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Hi Broo!
Meeting 5
Basic 2
 Reading is a tool of communication in written
language through the texts form.

 It is the most efficient way to gain

information about many aspects of life,
including science and technology.

 By reading, people can absorb many

4 Ways to Improve Reading Skills

 1.  Start with a subscription to the daily

newspaper and a news magazine.

 2. Use technology to entice reluctant readers.

 3. For every interest, there’s plenty to read.

 4. Read together
7 Reasons why Should Pick Up A Reading Habit

 1. Reading enhances vocabulary

 2. Reading gives the opportunity to learn

about new things

 3. Reading improves grammar
 4. Reading improves conversational skills
 5. Reading stimulates the mind
 6. Reading improves concentration
 7. Reading is a good stress-reliever
How to Develop Reading Habit?

 1. A reading hour every day

 2. Set goals
 3. Read a variety of books
 4. Carry a book everywhere
 5. Make reading a pleasurable activity
Meeting My Idol


 Afgan has always been my favorite singer. I had always been thinking of how I would feel when I met him. Then I was
suddenly hit by lightning when I found out Afgan was coming to town for a concert in a local auditorium. A day
before the concert, there would be a meet and-greet event at a local radio station. Feeling excited, I packed all my
Afgan’s CDs to get his signature at the event.

          On that bright and sunny Saturday morning, the radio station was full of Afganism (that’s how Afgan’s fans are
called). They sat on the chairs prepared inside the radio station’s lobby. Some stood in rows in the front yard of the
radio station. A spot inside a lobby was prepared with a mini stage for Afgan’s singing performance and a table for
Afgan to sign Afganism’s memorabilia. Finally, after about 40 or 50 minutes wait, Afgan showed up from inside the
radio station. He smiled and waved to all Afganism who had been waiting excitedly saying, “Good morning. How are
you all?” The crowd went crazy. The shouts sounded like a mix of “Fine, thank you” and screams of Afgan’s name.

          Then, he started the event by singing his hit single “Dia dia dia”. Afganism went even crazier; they sang along
with him throughout the song. Of course, I did too. I couldn’t take my eyes off this amazing singer who had released
three albums. When he was finished with the song, the host announced that it was time for autographing the
memorabilia. I prepared my CDs and began to stand in the line. When I arrived at the table, I was speechless. It was
unreal just seeing him that close. I thought it was really cool seeing him like that because he really just felt like a
normal person, which was awesome. He asked my name so that he could write it on the CD to say “To Mia, Love
Afgan”. He was also very friendly, so I didn’t feel too nervous when I had a chance to take pictures with him. He was
just an amazing person. That was one of the best days in my personal life history.
Exercises 1
Name :

 Questions based on the text “Meeting My Idol”

1. How did the writer feel when she knew that Afgan was coming to town?

2. Did the writer want to see the concert?

3. When and where was the meet-and-greet event?

4. What is Afganism?

5. How did the fans wait for Afgan?

6. How did the fans react when Afgan sang his hit single?

7. How did the writer feel when she finally got the turn to get Afgan’s signature?

8. Why do you think people like Afgan?  

Reading Text 2

What Is Ramadan? What Is Eid?

 Ramadan is the holiest time of the year in the Islamic religion. It is observed by more
than one billion Muslims around the world.Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic
lunar calendar. It begins when there is a new moon. The lunar calendar is not the
same as the solar calendar in everyday use, so Ramadan does not begin on the same
day every year. It oftens begins on a day in April or early May.
 During the month of Ramadan, Muslims do not eat or drink during daylight hours.
The purpose of fasting is to teach self control, to be reminded of people who suffer,
and to concentrate completely on being a good person.Children, pregnant women,
and people who are sick are not expected to fast during Ramadan. People normally
start fasting when they are teenagers.
 In addition to fasting during Ramadan, many Muslims try to do good deeds and to
give up bad habits. They also try to strengthen their religious beliefs by going to
mosques and studying the Koran. During Ramadan people have 2 meals each day.
One meal, called "suhoor", happens before the sun rises. The other meal, called the
"iftar", is after sunset. The iftar often begins with eating dates. Traditionally, dates are
known as the food Muhammad ate when he broke his fast. 
 A big 3-day celebration called Eid ul Fitr (Breaking of the Fast) happens immediately
after Ramadan. Muslims celebrate the end of fasting, and, through prayers, give
thanks. Eid (pronounced "eed") is also a time of giving to others. People give to
charity, give gifts to others, and spend time with family and friends.
Exercises 2
Name :

 Questions
1. based on the text “ What is Ramadan? What
is Eid?”
2. What is Ramadan in your Opinion ?
3. What does people do during Ramadan?
4. What is “Suhoor”?
5. What does people do when Ied “eed” day?
6. what is definition of “Iftar”?

No name. (2003). Really Learn 100 Phrasal Verbs. Oxford University Press
Oxford, L. Rebecca. Language Learning Strategies: What every teacher should know.
Alabama: Heinle & Heinle Publishers
Piper, Terry. (2001). And then there were two: children and second language learning.
Toronto: Pippin Publishing
Read, John. (2000). Assessing Reading. UK: Cambridge University Press
Richards, I. A. and Christine M. Gibson. English through Pictures, Book 1, 2. New York: Washington square
English Book for Senior High School.(2011) : 10th grade for senior high school. Jakarta : Erlangga
Harmer, J. (2003a). How to teach English. London: Longman.
Harmer, J. (2003b). The Practice of English Language Teaching, 3rd Edition. London: Longman.
Hijril Ismail (2017). Improving the Students’ Reading Skill through Translation : journal of English education

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