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Teacher : José Vallejos

Pupil : Dino Rivas
When I finish studying English and
finish my master's degree, I would like
to do things that I have always wanted
I can't sleep thinking about it last
I will fulfill these dreams and pending
goals in my life
My first goal is can sing my songs and play
in the concert VIVA POR EL ROCK in Lima
Peru next year I am going to do three things
to get ready First, I am going to buy a new
guitar electroacoustic gibson I need a Good
guitar for playing Also, I am going to
rehearse with my band three day of week
for a good performance and a very
exhibition needs a lot of practice..
I couldn`t sleep at night making
rrangements to my songs. we don`t take a
break why we can win. When I am
stressed sleep all the day or making yoga.
Usually i`m full of energy i get a lot of
sleep and go for a run every morning
before rehearsals for the final audition
Finally i am going to quit eating junk
food and start eating more fruit and
vegetables and proteins for strengthen
the vocal cords. I don`t take break fpr
my goals and work and work too hard
for it,
My Second goals is can write my second book.
when my mind are inspiring a idea I write my
poems or novelas. I don`t have time to do
other things and i prefer use the time in write
because it`s my passion and i can`t sleep but i
like it. when i don´t feel weel i take my
inspiration and write. I will show my book in
the house of literature.
In addition to meeting and going to a
concert of the mythical band A-HA of
the 80s, and listening to the famous song
take on me. when i'm bored i always
listen to a-ha's music
My third goal is fly…….
When i was 7 years old, my family moved to in
vacation to norway. In norway was hard
because the winter is hard in each day but there
I could learning to fly with my father. he is an
expert aviator because it`s exciting for him. He
was always watchiing his flight routines. when
i'm bored i visit collique aerodrome and rent

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