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On New Year’s Day there once was an old woman who was cooking some soup.

She asked the cat to watch the soup whilst she went outside. “ I would be glad to” said the cat.
But whilst she was gone the cat ate all the soup!
And the pot too!
When the old woman came back she said “Now where is my soup ?”
“Oh” said the cat “I ate the soup and I ate the pot too and now I am going to eat you!”

And he ate the old woman!

He met Scottyhotentot. “Hello little cat Happy New Year! , but what have you been eating? You are so fat!”

The cat said “ I ate the soup and the pot and the old woman too and now I am going to eat you!”
Next he met Skolinkonlot. “Hello little cat Happy New Year! , but what have you been eating? You are so fat!”

Next he met Skolinkonlot. “Hello little cat Happy New Year! , but what have you been eating? You are so fat!”
The cat said “ I ate the soup and the pot and the old woman and Scottyhotentot too”


He met 5 birds. “Hello little cat Happy New Year! , but what have you been eating? You are so fat!”

The cat said “ I ate the soup and the pot and the old woman
and Scottyhotentot and even Skolinkonlot too ” And now I AM GOING TO EAT YOU!
He danced with 7 girls . “Hello little cat, what have you been eating? You are so fat!”

The cat said “ I ate the soup and the pot and the old woman And now I AM GOING TO EAT YOU!
and Scottyhotentot ,Skolinkonlot and don’t forget the 5 birds in flock too ”
He met a woodcutter “Hello little cat Happy New Year! , but what have you been eating? You are so fat!”

The cat said “ I ate the soup and the pot and the old woman “And now I AM GOING TO EAT YOU!”
and Scottyhotentot ,Skolinkonlot and don’t forget the 5 birds in
flock too and even the 7 seven girls dancing ” “NO!” he shouted and he swung his axe.
And out jumped the old woman with her soup and pot, Scottyhotentot ,Skolinkonlot and don’t
forget the 5 birds in flock too and even the 7 seven girls dancing.
And they all had a Happy New Year. What do you think about this story?

The end

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