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Group-two or more individuals interacting, interdependent, who have come together towards achieving a common goal or objective Formal group-group of members defined by the organisational structure with defined roles and responsibilites Informal group-group of members naturally formed with no formal structure and not organisationally determined

Command group-group of individuals who report to a common boss Task group-group of individuals working together to complete a given job Interest group-People working together to reach a specific goal, or objective Friendship group-People who are together because they share common interests or characteristics

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Forming(uncertainty about purpose, structure, leadership) Storming(intra group conflict as to who will control and emergence of hierarchy in the group) Norming(group structure solidifies, group development, close relationship and cohesivenes) Performing(fully functional group) Adjourning(for temporary groups the wrapping up activities takes place)

Punctuated Equilibrium Model ` First meeting---Transition--Completion (Phase 1) (Phase 2) Inertia Inertia


Roles-A set of expected behaviour patterns attributed to someone occupying a given position in a social unit Role identity-certain attitudes and behaviour consistent with the role Role Perception-an individuals view of how he is supposed to act in a given situation Role expectations-how others believe a person should act in a given situation Role Conflict-A situation in which an individual is confronted by divergent role expectations

Norms-accepted standards of behaviour within a group which is shared by the group members Conformity-the adjustment of ones behaviour to align with the norms of the group Status-a socially defined position or rank given to groups or group members (Status and norms, status and group interaction, status inequity)

Size-smaller groups have been found to be more productive (social loafing, free riders) Cohesiveness-the degree to which group members are attracted to each other and are motivated to stay in a group

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More complete information Diversity of views acceptance of solution Time comsuming Conformity pressures Domination by a few members Ambiguous responsibility

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The norm for reaching a consensus overrides the realistic appraisal of alternative courses of action

A change in decision between a groups decision and an individuals decision

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Interacting groups Brainstorming Nominal group Electronic group

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