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Text type/ genre:


What are the

advantages and
disadvantages of
growing old?
What are the advantages and
disadvantages of growing old?
Fatal Mistake
 Answering the question in the wrong genre

 This is an immediate failure as student

will fail to meet the requirements of the
IMPORTANT: ________________________
What are the advantages and
disadvantages of growing old?
Common Mistakes
 Essay is ____________________

 Some students either discussed the

advantages OR disadvantages of growing old
 Some students were either more inclined
towards the advantages or disadvantages
IMPORTANT: ________________________
What are the advantages and
disadvantages of growing old?
Common Mistakes
 Lack of __________________________

 Cited: One of the disadvantages of growing old is

that a person’s health may deteriorate.
 You need to elaborate on this point i.e. an old
person is weaker and is more prone to illnesses.
This is also the time when old-age diseases such as
Alzheimer's disease and arthritis sets in. An elderly
may also need to grapple with concomitant
problems such as the high medical cost.
What are the advantages and
disadvantages of growing old?
Common Mistakes
 ___________________________

 When we grow older, we will suffer from

many illnesses.
 Please avoid words like ‘________’ and
‘______________’ and use words like
‘_____’, ‘__________’, ‘____________’ and
Possible Structure /
First paragraph (Introduction):
 Briefly discuss how growing old is inevitable
for everyone
 _____________________ of the
advantages and disadvantages of growing
Possible Structure /
 Second paragraph (advantage):
 _________________ to pre-empt the marker what you are going
to discuss in this paragraph
 _______________ to substantiate your point

Topic sentence: ________________________________
 As we grow older, we learn more life experiences and learn how to
deal with difficult situations.
 We also develop some skills which are important in everyone’s life,
for example patience, how to deal with stress, tolerance and
Possible Structure /
 Third paragraph (advantage):
 _________________ to pre-empt the marker what you are going
to discuss in this paragraph
 _______________ to substantiate your point
Topic sentence: _____________________________
 Adults are empowered to make their own decisions in
areas like career, marriage and the lifestyle they want to
lead in life.
Possible Structure /
 Fourth paragraph (Disadvantage):
 _________________ to pre-empt the marker what you are
going to discuss in this paragraph
 _______________ to substantiate your point

Topic sentence: _____________________________
 You are expected to perform in your job and produce results

 You are expected to contribute to the household expenses or

take on the role of breadwinner of the family.
Possible Structure /
 Fifth paragraph (Disadvantage):
 _________________ to pre-empt the marker what you are
going to discuss in this paragraph
 _______________ to substantiate your point

Topic sentence: _____________________________
 An old person is weaker and is more prone to illnesses. This is
also the time when old-age diseases such as Alzheimer's disease
and arthritis sets in. An elderly may also need to grapple with
concomitant problems such as the high medical cost.
Possible Structure /
 Sixth paragraph (Conclusion):
 Summarise the advantages and disadvantages
 State your own opinion regarding this issue

 While growing old does bring about some
disadvantages and inconvenience to a person’s life,
there are also undeniable merits. Ultimately,
everyone will grow old so the most important thing is
to have the correct mindset to enjoy the experiences
and face the challenges that come with age.

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