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Advanced ALP

• INT 21h is provided by DOS

• WhenMS-DOS is loaded in to the computer , INT 21H can be used to
perform some extremely useful functions
• These functiosn are calledas DOS INT 21h function calls
• To display a string of data
• MOV AH,09h
• Int 21h
• Inputting a single character with echo
• MOV AH,01;
• INT 21H
• Function call 01: Read the Key Board
 Input Parameter Ah=01 Read a character from keyboard
 Echo it on CRO screen and Return the ASCII code of the key
 Pressed in AI output parameter AI= ASCII code of character
• Function call 02h: Display on CRT Screen
 Input Parameter Ah=02
 DI – ASCII character to be displayed on CRT Screen
• Function call 03h:Read Character from Com1
Input Parameter Ah=03
Read Data from Com1
 Output Parameter AI – ASCII code of character
• Function call 04: Write Character To Com1
 Input Parameter Ah=04
Writes Data to Com port
DI= ASCII code of character to be transmitted
• Function call 05h:Write to LPT1
 Input Parameter Ah=05h
Print the character available in DI on printer attached to Lpt1
 DI – ASCII character of character to be printed
• Function call 09h :Display a character string
Input Parameter Ah=09, ds :dx= Address of the character string
 Displays the characters available in the string to CRT till A $
Function call 0ah :Buffered Key board Input
Input Parameter Ah=0a,
ds :dx= Address of the keyboard input buffer
INT 10 H subroutines are burned in to the ROM BIOS of the 8086 based
and compatibles and are used to communicate with the computer user
screen video
Most of the manipulation is done with INT 10h
Egs: Changing the color of characters or background
Clearing Screen, Changing cursor location etc
1. Clearing the screen
MOV BH,07;Normal attribute
MOV CX,000: Start at 00,00
MOV DX,184FH; end at 18,4F
INT 10h; invoke the interrupt

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