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Session Objectives

Define Structure
Create Structure variable
Access structure member using . operator
Array of Structures, passing structure to functions
Nested Structures
Structure are collection of different datatype
grouped together under a single variable name for
convienient handling. 'struct' is a keyword, struct type
is a name which identifies the structure.
syntax : struct <structure name or tagname>
datatype member1;
datatype member2;
struct book
int pages;
char bookname[10];
char author[20];
float price;
J A V A H A U N T E R 467

Book Name Author Name

Individual structure type variables can be declared as

Syntax :
struct structurename variable1, variable2, ..... variable n;

Struct book b1; /* b1 is a structure variable name */

Member variables can be accessed using the dot or period

operator as follows:

Syntax :

Write a Program the create the Account Details using Structure?
struct amount
int ac_no;
char name[10];
int balance;
void main()
struct amount v;
printf("\nEnter the account Details");
scanf("%d%s%d",&v.ac_no,&, &v.balance);
printf("The values are %d%s%d",v.ac_no,, v.balance);
printf("%d",sizeof(struct amount));
Write a program to create student structure
struct stud
int id;
char name[20];
int mark1,mark2,mark3;
int total;
int avg;
void main()
printf("\nEnter the student details");
scanf("%d %s %d %d %d",&,&,
printf("%d %s %d %d %d",,, b.mark1, b.mark2,
Array of structures are defined as a group of data of
different data types stored in a consecutive memory location with
a common variable name.

For Example,
struct employee
int empno;
char empname[20];
char deptname[10];
float salary;
Passing Structures as Arguments
A structure variable can be passed as an argument to
another function

This is a useful facility and it is used to pass groups of

logically related data items together instead of passing
them one by one.
struct record
char *name;
int acct_no;
char acct_type;
float bal;
struct record fun(struct record);
void main(){
struct record c;
printf("\n Enter Details");
scanf("%s%d%c%f",,&c.acct_no, &c.acct_type, &c.bal);
c=fun(c); //calling
printf("\n%s %d %c %f",,c.acct_no,c.acct_type,c.bal);
struct record fun(struct record r)
Passing the structure member as a
parameter to the function printf("\n Enter the Marks");
#include<stdio.h> scanf("%f",&st.marks);
#include<stdlib.h> print_rec(st.roll_no,,st.marks);
typedef struct stud printf("\n Do U Want to store the More
{ record ");
int roll_no; ans=getche();
char name[20]; }while(ans=='y');
float marks; }
student st; void print_rec(int r,char n[],float m)
void print_rec(int,char [],float); {
void main() printf("\n You have Entered Following
{ record");
char ans; printf("\n %d %s %f",r,n,m);
clrscr(); }
printf("\n \t Enter the record");
printf("\n Enter the Roll Number");

printf("\n Enter the Name");

Nested Structure
A structure within another structure is called Nesting of structures.The
declaration of the embedded structure must appear before the declaration
of the outer structure.

Struct date
int month;
int day;
int year;
struct account
int acc_no;
char name[40];
char acc_type;
float balance;
struct date dob;
} customer;
A structure within another
structure */
printf("enter the sname\n");
struct dob {
printf("enter the dob\n");
int date;
scanf("%d%d%d %c",&,
int month;
int year; };
printf("%d\t %s\t %d %d %d \t
struct stud{
%c", s.sno, s.sname,,
int sno;
s.sdob.month, s.sdob.year,;
char sname[10];
struct dob sdob;
char sex; };
void main()
struct stud s;
printf("enter the sno\n");
Session Summary

 The keyword “struct” begins the structure definition followed by the tag(i.e strcture
name) within the braces the structure members are declared

 The structure definition create a new data type that can be used to declare variables.

 A member of structure is always referred and accessed using the member access
operator(.) via the structure variable name

 A structure containing a member that is a pointer to the same structure type is called
as a self referential structure.

 The structure pointer operator () is used when accessing a member of a structure via
a pointer to the structure

1. Define a structure in C that contains the following:

a. An integer quantity called “Won”
b. An integer quantity called “Lost”
c. A floating quantity called “Lost”
d. An array of characters to hold the name
Include the user defined data type record within the definition?

2. Define a structure called student that will describe the following information student
name,class,rollno, subject marks & total. Using student declare an array stu_list
with 30 elements. Write program in C to read the information about all the 30
students and to display the information?

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