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How to Overcome Your fear of the

By Nathan Furr and Susannah Harmon Furr

Presented by Raporters
Sushma Shrestha Aakash Tandon
Birju Malla Thakuri
Fear of unknown.

1. Intense fear of uncertain or unknown situations.

2. Caused due to a perceived lack of information about a situation.

3. Those with this fear may experience significant distress or anxiety.

Connection between Human mind and fear of unknown.

1. Wired to fear the unknown.

2. Fears moving out of our comfort zone.

3. Uncertainty at macro level (Global economic, health or geopolitical crisis)or at micro

level (Will I get that Job? Am I on right career path?) can be nerve racking.

4. This feelings leads people to miss a crucial fact: Uncertainty and possibility are
two sides of the same coin.
Is there any way to tackle this and move ahead ?
Four principles

1. Reframe your situations.

2. Prime yourself for new risks.

3. Do something.

4. Sustain yourself.
Reframe your situation.

● Shift in mindsets.

● Play ‘infinite game’. Stop seeing the rules, boundaries, and purpose of the ‘game’
you’re playing.

● Face uncertainty with courage.

● You do not fail, you learn.

Prime yourself for new risks.

1. Set solid habit.

Sticking to one such habit reduces uncertainty in one part of you life and provides

2. By reducing uncertainty in one part of your life, they prime you to tolerate more of it
in other parts.

3. Knowing which risks you tolerate well.

4. Increase risk tolerance by taking smaller risk.

Do something

1. Taking action is one of the most important parts of facing uncertainty.

2. Most successful breakthroughs are produced by a series of small steps.

3. Focus on values rather than on goals.

Sustain yourself.

1. Get resilient at handling the frustration that comes with it.

2. Do emotional hygiene and reality check.

3. Look situation with different lenses.

Learning lens, Gratitude lens, Time lens and Challenges lens.

4. Focus on what really matters.

5. Keep hope alive.

Thank you !

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