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Carlos V. and Anthony C.

Machu Picchu - Cusco
• The citadel of Machu Picchu was built by the Incas
around the fourth century A.D.

• it was founded by Francisco Pizarro. In the past,

many cultures lived in Cusco.
• In the past, many cultures lived in Cusco, for
example the Wari and the famous Inca cultures.
Geography - Structures
• Cusco is located in south-central Peru. It has
beautiful structures and mountains like Machu
Picchu, Santo Domingo and Qoricancha temple, the
seven colors mountain, etc.
Tourism - Activities
• Cusco is visited by 1 400 000 tourists every year.

• You can eat delicious food, go rock climbing in

many mountains and do sightseeing in the city

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