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Principles of effective communication

7Cs of effective communication

1. Clarity : The message written or spoken should be clear. The purpose of the
communication should be clear to the one receiving it.

2. Completeness: The information transmitted should be complete. This means the message
should include all the necessary information required by the audience. This further helps
the receiver to decode the message.
3. Conciseness: The information should be precise and to the point. The sender
should convey the message in the shortest way possible. The brief messages are much
easier for the receiver to read and act upon.

4. Concreteness: This means that the information shouldn't have any space for
misunderstanding. All the data and facts should be well scanned before sending.
5. Courtesy: This includes communication that promotes honesty and positivity.
Courteous here means thinking about the feelings and viewpoint of the receiver. The
message should not be harsh and biased. The message should be emphatic and show
respect to the recipient.

6. Correctness - The message should be checked grammatically and spelled

correctly. When communication is correct, it directly hits the audience chords.
7. Consider: The sender must take in stride the receiver's cultural background,
mindset, and knowledge. This enables effective communication. The information
provided should be targeted to the recipient, and the sender must take care of it.
 Think аbоut the 7 Сs every time yоu need tо соmmuniсаte sоmething аnd yоu'll
аlwаys knоw yоu're delivering the сleаrest messаge роssible.

 The better we communicate, the more credibility we have in front of our peers,
bosses, and teachers.
Thank you.

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