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Case study

Effects of changing urban
environment and use of
modern practices in



SHALINI.L.K [21D088]

NALINI.S [21D062]

:Emerging health risks associated with
modern agriculture practices
● The agricultural productivity has got more momentum with the
modernized agro techniques, but these technologies have not been
properly and judiciously adopted throughout the nation by taking the
overall agro-environmental conditions.

● This is because of the low level of awareness amongst the farmers

regarding the proper use of such modern techniques and its
environmental effects. The study of awareness and attitudes
amongst the farmers regarding the environmental problems and
harmful effect of some modern techniques may prove as better
inputs for sustainable agricultural development planning.

Let’s reduce the use and hence its impact!!


Urbanization Is a threat to Farming…

● Urbanization leads to a continuous loss of
agricultural land, both directly under the form of
land take, and indirectly through the use of
agricultural land for non-productive rural activities
like recreation, horse keeping or hobby farming.
These urbanization processes put pressure on
farmers, making farming activities harder through
reduced agricultural land, negative externalities and
the competition for land. 

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