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Grade 9

Prepared by: Aparicio, John Carl

Maquiling, Micahel John
Moda, Joan
Pacultad, Prince Apple
Pantilag, Lovely Jean
Yap, Roberl Louise
CONTENT STANDARDS: The learner demonstrates understanding of how
Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as a means of
preserving unchanging values in a changing world; also, how to use features
of a full-length play, tense consistency, modals, active and passive
constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable him/her
competently performs in a full-length play.
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The learners competently perform in a
full-length through applying effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and
ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Deliver and
Dramatic Conventions. 

EN9LT-IVe-17: Analyze literature as a means of understanding
unchanging values in a changing world, and 
EN9LT-IVe-2.2.2: Explain the literary devices used.
I. Objectives 
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
 define literary devices;   
 explain the literary devices used in the story entitled
"The story of an hour" by Kate Chopin; and 
 participate in an activity “Fill and Fail".
II. Subject Matter: English 9
Topic: Literary devices
Almonte, LR., Flandez, L.L, Lagustan, N., et. al (2014).
Connecting to the world. In a journey through Anglo- American
Literature Learner’s material (First ed., Ser. 2014, pp.240-257). Philippines
Vibal group, Inc. 
Materials needed: Visual aids,adhesive tape,markers, strips of paper, and
a speaker.
III. Review: 
Parts of Speech
I. Directions: Write the correct parts of speech in the space provided. 
______________ 1) It is a part of speech which modifies or describes a verb, an adjective, or
another adverb. 
______________ 2) It is a part of speech which joins words, phrases, and clauses. 
______________ 3) It is a part of speech which expresses actions or being. 
______________ 4) It is a part of speech which is the name of a person, place, thing or idea. 
______________ 5) It is a part of speech which is a word used in place or a noun. 
IV. Drill 
Put Me In The Right Place
Time Allotted: Five (5) Minutes
1. The class will be divided into four (4) groups.
2. The teacher will give each group 2 manila paper that contains definitions and scramble
3. The class will only be given 5 minutes to arrange the letters to define what is being
described on the definition given.
4. After answering, each group is task to post their answers on the board together with the
IV. Drill 
Put Me In The Right Place

A1. Activity Proper 
(This will be given to those students who are visual learners.)

Time Allotted: Five (5) Minutes

1.  There will be different types of literary devices pasted on the board. 
2.  Each student will be given a paper strip containing an example of a particular literary device. 
3. They are tasked to guess what type of literary device is described in the example written on their
paper strip. 
4. The students will be given 5 minutes to finish the activity.
A1. Activity Proper 

• My heart is as cold as an ice.  • The sun smiled down on us.
• You were as brave as a lion. • Justice is blind and, at times, deaf.
• Watching the show was like • The story jumped off the page.
watching grass grow. • The light danced on the surface of the
• They fought like cats and dogs. water.
 • She is as beautiful and innocent as • My alarm clock yells at me in the
an angel. morning to wake up. 
A1. Activity Proper 

• Apple of my eye • I got tons of money.
• Heart of gold • I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
• She is an angel.  • That plane ride took forever.
• She is an angel.  • Cry me a river. 
• Life is a highway. • I haven't seen you in a million years. 
• The stars are dancing.   
A1. Activity Proper 
• He has terrible tusks, and terrible claws. • A pilot has a fear of heights. 
And terrible teeth in his terrible jaws. 
• A good cook could cook as many cookies • A fire station burns down. 
as a good cook who could cook cookies. • A traffic cop gets his license
• A big bug bit the little beetle, but the little suspended because of unpaid
beetle bit the big bug back. parking tickets.
•  Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled
A1. Activity Proper 
(This will be given to those students who are bodily-kinesthetic learners.)
1. There will be four groups in the class.
2. Each group will be tasked to create their own stories, which they will then
perform in front of the class while employing literary devices like similes,
metaphors, personifications, hyperbole, and irony.
3. They will have ten minutes to gather their thoughts. They will then tell their
story to the class afterward.
4. Teacher will make some remarks.
A1. Activity Proper 

  Literary Devices Accuracy 30% -  Literary devices were observed correctly.
Expression and body language 25% - Demonstrates genuine emotion through
facial expression and gestures.
Staging/Blocking 25% - Excellent use of stage, with action always directed at
the intended audience.
Uniqueness and creativity 20% -  original, cogent ideas
Total - 100%
A1. Activity Proper 
(This will be given to those students who are auditory learners.)
1) This is a by pair output.
2) There will be an audio presentation of the story “The Necklace” written by Guy De
Maupassant. Each pair must listen to the story and jot down sentences with their corresponding
literary devices.
3) Afterwards, they will present their output with an explicit explanation in front of the class.
4) The teacher will give some feedback.
5) The students will be given 10 minutes to complete this activity.
A2. Analysis
Time Allotted: Five (5) Minutes 

What do you observe from the terms posted here on the board? 
What is your idea about it? 
Are these terms important in a story? 
A3. Abstraction
Time Allotted : Twenty (20) minutes 

1. The teacher will begin the lesson proper by introducing the intended
learning outcomes or the objectives of the period.
2. The teacher afterwards will present the definition, kinds of literary
devices and explain the literary devices used in the short story "Story of
an hour" by Kate Chopin.
A4. Application

Activity: Fill or Fail

Each group is entitled to have one representative to answer per item. It is

strictly prohibited that there will be no repetition of representatives to answer
every item. There are 4 desks that will be placed in the front of the blackboard
and this activity will follow a relay style manner. The first group who will
finish answering correctly the boxes will be declared as the winner.

A5. Evaluation
Direction: In a ½ sheet of paper, read each item carefully and write the correct
answer in the blank before the number. 

1. statement is used to express an opposite meaning 

2. word or phrase is written multiple times, usually for the purpose of emphasis 
3. use of an object, figure, event, situation, or another idea in a written work to
represent something else
4. message that is intended to be expressed through the story
5. authors provide the reader with hints or clues as to what will happen in the
A5. Evaluation

6. direct comparisons are made between two unlike objects

7. direct comparison is made using "like" or "as“
8. non human figure is given human like qualities or characteristics
9. a techniques that add texture, energy, and excitement to the narrative,
grip the readers imagination and convey information 
10. without the used of as and like

Find a story that has literary devices on it, copy the exact lines
from the story and put the specific literary devices beside the line.
Write it in your ½ crosswise. (2 pts each)

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