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Narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain or
amuse the reader, with complication or problematic
events and it tries to find the resolutions to solve
the problems.

1. Orientation
It introduces the characters (WHO), place (WHERE), and time (WHEN) of the story.
2. Complication
The problem starts to increase
3. Climax
The problem is rising up
4. Resolution
The problem is solved
5. Re-orientation/ Coda (Optional)
Contains the moral value of the story

Kinds of Narrative Texts

Fairy Tale Legend Myth

1 3 5

2 4 6

Fable Folktale Historical


Analysis of “Roro Jonggrang”
1. Characters
-Roro Jonggrang: beautiful, wicked, betrayel
-Bandung Bondowoso: hard-worker
2. Setting of Place
3. Complication
Roro Jonggrang asked Bandung Bondowoso to build up 1000 temples in one night
4. Climax
Roro Jonggrang made the cock to crow that made the demons stop building the temples
5. Resolution
Bandung Bondowoso cursed Roro Jonggrang into his last temple
6. Moral value
Don’t break your promise

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