slide 2
 A 2-3 Tree is a tree data
structure where every node with
children has either two children
and one data element or three
children and two data elements.
A node with 2 children is called a
2-NODE and a node with 3
children is called a 3-NODE. A 4-
NODE, with three data elements,
may be temporarily created
during manipulation of the tree
but is never persistently stored
in the tree.

Slide 3
2-3 Trees
 each node can hold 1 or 2 keys
 each non-leaf node has either 2
or 3 nonempty child nodes. These
are again 2-3 tree.
 all leaves are at the same level.
 If any node has 2 children, then
this node has single data.
 If any node has 3 children, then
this node may have 2 key data.

Slide 4
Struct twothree
Int count;
Structure of a Int data[3];

node: Struct twothree *child[4];


Slide 5
Example of 2-3 Tree
Slide 6
Search tree (2-3 Trees) property

1 key, 2-node 2 keys, 3-node

 leaf node can be either a 2-node or a 3-node

Slide 7
Searching in a 2-3 tree

1. Start at the root to search for any key x.

2. If x < first key, recurse on left subtree.
3. Else if x = first key, return “found”.
4. Else if there is only 1 key or x < second key, recurse on middle subtree.
5. Else if x = second key, return ”found”.
6. Else recurse on right subtree.

Slide 8
Can maintain balance much better in insertion
Binary Search
Tree both trees after
inserting items
39, 38, ... 32

2-3 Tree

Slide 9
Inserting an item

 To insert a value in a 2-3 tree, first search the position where the value can
be inserted.

 Search for the key and locate the leaf in which the search stops.
 Insert the key into the leaf.
 Leaf holds 2 keys: done!
 Leaf holds 3 keys: Needs more work..

Slide 10
Inserting Items
Insert 39

Slide 11
Inserting Items
Insert 38

divide leaf
insert in leaf and move middle result
value up to parent

Slide 12
Inserting Items
Insert 37

Slide 13
Inserting Items
Insert 36

divide leaf
insert in leaf and move middle
value up to parent


Slide 14
Inserting Items
... still inserting 36

divide overcrowded node,

move middle value up to parent, result
attach children to smallest and largest

Slide 15
Inserting Items
After Insertion of 35, 34, 33

Slide 16
Inserting so far

Slide 17
Height of a 2-3 tree
 The minimum height occurs in a 2-3 tree only when each node is a 3 node. The maximum height occurs only
when each node is a 2 node.
 A tree has height h has at least +………..=
+…..+ =
 Number of leaves ≥ 2h where h is tree height
 So h ≤ log (number of leaves)
 number of leaves < number of nodes
 number of nodes ≤ number of stored keys = n
 h < log n.
 search, insert, delete can be done in time O(h) = O(log n).

Slide 18
Inserting so far

Slide 19
Inserting Items
How do we insert 32?

Slide 20
Inserting Items

 creating a new root if necessary

 tree grows at the root

Slide 21
Inserting Items

Final Result

Slide 22
Deleting Items
Deletion of a value from a 2-3 tree is just opposite to insertion. Two nodes are merged if the node of the value
To be deleted contains minimum number of values.
Delete 70



Slide 23

 In-order successor: node holding the next largest key

 In-order successor of any node is a leaf
 Proof?
 Because of this we can assume that any delete operation get converted to a
delete operation at a leaf.

Slide 24
Deleting Items
Deleting 70: swap 70 with inorder successor (80)

Slide 25
Deleting Items
Deleting 70: ... get rid of 70

Slide 26
Deleting Items

Slide 27
Slide 28
Deleting Items
Delete 100

Slide 29
Deleting Items
Deleting 100

Slide 30
Deleting Items

Slide 31
Deleting Items
Delete 80

Slide 32
Deleting Items
Deleting 80 ...

Slide 33
Deleting Items
Deleting 80 ...

Slide 34
Deleting Items
Deleting 80 ...

Slide 35
Deleting Items
Final Result

comparison with
binary search tree

Slide 36
Deletion Algorithm I
Deleting item I:

1. Locate node n, which contains item I

2. If node n is not a leaf  swap I with inorder successor
 deletion always begins at a leaf
3. If leaf node n contains another item, just delete item I
try to redistribute nodes from siblings (see next slide)
if not possible, merge node (see next slide)

Slide 37
Deletion Algorithm II
A sibling has 2 items:
 redistribute item
between siblings and

No sibling has 2 items:
 merge node
 move item from parent
to sibling

Slide 38
Deletion Algorithm III
Internal node n has no item left
 redistribute

Redistribution not possible:
 merge node
 move item from parent
to sibling
 adopt child of n

If n's parent ends up without item, apply process recursively

Slide 39
Deletion Algorithm IV
If merging process reaches the root and root is without item
 delete root

Slide 40
 Search, insert, delete take time proportional to height, and hence to log
n, where n is the number of keys.
 Other balanced tree organizations are also possible, e.g. AVL trees, Red-
Black trees
 AVL and Red-Black are both binary.
 Red-Black trees are obtaining by converting a 3 node to two 2 nodes.
 We will study neither of these.

Slide 41
Multiway search tree
 A multiway tree is defined as a tree that can have more than two children. If a multiway tree can have
maximum m children, then this tree is called as multiway tree of order m.
 M way search tree is a tree where each node contains multiple elements, (M-1) values per node.
 It has M subtrees. M is called degree of nodes.
 If M=3, then tree will contain 2 values per node, and it will have a three subtrees.
 The goal of m-Way search tree of height h calls for O(h) no. of accesses for an insert/delete/retrieval

multiway tree of order 5

Slide 42

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