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The district of hualmay , is located on the left bank of the river huaura , 150 km from the capital of the

republic and 32 meter on sea level .

Bounded on the north by the River Huaura and Carqun District, on the south by the District of Huacho, on the east by the District of Santa Maria and on the west by the Pacific Ocean .

When the Spanish arrived to this place, first found his people scattered ayllus group. GUALMAY the native community was under the command of a chief and eastern curaca. In 1584 the ayllu GUALMAY was ruled by Mr. GONZALO GUAMAN Payco, principal and chief of the Indian Valley and Huacho Huaura, so informed the Vicer and Francisco de Toledo. According to Enrique Torres Saldamando, indicated in his work, the task of "GUALMAY" (Huacho).

The origin of the word Hualmay, the reason for their existence is derived from the word GUALMAY, dating from the Ayllu Gualmay 1584. It is not known at what period of time changes appearance and becomes grammatical word HUALMAY, eliminating the letter "G" by the letter "H".

The population of Hualmay community shows its mark in community accepts it, when forming the ayllu Gualmay. At the time of the Colony of Independence and of the contemporary inhabitants showed humanity and unity in the happenings of the story as part of the social processes of the Way of Huacho rich province of Huaura .

This happened for the years 1919 Hualmay in the district of the city of Huacho. These days the streets were lined with trees Hualmay flake size, the houses were of adobe, thatch, reed mats or far apart, so that by walking its streets was a little scared only listened moving the trees and the blowing of the wind. There was a house that its border was planted three fig plants, there was a garden with various fruit plantations and in the middle of the garden plant with orange and it was a huge boulder, one of those sticks that they used the old ones to grind corn, chili and more. It happened almost every night, around midnight, we heard the screams of a woman as if she were crying, screaming that gave terror,

Located in the mounds located in different par district Hualmay, very close to Huacho. The complex comprises a series of its of the district. Importantly, of these, 16 were placed in Huacas value to be declared in 1985 Cultural Patrimony of the Nation by the National Cultural Institute Inc.. It is believed that these traces correspond to the first company formed and as a civilization and built in the Late Intermediate Period (1000-1532), transition period before the conquest. And that probably was inhabited until the arrival of the Republic.

The pachamanca is a feast of flavors and colors it brings together diverse ingredients like chicken, lamb, pork is the case with this recipe but can be replaced by other meats.

2 kg of pork 4 corns 1 kg chicken cut into pieces 2 kg. Medium white potatoes 1 kg of beans 2 kg of sweet potatoes 1 cup liquid huacatay macker 2 tsp oregano

100 g. red chili 1 head of garlic 2 cups pickled 1 / 2 liter of oil 1 / 2 cup yellow pepper ground Salt, pepper and cumin to taste

The night before, pickled meats with all condiments, chili, garlic, oil, vinegar, yellow pepper, salt, cumin and pepper to taste. Besides, in a large pot placed first bucking pork, potatoes and sweet potatoes scrubbed, the chicken also bucking up, then place the corn is cut enteries and finally the beans. If desired, add up all this a large piece of cheese and to finish, add liquid huacatay or mackerel, and the dressing was left of the crimson and oregano. Then cover with husks of corn thoroughly washed Let cook for an hour on low heat (do not let off steam). and cover the pot.

With the aim of promoting tourism development in the province of Hualmay, the municipal authorities, will conduct the Second Regional integration This event also will feature dishes, traditional games, local craft shows, folkloric expressions of art from the coast participate provincial Resident Association, Association of Artists, Composers and Cultures Peru.

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