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Defining Abnormal Behavior and Mental Disorder

Classifying Abnormal Behavior and Mental Disorder

Assessing Abnormal Behavior and Mental Disorder

Culture and Clinical Assessment

Studying Abnormal Behavior and Mental Disorder

Dimensional Approach




Less More
Normal Mild Moderate
Severe Severe

Classifying Assessing Studying

Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
Classifying Assessing Studying
Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
• Enhanced communication

• Improved definition and understanding

• Coordinated research

• Determining treatment

Classifying Assessing Studying

Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
Types of Reliability for Psychological Tests and Structured Interviews

Type of Reliability Definition

Test-retest reliability Consistency of test scores or diagnoses across some period of time

Interrater reliability Agreement between two or more raters or judges about level of a trait

or presence/absence of a feature or diagnosis

Internal consistency Relationship among test items that measure the same variable


Classifying Assessing Studying

Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
Common Types of Validity

Type of Validity Definition

Content validity How well test or interview items adequately measure various aspects of

a variable, construct, or diagnosis

Predictive validity How well test scores or diagnoses predict and correlate with behavior

or test scores that are observed or obtained at some future point

Concurrent validity How well test scores or diagnoses correlate with a related but independent

set of test scores or behaviors

Construct validity How well test scores or diagnoses correlate with other measures or

behaviors in a logical and theoretically consistent way

Classifying Assessing Studying

Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
Classifying Assessing Studying
Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
Can you find what’s
missing in this picture?

Simulated items similar to those found in the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV). Copyright © 2008 NCS
Pearson,Inc. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. “Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale” and “WAIS” are trademarks, in the
United States and/or other countries, of Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates.

Classifying Assessing Studying

Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
The MMPI-2

Classifying Assessing Studying

Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
Rorschach Test Thematic Apperception Test

Classifying Assessing Studying

Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
Classifying Assessing Studying
Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
Classifying Assessing Studying
Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
Adapted from M.D. Lezak, D.B. Howieson, E.D., Bigler, D. Tranel. (2012).
Neuropsychological Assessment (5th ed.), New York: Oxford University

Classifying Assessing Studying

Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
Classifying Assessing Studying
Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
DSM-V Cultural Formulation

Cultural identity of the client

Note the client’s ethnic or cultural reference groups as well as language abilities and preferences

Cultural ideas of distress

Note how the identified cultural group might explain the present symptoms and how these symptoms

compare with those experienced by those in the cultural reference group.

Cultural factors related to the social environment
Note how the cultural reference group might interpret the social stresses, as well as availability of

social supports and other resources that may aid treatment.

Cultural influences on the relationship between

the client and the mental health professional

Indicate differences in cultural and social status between the client and mental health professional

that might cultural assessment
influence diagnosis and treatment.

Summarize how cultural factors and considerations are likely to influence the assessment and From APA, 2013

treatment of the client

Classifying Assessing Studying

Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
Research Report
Hypothesis Plan Analysis Findings

Classifying Assessing Studying

Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
Absence of Pain = Dependent Variable

Experimental Control
Group Group


Classifying Assessing Studying

Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
r = +1.00 r = -0.49 r = 0.00
Perfect Moderate Unrelated
Test Y

Test X

Classifying Assessing Studying

Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
Classifying Assessing Studying
Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
• Natural Experiment
• Analogue Experiment
• Single-Subject Experiment

Classifying Assessing Studying

Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
• Longitudinal studies
• Cross-sectional studies
• Sequential design

Classifying Assessing Studying

Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder
Classifying Assessing Studying
Defining Abnormal Culture
Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
Behavior and and Clinical
Behavior and Behavior and Behavior and
Mental Disorder Assessment
Mental Disorder Mental Disorder Mental Disorder

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