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A hundred years ago there lived a king. He had
some beautiful daughters, but the youngest
daughter was the most beautiful. Close by the
king’s castle, there was a great dark forest. And
under an old lime tree in the forest, there was a
well. When the day was warm, the king’s
youngest daughter usually went out into the
forest. When she was bored, she took her golden
ball and played with it.
One day, the princess played with her
golden ball. Unfortunately…the ball rolled
into the well. She began to cry. Suddenly,
there was a frog who was willing to help
her. However, the frog asked the princess
to bring him to the palace and to let him
stay close to her. The princess agreed with
his request. So the frog jumped into the
well and took the golden ball out of it.
But, do you think the princess kept her promise? What would happen
next? Now, continue the story. You can say whatever you want. You
can decide a sad or happy ending.
2. Try to understand the story in the Nursery rhyme below.

Tom and Terra

(B.D. Sharma)

Tom and Terra lived together.

They and sang in fine weather.

They were two young grasshoppers.

In fun and frolic they were toppers.

Then was over summer and heat.

They had nothing at all to eat.

They cried and sighed,

then went to an ant and begged for food.
The ant said, “ I can’t give you anything.
But tell me why
you didn’t for winter some food lay by.”

The grasshoppers had this to say.

“We sang and sang we were gay.”
The wise ant had this to say:
“You sang in summer, now dance winter away.”
“We ants neither lend nor borrow.
While enjoying today we think of tomorrow.”

Tom and Terra had to return.

Though too late, they learnt a lesson.
3. Peter Pan
Once upon a time there was a beautiful place called
Neverland where Peter Pan and Tinker Bell lived. Not so
far from this place is the city of London where John,
Wendy and Michael Darling lived. They really loved the
story of Peter. One day Peter Pan appeared and asked the
children to fly to Neverland. They were very excited to
see the scenery and beauty of Neverland. Then they were
surprised to know the existence of a cruel pirate called
Captain Hook. One day Captain Hook captured Tinker
Bell and forced her to show Peter Pan’s place. In doing
so all Peter’s friends The Darling were captured and
taken to the pirate ship. Captain Hook frightened the
children by putting them on the plank.
Suddenly Peter Pan appeared and stopped
everything. In a fierce duel, he threw Hook and
all the pirates overboard. Hook was chased
away by a crocodile, and nobody cared to
save him.
The Darlings were so happy and thankful to
Peter Pan. They told Peter their intention to go
home. With the sprinkle of Tinker Bell’s Pixie
Dust, Captain Hook’s pirate ship was sailing
through the skies of Neverland, heading back
to the Darlings’ home in London.
What is narrative text?

• A narrative text is a text that tells a

story to entertain the audience or
What is the social function of narrative text?

• to entertain
• to excite emotion
• to teach moral value
Generic structure of the text:

• Orientation

• Complication
• Resolution
• In the orientation the narrator tells the
audience about who is in the story, when
the story is taking place and where the
action is happening.
• Complication shows the audience or
readers the rising of the conflict or
problem in the story.
• In the resolution we will know how the
problem is solved
Grammatical features
of narrative text.
Narratives usually use:
• simple past tense
• nouns that identify the specific characters and
places in the story
• adjectives that provide accurate description of
the characters and settings
• Verbs that show the actions that occur in the
• Time words that connect events, telling when
they occurred
Narrative text can be presented in
written or spoken text.
Written text can be in the form of:
• Myths
• Fairytales
• Science fictions
• Historical fictions
• Romance novels

Spoken texts are in the form of:

• Films
• Drama or plays
How to teach narrative text?
Narrative text should be taught in two
• Oral cycles
• Written cycles
In oral cycles (siklus lisan) we
can assess listening and
speaking skills while in written
cycles (siklus tulis) we can carry
out the assessment for reading
and writing skills.
Assessment (penilaian) for
narrative text.
• Narrative text can be assessed according to the
respective skills.
• For example:
* Listening ; paper & pen test
Forms : True – False, Multiple choice,
Cloze test and dictation.
In dictation we have to prepare the rubric
(some criteria for scoring the students’ work,
such as grammar, punctuation and spelling).
*Speaking ; Performance test
Forms : Role-play, retelling (monolog)
Rubric : pronunciation, fluency,
grammar, comprehension,
vocabulary and mime .
* Reading ; Paper & pen test and perfor-
mance for reading aloud.
Forms : Multiple choice, cloze-test,
essey and true-false.
* Writing : Paper & pen, portofolio
Form :- Completion,
- rearranging jumble letters,
words, sentences or paragraph
- composition
Rubric : punctuation, spelling, grammar,
organization, vocabulary and
Soal pre- test

1. Which of the titles below belongs to narrative text?

a. Borobudur temple
b. Snow White
c. My pet
d. My trip to Lembang
2. The generic structure of narrative text is ….
a. orientation – event – reorientation
b. goal –material-steps
c. orientation- complication- resolution
d. identification- descriptions
3. One of the kind of text below is almost similar to narrative ….
a. recount
b. descriptive
c. report
d. procedure

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