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Internet manners

Francisca Rebolledo H.
V. Past
To be
Passive voice

1. Many UFO videos are created to make people believe in them.

2. Ghosts weren’t invented by the media.

3. I was scared by those sounds.

4. Mermaids have been recorded in many videos.

Passive voice to active voice
Transform the following sentences.

1. I was scared by different noises last night.

2. Ghosts videos are often recorded by inexpert people.

3. The fishermen are being attracted by mermaids.

4. A long time ago, witches were caught and burnt alive.

5. When this world comes to an end, some people will be abducted by aliens.
Jack, the ripper
Passive or active voice?

• Jack, the ripper, is the name which _________ (give) to an

unidentified serial killer who was active in the largely
impoverished areas in and around the Whitechapel district of
London in 1888. The name _____________ (originate) in a letter
which ___________ (write) by someone claiming to be the
murderer. The letter __________ (believe) to be a hoax and may
_________________ (wrte) by a journalist in an attempt to
heighten interest in the story. The “Ripper” __________ (attack)
females from the slums whose throats ___________ (cut) prior
to mutilations. Rumors that the murders ____________
(connect) intensified in September and October 1888 and letters
from people claiming to be the murderer ___________ (receive)
by media outlets and Scotland Yard. There are now over one
hundred theories about the Ripper’s identity and the murders
______________ (inspire) multiple works of fiction.

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