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Rule 1 - Different from/ different than & Wordiness/Redundancy

Different from = right

Different than = wrong

Incorrect: Scholars believe that lowland Mayan rituals were different than those of
other ancient peoples because lowland Mayan culture developed in relative isolation.

Correct: Scholars believe that lowland Mayan rituals were different from those of
other ancient peoples because lowland Mayan culture developed in relative isolation.
The matter was referred back to the expert committee since the solution to the
problem was different from the one proposed earlier.

A. referred back to the expert committee since the solution to the problem was
different from the one proposed earlier

B. referred to the expert committee since the solution to the problem was different
from the one proposed earlier

C. referred back to the expert committee since the solution to the problem was
different than the one proposed earlier

D. referred to committee since the solution to the problem was different than the one
proposed earlier

E. referred back to the committee since the solution for problem was different than
one proposed earlier
B. referred to the expert committee since the solution to the problem was different
from the one proposed earlier


Repeat again
Referred back
Respond back……….. Re words means doing again…. So extra words unnecessary
Wordiness exercise

1. Allison took me to a party that was a very fun time.

2. Our physics teacher is famous for distributing papers to students while at the

same time chewing his gum quite loudly. No error

3. Certain colors are associated with certain emotions in our minds, and

while certain smells are associated with certain memories. No error

4. Our Algebra homework this week was definitely without a

doubt the most challenging assignment yet, so it was gratifying to get a
perfect score on it. No error

5. Jonah was really thirsty during the day, but however he didn't have enough

money to buy a bottle of water from the vending machine. No error. 

1. Allison took me to a very fun filled party.

2. At the same time. “At the same time” means the same thing as “while.” Therefore,
it is redundant, and doesn't need to be included in the sentence.
3. And while…. Should be only while
4. Without a doubt
5. however
Rule 2- Who / Whom

She is the only person in the town who /whom stood up against injustice.

The winner of the Man Booker prize was not the author who/whom I expected.

Trick- pick up the words following who or whom and deal with it as a jumbled phrase.
Try to fit in he or him. If he fits, use who, if him fits, use whom.

Stood up against justice- Try to fit in either he or him in between, before or after this
phrase- he or him

If he fits, use who.

If him fits, use whom- both have ‘m’
She is the only person in the town who stood up against injustice.

I expected- he or him? Him.

The winner of the Man Booker prize was not the author whom I expected.

1. Research has shown that women whom/who get pregnant when teenagers earn

substantially less money over their lifetime than those for whom pregnancy does not
occur until much later.

2. To whom/who did you speak about extending the deadline?

3. Robert, who/whom we all knew and loved, passed away this morning.

4. Robert, who/whom was popular and well-loved, passed away this morning.


1. Research has shown that women who get pregnant when teenagers earn substantially
less money over their lifetime than those for whom pregnancy does not occur until
much later.

2. To whom did you speak about extending the deadline?

3. Robert, whom we all knew and loved, passed away this morning.

4. Robert, who was popular and well-loved, passed away this morning.

Rule 3- Amount vs. Number

Correct: Filled with office buildings dating back to the early 1900s, Los Angeles is also
home to a vast amount of industrial space built from the turn of the twentieth century to
the 1980s.

Because space is singular, amount should be used.

Correct: Filled with office buildings dating back to the early 1900s, Los Angeles is also
home to a vast number of industrial warehouses built from the turn of the twentieth
century to the 1980s.
1. Raj feels proud about the _______ of pencils in his collection.

2. Karanjeet wondered the _______ of speeding tickets she could get before she went
to jail.

3. Sameera was alarmed at the _______ of violence in her neighborhood.

4. Lokesh wants to know the _______ of marbles he can fit in his mouth.

5. Tarun walked out of class to protest the _______ of preference given to athletes.

6. Lara underestimated the _______ of work it takes to be a marine biologist.


1. number 2. number 3. amount 4. number 5. amount 6. amount

Rule 4 of A number/ The number

Here is another related rule you need to know:

“A number” is always plural. It replaces many.

“The number” is always singular.

For example,
A number of the players ARE still injured from the last game.

The number of players accused of taking steroids IS increasing weekly.”

Rule 5- Between/ Among, More/Most, Better/Best

Between = two things

Among = three or more things
More- between 2
Most- among 3

Correct: Carl Sagan attributed his sense of justice to his father, who helped sooth
tensions between workers and managers in New York’s turbulent garment industry.

Correct: Carl Sagan attributed his sense of justice to his father, who helped sooth
tensions among workers, managers, and union leaders in New York’s turbulent
garment industry.
Of the two candidates for this government position, Joann Harald is the most qualified
because of her experience in the field.

(A) most qualified because of

(B) most qualified due to

(C) more qualified due to

(D) more qualified because of

(E) most qualified as a result of


Of the two candidates for this government position, Joann Harald is the more qualified
because of her experience in the field.

Rule 1- comparison between 2

Rule 2- Of the two candidates for this government position, Joann Harald is the more
qualified. – complete sentence. So because of not due 2
Rule 6 of neither….nor, either… or, not only….. but also= verb is decided by the
subject closest to it.

Neither the earthquakes or the subsequent fire was able to destroy the spirit of the
city dwellers.

a. or the subsequent fire was

b. nor the subsequent fire were

c. or the subsequent fire were

d. nor the subsequent fire was

e. or the fire that happened subsequently were


Neither the earthquakes nor the subsequent fire was able to destroy the spirit of the
city dwellers.

Neither the subsequent fire nor the earthquakes were able to destroy the spirit of the
city dwellers.
Correct the following-
1. Neither Uma nor her kids likes eggs.

2. Neither the kids nor Uma likes eggs.

3. Either the table or the chair need to be fixed

4. Either the judge or I are going to conduct the session.

5. Not only the players but also the audience are demanding for a break.

Rule - In either… or, neither… nor, not only… but also, the subject closer to the verb
decides its form… singular or plural.
Correct answers-

1. Neither Uma nor her kids like eggs.

2. Neither the kids nor Uma likes eggs.

3. Either the table or the chair needs to be fixed.

4. Either the judge or I am going to conduct the session.

5. Not only the players but also the audience is demanding for a break.
Rule 7 of Parallelism– either A or B- A and B have to be parallel.
Choose the 2 tasks or verbs first.

Either you transfer the data that was demanded or file a report explaining why you did
not submit the overall annual figures

(A) Either you transfer the data that was demanded

(B) You either transfer the data, which was demanded

(C) You either transfer the data that were demanded

(D) Either you transfer the data, which was demanded

(E) Either you transfer the data, which were demanded


You either transfer the data that were demanded or file a report explaining why you
did not submit the overall annual figures.

1. Data is plural. Datum is singular, Stimulus is singular, stimuli is plural.

2. verbs- transfer and file have to be parallel and next to either and or

3. You is the common subject for both. So common words have to be addressed

You (either transfer the data that were demanded or file a report explaining why you
did not submit the overall annual figures).

1. Eating sandwiches and to drink milk are my favourite lunchtime mainstays.

2. Respond to the question quickly and with thoroughness.

3. I employed a maid who sweeps the floor, cleans the garden and she also does
the washing of the vessels.

4. To swim is not as easy as dancing.

5. The purpose of the meeting is to introduce new members and raising funds.

1. Eating sandwiches and drinking milk are my favourite lunchtime mainstays.

2. Respond to the question quickly and with thoroughly.

3. I employed a maid who sweeps the floor, cleans the garden and washes the

4. Swimming is not as easy as dancing.

5. The purpose of the meeting is to introduce new members and to raise funds.
Rule 8 - Parallelism in comparisons- Both parameters of comparison have to be
in same form.

In this particular job we have discovered that to be diligent is more important than
being bright.
(1) by being diligent is important than being bright.

(2) being diligent is more important than being bright.

(3) diligence is more important than brightness.

(4)for one to be diligent is more important than being bright.

Correct answer

(3) diligence is more important than brightness.

being diligent is more important than being bright is also right but too long . So
choosing the shorter option.

1. redundancy.
2. parallelism
Rule 9- Logical comparisons

In some cases, the comparison is subtle and must be given proper attention.

Ex- The climate of Delhi is better than Mumbai. (Incorrect)

The climate of Delhi is better than the climate of Mumbai. (Correct) Or The
climate of Ranchi is better than that of Gaya. (Correct)
The products of Reliance are better than those of Suzuki.
The scenery of Kashmir is better than Shimla. (Incorrect)
The scenery of Kashmir is better than that of Shimla. (Correct)
My sister is better than everybody else in solving passages. Correct
My sister is better than everybody in solving passages. Incorrect
This computer is better than any computer. Incorrect
This computer is better than any other computer. Correct.
Logical comparisons exercise-

1. A cheetah is faster than any land mammal.

2. People who experience less health problems are more likely to

be happier and less depressed than their unhealthy counterparts. No error

3. Even though Joe, Pat and Lisa are all neighbors, Joe lives in a house that
is further from Lisa's than it is from Pat's. No error

4. Between Portia and Franklin, the majority of observers would

zealously agree that Franklin is the most intelligent. No error

5. At first the little boy couldn't choose between the white puppy and the brown

puppy, but he eventually chose the brown puppy because it was the cutest of
the two. No error
6. While Scott enjoys spending time with his brother and sister, he likes his
brother best because they have more in common. No error

7. The oldest of the triplets is the activest one, perhaps because he intuitively

knows that he is the big brother who needs to take care of the other two. No error

8. Among the major newspapers in Los Angeles, the more popular is The Los

Angeles Times, outselling the four other large publications in the area. No error

9. While I enjoy both swimming and running, I am best at swimming, as I

naturally have more upper body strength and feel very natural in the water. No

10. The environmentalist isn't sure which is worst for the environment between

styrofoam and plastic. No error
1. Correct: A cheetah is faster than any other land mammal. 
2. less  "People who experience fewer health problems.“
3. Further… right is farther
4. Most…. Should be more
5. Cutest…. Should be cuter
6. Best….. Should be better
7. Activest is no word
8. More …… should be most
9. Best…… should be better
10. Worst….. Should be worse
Rule 10. Pronoun Agreement

1.If someone sees a crime, __________ should report it to the police.

1.he or she
2.Neither of the boys has done __________ homework.
3.his or her
3.Each of the employees works hard in __________ job.
4.his or her
4.Several of the MPs have voted how ____________ want.
4.he or she
5.Anybody who wants to come is welcome, but ________ must sign in
2.he or she
3.him or her
6.Some of the children held _________ mothers’ hand.
1.his or her
7.Some of the roof has lost _________ tiles.
4.his or her
8.Both of the women agreed _________ food was not good.
9.None of the drivers have passed _________ driving test.
4.his or her
10.One of my uncles has changed _________ address.
3.his or her
1. 3
2. 2
3. 1
4. 3
5. 2
6. 3
7. 2
8. 1
9. 3

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