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3 GEC 003 TUESDAY 6:00 – 9:00 PM


3 GEC 004 1:00 – 4:00 PM

10:00 – 12: 00


2 GEC 001 10:00 – 1:00 PM



3 PSM 121 SUNDAY 1:00 – 4: 00 PM

3 NSTP 112 NSTP – CWTS 2 SUNDAY 4:00 – 7:00


POLITICS 2. Power: the main source of
reign of the
Politics is a process by which government .The
individual interest is reconciled possession to govern or
with collective action and the rule the state.
provision of a public good.
denotes a social activity is the 3. Justice: the process of
creation, maintenance and legalizing and penalizing
amendment of social norms or the abuse of political power
rules. Is an art and science of the and power to rule.
government. Is the realm of
public affairs or the state. “If the government gives what
people need, protect and respect
Basic concepts of Politics their rights, and put the common
1. Order: is the central to the good over and above the personal
study of politics because it interest of the leaders then there
shows different is said to be justice.”
components of human
society. Structures of order; Two Approaches to the study of
a. Community – Politics
is one kind of
social order a. Political Philosophy - It is
which refers to the traditional approach in
the association which the primary goal is
of individual to understand the essence
who shares a or the truth about politics.
common b. Political Science - It is the
identity. empirical/ objective
b. Government – approach in which it places
is a higher level little emphasis on abstract
of social order and normative question,
that exist and concentrates on a
primarily for dispassionate and objective
the of the realities of politics.
perpetuation of
the community.
c. State - is the
largest social
order today and
in which the
term politics
Science of Politics: Notes:
a. It is the basic knowledge
and understanding of the Development of Political
state and the principles and Science:
ideals which underlie its
organization and activities  Aristotle: wrote “Politics”,
b. It is primarily concerned the first systematic work on
with the association of political affairs. Father of
human beings into ‘body Political Science
politic’ or in a political  Niccolo Machiavelli: wrote
community “The Prince”, a handbook
c. It deals with those relations for rulers in the art of
among men and groups government. Father of
which are subject to control Modern Political Science
by the state with the  Prof. Francis Lieber: wrote
relations of men and groups “Manual of Political Ethics”;
to the state itself and the the first systematic treatise in
relations of the state to political science.
other state
Scope Of Political Science
 Political Theory is the entire
POLITICS body of the doctrines relating
GOVERNANCE to the form, behavior and
purposes of the state are
dealt with in this study
 Public Law
a. Organization of
PEOPLE governments
b. Limitations
CONSTITUTION c. Powers and
Duty of
Interpretation of the Diagram: government
People as the focal of all areas of offices and
politics, government and officers
constitution because it is the
human individual who is the
revolving actor of the state, it is
to people why there is an existent
laws. the right is vested to and it
simply denotes that the he/she is
the main actor.
GOVERNANCE b. Actors and Structures - An
actor is a sector or group or
Governance is the exercise of institution that participates
power or authority by political in the process of decision-
leader for the well being at their making and
country’s citizens or subject. implementation. A structure
Refers to the manner of steering refers to an organization or
or governing and or directing and mechanism that formally or
controlling a group of people/ the informally guides the
state. decision-making process
and sets into motion the
Importance: Governance, the different actors and
people, most especially the apparatuses in the
citizens, will be aware of the implementation process.
need for good governance. c. Informal Actors and Bad
Consequently, such awareness Governance - Their
should move them to action. For influence is felt more
their continued empowerment clearly in local
and sustainable development, governments, such as
they have to know how to fight organized crime syndicates
for their rights by knowing what and powerful families, and
to expect from Philippine in rural and urban areas.
governance. Most often than not, these
actors are the cause of
Processes and Actors in corruption, in that
Governance: legitimate government
a. Decision-Making and objectives are distorted by
Implementation: decision- their illegal and private
making refers the process interests. Worse, they
by which a person or group manipulate government
of persons, guided by officials and agencies, and
socio-political structures, cause widespread yet
arrive at a decision organized violence in the
involving their individual community. In urban and
and communal needs and rural areas, for example,
wants. Implementation is the rich and powerful
the process that logically families control the
follows the decision. economy by controlling the
local government officials.
They bring about a
controlled environment so
that decisions must always
favor them
Indicators Good Governance Generally, the reasons for
a. Participation - active ranking last are “lack of respect
involvement of all affected for law,” “pervasive and systemic
and interested parties in the corruption in the government,”
decision-making process. and “circumvention of the law.”
Participation is one of the Lack of respect for law is
strengths of Philippine generally caused by distrust on
governance. The 1987 the integrity of law enforcement
Philippine Constitution is agencies. Order and security are
replete of provisions compromised and criminal justice
dealing with relational and is rendered ineffectual.
inter-sectoral governance.
The Local Government Act c. Effectiveness and
of 1989 was borne out of Efficiency - actors meet the
the need for needs of the society means
decentralization in that there is effective
Philippine governance. As governance. That the
such, these and other valuable resources are
related legislations may be utilized, without wasting or
considered as normative underutilizing any of them,
standards for good means that there is efficient
governance. governance. - enhancement
and standardization of the
b. Rule of Law - Democracy quality of public service
is essentially the rule of delivery consistent with
law. Rule of law demands international standards,
that the people and the civil professionalization of
society render habitual bureaucracy. Efforts were
obedience to the law. It also made to attain effectiveness
demands that the and efficiency in Philippine
government acts within the governance. The Anti-Red
limits of the powers and Tape Act of 2007 (ARTA),
functions prescribed by the for instance, was passed to
law. The Philippines does require the setting up of
not fare well in this aspect Citizen’s Charter for a
of good governance. In simplified procedure and to
spite of being one of the facilitate governmental
oldest democracies in the transactions. Also, many
region, the Philippines government departments
ranked as last among seven and agencies pursued a
indexed Asian countries rationalization program to
according to the World check excessive and
Justice Project Rule of Law redundant staffing.
d. Transparency - e. Responsiveness - means
Transparency, as an that institutions and
indicator of good processes serve all
governance, means that stakeholders in a timely
people are open to and appropriate manner. It
information regarding also means that actors and
decision-making process structures of governance
and the implementation of easily give genuine
the same. In legal terms, it expression to the will or
means that information on desire of the people. Some
matters of public concern of the important efforts
are made available to the made to attain responsive
citizens or those who will governance in the
be directly affected. - It Philippines are
also means that transactions decentralization, creation
involving public interests of citizen’s charter in all
must be fully disclosed and frontline agencies (as
made accessible to the required by ARTA), and
people. Efforts were made gender sensitivity
in pursuit of transparency programs. First, through
in Philippine governance. decentralization, local
As far as the government governments, which are
sector is concerned, the more proximate to their
current administration, constituents, serve more
consistent with its drive of promptly the people, who
curbing corruption, in turn become more
promotes honesty and involved in decision-
integrity in public service. making. Second, every
It is currently pursuing the government agency now
passage of the Freedom of has it Citizen’s Charter,
Information Bill and other which provides timeframes
related legislations, as well for every step in attaining
as intensifying people’s frontline services. Agencies
engagement in local now must also respond to
governance. Transparency written queries sent by the
in budget and stakeholders or interested
disbursements are, parties within a period of
however, still far from ten days, otherwise there
being substantially will be delayed service.
However, this aspect of Gender and Development
governance still remains to be programs are in the process of
one of the causes for the decline being integrated with the various
of public’s confidence in the structures and institutions in the
public sector. Although the ARTA country. But legislation is one
has been passed, there is still so thing; implementation is another.
much delay in public service It is in the faithful
delivery. The failure of the implementation of these laws that
government agencies to explain the country failed. Inequality is
the charters to the stakeholders is especially felt in the justice
one of the main reasons why system, electoral system, and
there is still delay. even in the bureaucracy itself.

f. Equity and Inclusiveness - g. Consensus Oriented -

Equity and inclusiveness Governance is consensus
means that all the members oriented when decisions are
of the society, especially made after taking into
the most vulnerable ones or consideration the different
the grassroots level, must viewpoints of the actors of
be taken into consideration the society. Among the
in policy-making. - Social things done by the
equity refers to a kind of Philippines in promoting a
justice that gives more consensus oriented
opportunity to the less governance are:
fortunate members of the 1. creation of a
society. The Philippine wide-based of
Government has done representation
extensive efforts in in the
promoting equity and Congress;
inclusiveness. The 2. a two-tiered
Constitution makes it as legislature or
one of its state policies the bicameralism
promotion of social justice. which subjects
legislation to
Pursuant to this, the Congress has the evaluation
enacted social legislations like of national and
the Comprehensive Agrarian district
Reform Law which aims at legislators; and
freeing the farmer tenants from 3. necessity of
the bondage of the soil. Also, public hearings
representation in the Congress, or consultations
under the party list system, is of various
constitutionally mandated to have governmental
sectoral representation of the policies and
underprivileged. actions.
h. Accountability - The Office of the Ombudsman,
Accountability means considered as the public
answerability or watchdog, has become ever so
responsibility for one’s active in investigating and
action. It is based on the prosecuting graft and plunders
principle that every person cases. Citizen’s Charter, as
or group is responsible for required by ARTA, was also an
their actions most important tool in promoting
especially when their acts professional public service
affect public interest. - values. In this area, Philippine
Accountability comes in governance has done relatively
various forms: political, well.
hierarchical, and
managerial accountability. Current State Governance
Political accountability Philippines: The Philippines is
refers to the accountability plagued by bad governance.
of public officials to the Based on the six dimensions of
people they represent. governance in the Worldwide
Hierarchical accountability Governance Indicators (WGI), it
refers to the ordered ranks in the lower half of the
accountability of the percentile. In 2010-2011, the
various agencies and their Philippines ranked only 85th in
respective officers and the Global Competitive Index
personnel in relation to (GCI), lagging behind most of its
their program objectives. Southeast Asian neighbors. The
Managerial accountability decline of trust on the actors of
refers to employee governance and the consequential
accountability based on poor economic condition were
organization and individual brought about by the systemic
performance. corruption among and between
public officials and private
The Philippines in the recent organizations. In 2013, it ranked
years had endeavored to comply 94th among 177 countries in the
with the requirements of Corruption Perception Index.
accountability. It had put in Among the key institutions in the
action the concept of political Philippines perceived to be most
accountability as it held corrupt based on the Global
answerable erring public officials Corruption Index are “political
involved in graft and corruption parties,” “judiciary,” “police,”
and for acts contrary to the “public officials and civil
mandate of the constitution. It servants,” and “legislature.” This
had also strengthened means all branches of the
parliamentary scrutiny through Philippine government are now
legislative investigations and challenged.
creation of special committees
exercising oversight functions.
EVOLUTION OF THE he 1934 Constitutional
PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION Convention finished its work on
February 8, 1935. The
The Philippines has had a total of Constitution was submitted to the
six constitutions since the President of the United States for
Proclamation of Independence on certification on March 25, 1935.
June 12, 1898. In 1899, the It was in accordance with the
Malolos Constitution, the first Philippine Independence Act of
Philippine Constitution—the first 1934. The 1935 Constitution was
republican constitution in Asia— ratified by the Filipino people
was drafted and adopted by the through a national plebiscite, on
First Philippine Republic, which May 14, 1935 and came into full
lasted from 1899 to 1901. force and effect on November 15,
1935 with the inauguration of the
During the American Occupation, Commonwealth of the
the Philippines was governed by Philippines. Among its provisions
the laws of the United States of was that it would remain the
America. Organic Acts were constitution of the Republic of
passed by the United States the Philippines once
Congress for the administration independence was granted on
of the Government of the July 4, 1946.
Philippine Islands. The first was
the Philippine Organic Act of In 1940, the 1935 Constitution
1902, which provided for a was amended by the National
Philippine Assembly composed Assembly of the Philippines. The
of Filipino citizens. The second legislature was changed from a
was the Philippine Autonomy Act unicameral assembly to a
of 1916, which included the first bicameral congress. The
pledge of Philippine amendment also changed the
independence. These laws served term limit of the President of the
as constitutions of the Philippines Philippines from six years with
from 1902 to 1935. no reelection to four years with a
possibility of being reelected for
In 1934, the United States a second term.
Congress passed the Philippine
Independence Act, which set the During World War II the
parameters for the creation of a Japanese-sponsored government
constitution for the Philippines. nullified the 1935 Constitution
The Act mandated the Philippine and appointed Preparatory
Legislature to call for an election Committee on Philippine
of delegates to a Constitutional Independence to replace it. The
Convention to draft a 1943 Constitution was used by
Constitution for the Philippines. the Second Republic with Jose P.
Laurel as President.
Upon the liberation of the Chief Justice Roberto V.
Philippines in 1945, the 1935 Concepcion in his dissenting
Constitution came back into opinion in the case of Javellana v.
effect. The Constitution remained Executive Secretary, exposed the
unaltered until 1947 when the fraud that happened during the
Philippine Congress called for its citizen’s assembly ratification of
amendment through the 1973 Constitution on January,
Commonwealth Act No. 733. On 10 – 15, 1973. However, the final
March 11, 1947 the Parity decision of this case was that the
amendment gave United States ratification of the 1973
citizens equal rights with Filipino Constitution was valid and was in
citizens to develop natural force.
resources in the country and
operate public utilities. The When democracy was restored in
Constitution, thereafter, remained 1986, President Corazon C.
the same until the declaration of Aquino issued Proclamation No.
martial law on September 23, 3, suspending certain provisions
1972. of the 1973 Constitution and
promulgating in its stead a
Before President Marcos transitory constitution. A month
declared Martial Law, a later, President Aquino issued
Constitutional Convention was Proclamation No. 9, s. 1986,
already in the process of which created a Constitutional
deliberating on amending or Commission tasked with writing
revising the 1935 Constitution. a new charter to replace the 1973
They finished their work and Constitution. The commission
submitted it to President Marcos finished its work at 12:28 a.m. of
on December 1, 1972. President October 16, 1986. National
Marcos submitted it for Plebiscite was held on February
ratification in early January of 2, 1987, ratifying the new
1973. Foreseeing that a direct constitution. On February 11,
ratification of the constitution 1987, by virtue of Proclamation
was bound to fail, Marcos issued No. 58, President Aquino
Presidential Decree No. 86, s. announced the official canvassing
1972, creating citizens of results and the ratification of
assemblies to ratify the newly the draft constitution. The 1987
drafted constitution by means of Constitution finally came into full
a Viva Voce vote in place of force and effect that same day
secret ballots. Marcos announced with the President, other civilian
that it had been ratified and in officials, and members of the
full force and effect on January Armed Forces swearing
17, 1973. Although the 1973 allegiance to the new charter.
Constitution had been “ratified”
in this manner, opposition against
it continued.
COMMEMORATION OF A year later, President Manuel L.
CONSTITUTION DAY Quezon issued Proclamation No.
36, s. 1936, declaring the 8th of
For every constitutional change February of every year as
the Philippines has experienced, a Constitution Day to
corresponding proclamation was commemorate the completion of
issued in order to celebrate the the 1934 Constitutional
date that each charter was put Convention’s task. This
into full force and effect—with commemoration was observed
the exception the 1943 throughout the Commonwealth of
Constitution. the Philippines and the Third
Republic, up until the declaration
President Emilio Aguinaldo of martial law on September 23,
issued the first proclamation that 1972. (President Ferdinand E.
celebrated the effectiveness of a Marcos reiterated President
constitution in 1899 on January Quezon’s original proclamation
23, 1899. In the Proclamation, by issuing Proclamation No. 10,
President Aguinaldo ordered the s. 1966.)
release of Spanish prisoners
under the custody of the In 1973, after the declaration of
Philippine revolutionary forces, martial law, the 1935 Constitution
to mark the inauguration of the was replaced by a new charter,
First Philippine Republic. No the 1973 Constitution. In
subsequent proclamations were commemoration, President
issued because of the outbreak of Marcos, repealed President
the Philippine-American War and Quezon’s Proclamation No. 36, s.
the fall of the First Philippine 1936, by virtue of Proclamation
Republic in 1901. No. 1219, s. 1973, which moved
Constitution Day from February
When the United States Congress 8 to January 17 of every year.
authorized the creation of a This proclamation
constitution for the Philippines in commemorated the day when
accordance with the Tydings- President Marcos certified that
Mcduffie Act of 1934, a the new Constitution had been
Constitutional Convention was ratified. Constitution day was
established to draft a charter for commemorated until the end of
the Philippines and it finished its President Marcos term but was
work on February 8, 1935. On overshadowed by the
the inauguration of the Proclamation making September
Commonwealth of the 21st of every year “Thanksgiving
Philippines on November 15, day”, the date indicated on
1935, the new charter came into Presidential Proclamation No.
full force and effect. 1081, s. 1972:
COMMEMORATION OF A year later, President Manuel L.
CONSTITUTION DAY Quezon issued Proclamation No.
36, s. 1936, declaring the 8th of
For every constitutional change February of every year as
the Philippines has experienced, a Constitution Day to
corresponding proclamation was commemorate the completion of
issued in order to celebrate the the 1934 Constitutional
date that each charter was put Convention’s task. This
into full force and effect—with commemoration was observed
the exception the 1943 throughout the Commonwealth of
Constitution. the Philippines and the Third
Republic, up until the declaration
President Emilio Aguinaldo of martial law on September 23,
issued the first proclamation that 1972. (President Ferdinand E.
celebrated the effectiveness of a Marcos reiterated President
constitution in 1899 on January Quezon’s original proclamation
23, 1899. In the Proclamation, by issuing Proclamation No. 10,
President Aguinaldo ordered the s. 1966.)
release of Spanish prisoners
under the custody of the In 1973, after the declaration of
Philippine revolutionary forces, martial law, the 1935 Constitution
to mark the inauguration of the was replaced by a new charter,
First Philippine Republic. No the 1973 Constitution. In
subsequent proclamations were commemoration, President
issued because of the outbreak of Marcos, repealed President
the Philippine-American War and Quezon’s Proclamation No. 36, s.
the fall of the First Philippine 1936, by virtue of Proclamation
Republic in 1901. No. 1219, s. 1973, which moved
Constitution Day from February
When the United States Congress 8 to January 17 of every year.
authorized the creation of a This proclamation
constitution for the Philippines in commemorated the day when
accordance with the Tydings- President Marcos certified that
Mcduffie Act of 1934, a the new Constitution had been
Constitutional Convention was ratified. Constitution day was
established to draft a charter for commemorated until the end of
the Philippines and it finished its President Marcos term but was
work on February 8, 1935. On overshadowed by the
the inauguration of the Proclamation making September
Commonwealth of the 21st of every year “Thanksgiving
Philippines on November 15, day”, the date indicated on
1935, the new charter came into Presidential Proclamation No.
full force and effect. 1081, s. 1972:

 The pre-Spanish

a. Unit of government: Prior

to the arrival of the
Spaniards, the Philippines
was composed of
settlements or villages,
each called barangay
(consisting of more or less
100 families), named after
balangay, a Malayan word
meaning "boat" (thereby
confirming the theory that
the early Filipinos came to
the Philippines in boats).
Every barangay was
virtually a state, for it
possessed the four basic
elements of statehood. At
times, however, some
barangay joined together as
"confederations'' mainly for
the purpose of mutual
protection against common
The Tydings–McDuffie Act,
officially the Philippine b. Datu: Each barangay was
Independence Act, is a United ruled by a chief called datu
States federal law that established in some places, and rajah,
the process for the Philippines, sultan, or hadji in others.
then an American territory, to He was its chief executive,
become an independent country lawgiver, chief judge, and
after a ten-year transition period. military head. In the
performance of his duties,
however, he was assisted
usually by a council of
elders (maginoos) which
served as his advisers. One
could be a datu chiefly by
inheritance, wisdom,
wealth, or physical
In form, the barangay was a The system of government,
monarchy with the datu as the although defective, was not so
monarch bad considering the conditions in
other lands in the age during
c. Social classes: In the which it flourished. An eminent
barangay. The people of the scholar has written: "The Filipino
barangay were divided into people, even in the prehistoric
four classes, namely: the times had already shown high
nobility (maharlika), to intelligence and moral virtues;
which the datu belonged, virtues and intelligence clearly
the freemen (timawa), the manifested in their legislation,
serfs (aliping namamahay), which, taking into consideration
and the slaves (aliping the circumstances and the epoch
magigilid) in which it was framed, was
clearly as wise, as prudent, and
d. Early laws: The early as humane, as that of the nations
Filipinos had both written then at the head of civilization.“
and unwritten laws. The
written laws were  Government during the
promulgated by the datus. Spanish period
The two known written
codes in the pre-Spanish a. Spain's title to the
era are the "Maragtas Code Philippines: It was based
which was said to have on the discovery made by
been written about 1250 Ferdinand Magellan in
A.D. by Datu Sumakwel of 1521, consummated by its
Panay, and the "Kalantiaw conquest by Miguel Lopez
Code" written in 1433 A.D. de Legazpi forty-five years
by Datu Kalantiaw, also of later and long possession
Panay. The unwritten laws for almost four centuries,
consisted of customs and until it was terminated in
traditions which had been 1898, when by the Trenty.
passed down from of Paris, the Philippines
generation to generation. was ceded by Spain to the
United States
e. Comparison with other
ancient governments. It can
be said that the laws of the
barangay were generally
b. Spanish colonial The barangays were consolidated
government: From 1565 to into towns (pueblos) each headed
1821, the Philippines was by a gobernadorcillo (little
indirectly governed by the governor), popularly called
King of Spain through capitan, and the towns into
Mexico. From 1821, when provinces, each headed by a
Mexico obtained her governor who represented the
independence from Spain, Governor-General in the
to 1898, the Philippines province.
was ruled directly from
Spain. The council in Spain Cities governed under special
responsible for the charters were also created. Each
administration of the of these cities had an
Philippines was the Council ayuntamiento or cabildo (city
of the Indies. In 1837, it council), Cebu was the first city
was abolished and to be established in 1565 in the
legislation for the Philippines. The second was
Philippines was temporarily Manila, in 1571.
performed by the Council
of Ministers. From 1863, d. The Governor-General: The
the Ministry of Ultramar powers of the government
(colonies) exercised were actually exercised by
general powers of the Governor-General who
supervision over Philippine resided in Manila. He was
affairs. "Governor-General,"
"Captain General," and
Three times during the Spanish "vice-royal patron." As
period (1810-1813, 1820-1823, Governor-General, he had
and 1836-1837), the Philippines executive, administrative,
was given representation in the legislative, and judicial
Spanish Cortes, the legislative powers. As Captain-
body of Spain. A basic principle General, he was
introduced by Spain to the Commander-in-Chief of all
Philippines was the union of the the Armed Forces in the
church and the state Philippines. As the vice-
royal patron, he exercised
c. Government in the certain religious powers.
Philippines unitary: The Because of these broad
government which Spain powers, it has been said
established in the that the Governor-General
Philippines was centralized enjoyed more powers than
in structure and national in the King of Spain himself.
scope. This was justified,
however, because of the
distance of the Philippines
from Spain.
In the administration of the At the bottom of the judicial
Philippines, the Governor- system were the justice of the
General was associated with peace courts which were
many boards and officers, established in the different towns
particularly the Board of in 1885. In addition, there were
Authorisation and the Council of special courts, like the military
Administration. and naval courts which had
jurisdiction over military
The first Spanish Governor- offenses, and the ecclesiastical
General in the Philippines was courts which had cognizance of
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi (1565- canonical matters and
1571) and the last was Gen. ecclesiastical offenses. Treasury
Diego de los Rios (1898). and commercial courts were also
created but were later abolished.
e. The Judiciary: The Royal
Audiencia which was f. Evaluation of the Spanish
established in 1583 was the Government in the
Supreme Court of the Philippines: The
Philippines during the government that Spain
Spanish times. Its decision established in the
was final except on certain Philippines was defective.
cases of great importance It was a government for the
which could be appealed to Spaniards and not for the
the King of Spain. It also Filipinos. The Spanish
performed functions of officials were often
executive and legislative inefficient and corrupt. The
nature. union of church and state
produced serious strife's
Below the Royal Audiencin, were between the ecclesiastical
two Territorial Audiencias and civil authorities.
established in 1893- one in Cebu Equality before the law was
and the other in Vigan-which denied to the Filipinos.
exercised appellate jurisdiction
over criminal cases coming from
the surrounding territory. In
1886, courts of the first instance
with both civil and criminal
jurisdiction were established in
the provinces.
The demerits, however, of the  Governments during the
Spanish administration were Revolutionary era
more than offset by its merits.
a. The Katipunan
i. The Spanish rule, when government: The
viewed in the broader Katipunan was the secret
light of global society that precipitated our
colonization, was glorious revolution on
generally mild and August 26, 1896. It was
humane. The Filipino organized by Andres
people were not Bonifacio, who, together
brutalized. Spaniards and with a group of Filipino
Filipinos intermarried and patriots, signed the
mingled socially. Slavery covenant of the Katipunan
and tribal wars were with their own blood on
suppressed: July 7. 1892 The central
government of the
ii. It brought about the Katipunan was vested in n
unification of the Filipino Supreme Council
people. The diverse tribes (Kataastansang
were molded into one Sangguniani. In each
people, under one God, province, there was a
one King, and one Provincial Council
government, and out of (Sangguniang Belangay)
their common grievances and in each town, a Popular
against Spain blossomed Council (Sangguniang
the spirit of nationalism; Bayan). The judicial power
and was exercised by a Judicial
Council (Sangguniang
iii. Spain uplifted the Hukuman).
Filipines from the depth
of primitive culture and The Katipunan was the first clear
paganism and gave them break from Spanish rule with the
the blessings of ultimate goal to establish a free
Christianity and European and sovereign Philippines. It was
civilization." replaced by another government
whose officials headed by Gen,
Emilio Aguinaldo as President,
were elected in the Tejeros
Convention held on March 22,
b. The Biak-na-Bato Gen. Aguinaldo established the
Republic: On November 1, Revolutionary Government
1897, a republic was replacing the Dictatorial
established by Gen. Government with himself as
Aguinaldo in Biak-na-Bato President and a Congress whose
(now San Miguel de function was advisory and
Mayumo, Bulacan), It had ministerial. The decree making
a constitution which was to such change stated that the aims
take effect for two years of the new government were "to
only. It declared that the struggle for the independence of
aim of the revolutions was the Philippines, until all nations
the "separation of the including Spain will expressly
Philippines from the recognize it." and "to prepare the
Spanish monarchy and their country for the establishment of a
formation into an real Republic.“
independent state." The
Biak-na-Bato Republic e. The First Philippine
lasted up to December 15, Republic: On September
1897, with the conclusion 15, 1898, a revolutionary
of the "Pact of Biak-na- Congress of Filipino
Bato.“ representatives met in
Malolos, Bulacan at the
c. The Dictatorial call of the Revolutionary
Government: Following the Government. The Malolos
outbreak of the Spanish- Congress ratified on
American war on April 25, September 29, 1898 the
1898, Gen Aguinaldo, in proclamation of Philippine
view of the chaotic independence made by
conditions in the country, Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo in
established the Dictatorial Kawit, Cavite on June 12,
Government on May 23, 1898 and framed the so-
1898, The most important called Malolos
achievements of the Constitution. This
Dictatorial Government Constitution was the first
were the Proclamation of democratic constitution
Philippine Independence at ever promulgated in the
Kawit, Cavite on June 12, whole of Asia. It
1898, and the established a "free and
reorganization of local independent Philippine
governments. Republic which was
inaugurated on January 23,
d. The Revolutionary 1899, with Gen Aguinaldo
Government: On June 29, as President.
Additional Notes: The existence of war gave the
Our First Philippine Republic President of the United States the
was not recognized by the family power to establish a Military
of nations. It was nevertheless an Government in the Philippines, as
organized government because it Commander-in-Chief of all
actually existed and its authority Armed Forces of the United
was accepted by the people. It States. His authority was
existed from January 23, 1899 to delegated to the military
March 23, 1901. governor who exercised, as long
as the war lasted, all powers of
In February, 1899, the United government-executive,
States annexed the Philippines as legislative, and judicial. The first
a result of the Spanish-American American Military Governor was
War and in April, 1901, Gen. General Wesley Merritt, the
Aguinaldo was captured. Thus, second was General Elwell E.
the Republic was short-lived, its Otis, and the third and last was
independence cut short by the Major General Arthur
superior might of a new colonial MacArthur.
power. The Malolos Constitution
which provided for the b. The Civil Government:
establishment of a Philippine Pursuant to the so-called
Republic had no opportunity to Spooner Amendment (on
operate. However, this in no way the army appropriation act
diminishes the historical passed in the U.S. Congress
significance of the Philippine on March 3, 1901) which
Revolution of 1896. It was the ended the military regime
first war of independence fought in the Philippines, the Civil
by Asians against foreign Government was
domination and it gave birth to inaugurated in Manila on
the first constitutional democracy July 4, 1901, headed by a
in Asia and the West Pacific. Civil Governor whose
position was created on
 Governments during the October 29, 1901, The
American regime Civil Governor (the title
was later changed to
a. The Military Government: Governor-General on
The American military rule February 6, 1905) also
in the Philippines began on exercised legislative
August 14. 1898, the day powers. He remained as
after the capture of Manila. President of the Philippine
Commission, the sole
lawmaking body of the
government from 1901 to
From 1907 to 1916, the The new government of the
Philippine Commission acted as Commonwealth of the
the upper house of the legislative Philippines deemed a successor
branch with the Philippine to the Government of the
Assembly serving as the lower Philippine Islands, was
house. With the passage of the inaugurated on November 15,
Spooner Law in 1901, these two 1935, following the first national
bodies gave way to the Philippine election under the 1935
Legislature. The Philippines was Constitution held on September
represented in the United States 12, 1935, with Manuel L. Quezon
by two Resident Commissioners and Sergio Osmena, as President
who were elected by the and Vice-President, respectively.
Philippine Legislature. These
commissioners had seats in the The Commonwealth Government
United States House of of the Philippines was republican
Representatives, receiving the in the form under the presidential
same emoluments and other type. The legislative power was
privileges as the American first vested in a unicameral
members of that body, but National Assembly and later in a
without the right to vote. The first bicameral Congress composed of
Civil Governor was Judge the Senate and the House of
William H. Taft (1901-1903). He Representatives. The judicial
was succeeded by Luke F. Wright power was vested in the Supreme
(1904-1906) who was the first Court and inferior (ie, lower)
American to enjoy the title of courts provided by law. The
Governor-General of the Government of the
Philippines. The last Governor- Commonwealth of the
General was Frank Murphy Philippines was very
(1933-1935) who was also the autonomous. The Filipinos had
first High Commissioner of the almost complete control over the
United States to the Philippines domestic affairs, the United
upon the inauguration of the States retaining control only over
Commonwealth Government of matters involving foreign affairs.
the Philippines.
During World War II, the
c. The Commonwealth Commonwealth Government
Government of the functioned in exile in Washington
Philippines: The next stage from May 13, 1942, to October 3,
in the political development 1944. It was reestablished in
of the Filipinos was the Mamla on February 27, 1945
establishment of the when Gen. Douglas MacArthur,
Commonwealth in a ceremony held at
Government of the Malacañang Palace on behalf of
Philippines pursuant to an the United States Government,
act of the United States
Congress on March 24,
1934, commonly known as
the Tydings-McDuffie Law.
The 1935 Constitution served as The present Republic came into
the fundamental law not only for being upon the ratification of the
the Commonwealth Government 1987 Constitution on February 2,
which was interrupted by the 1987."
Second World War but also for
the Republic of the Philippines  The Provisional
until the "ratification" of the 1973 Government of 1986
Philippine Constitution
establishing a parliamentary form Before Corazon C. Aquino took
of government, affected by virtue her oath of office on the morning
of Proclamation No. 1102 of of February 25, 1985 at Club
President Ferdinand E. Marcos Filipino, San Juan, Metro Manila,
on January 17, 1973, after the the last day of a four-day "people
declaration of martial law on power" revolt (Feb. 22-25) that
September 21, 1972. culminated in the ouster of
President Ferdinand E. Marcos
b. The First Republic was read Proclamation No. 1 wherein
established on January 23, he declared that she and her Vice-
1899, under the Malolos President were "taking power in
Constitution; the Second, the name and by the will of the
on October 14, 1943, under Filipino people" on the basis of
the Japanese sponsored the clear sovereign will of the
Constitution, and the Third, people expressed in the election
on July 4, 1946, under the of February 7, 1986. In her oath,
1935 Constitution. she swore to preserve and defend
President Ferdinand E. the "fundamental law" (not the
Marcos, in his inaugural "Constitution") and execute "just
address on June 30, 1981, laws" instead of "its laws").
proclaimed the birth of the
Fourth Republic under the a. Revolutionary: The
1973 Constitution which, as government was
amended in a plebiscite on revolutionary because it
April 7, 1981, installed a was instituted not in
modified parliamentary accordance with the
system of government, thus procedure provided in an
making him its first existing Constitution.
President. All in all, there
were nine Presidents in the
previous three republics,
including President Marcus
in his two (2) terms in the
Third Republic.
There is a definite There was no question then that
acknowledgment in Proclamation the revolutionary government had
No. 3 that the provisional won continuous public
government established acceptance and support without
thereunder was revolutionary in any resistance whatsoever
character (without calling itself anywhere in the Philippines and
as such) having been installed by the recognition of practically all
direct action of the people or by foreign governments.
"people power," deriving its
existence and authority directly c. Constitutional and
from the people themselves and transitory: The provisional
not from the then operating 1973 government was not a
Constitution. purely revolutionary one
but a hybrid constitutional
b. De jure de facto: The first revolutionary government,
is one constituted or i.e A revolutionary
founded in accordance with government governing
the existing constitution of under a provisional or
the state (according to law), interim constitution the
while the other is not so people could invoke to
constituted or founded but protect their rights and to
has the general support of promote their welfare, to
the people and effective exist for a limited period
control of the territory over until the ratification and
which it exercises its effectiveness of a
powers. A de facto permanent constitution.
government acquires a de There was nothing,
jure status when it gains however, to prevent the
wide acceptance from the government from
people and recognition amending, suspending or
from the community of abrogating the Provisional
nations. Constitution and adopting a
new one or operating
At its inception, the revolutionary without any constitution.
government was illegal for lack
of constitutional basis not having In other words, the Provisional
been sanctioned by either the Constitution did not have the
1935 or the 1973 Constitution. It status of a supreme or
was a de facto government but fundamental law because the
acquired a de jure status. government was not created by it
and was not bound to obey it.
d. Democratic: The 3 promulgated a Provisional
provisional government Constitution to replace the
was claimed to be former, adopting in to insofar as
democratic because it was they are not inconsistent with the
installed by the direct provisions of the Proclamation,
action of the people as a certain provisions of the 1973
direct expression or Constitution.
manifestation of their
sovereign will, and, By its very nature, the
therefore, it was based on Provisional Constitution as well
the consent of the governed as the revolutionary government
or the approval of the which operated under it! self-
people destruct upon the ratification and
e. Pourers: A revolutionary
government being a direct
creation of the people CONSTITUTION OF THE
derive its powers from the REPUBLIC OF THE
people to whom it is PHILIPPINES
accountable. able. It is said
that a revolutionary From:
government is clothed with
unlimited powers because it  The 1935 Constitution
makes its own laws; it is "a
law unto itself." However, a. Framing and ratification:
with the adoption of the Briefly stated, the steps
Provisional Constitution, which led to the drafting
the revolutionary and adoption of the 1935
government opted to abide Constitution of the
by and subject itself to the Philippines are as follows:
provisions thereof. pending
approval of a new charter. i. (a) Approval on March
24, 1934, by President
f. (6) The Provisional Franklin D. Roosevelt of
Constitution. Instead of the Tydings-McDuffie
declaring the 1973 Law, otherwise known as
Constitution with certain the Philippine
amendments and minus Independence Act,
certain articles and enacted by the United
provisions, as the interim States Congress,
Constitution, Proclamation authorizing the Philippine
No. Legislature to call a
constitutional convention
to draft a constitution for
the Philippines:
ii. Approval on May 5, Aside from other specific
1934, by the Philippine limitations and conditions laid
Legislature of a bill down therein, it enjoined that the
calling a constitutional constitution to be drafted should
convention as provided be republican in form, should
for in the Independence include a bill of rights, and
Law; should contain certain provisions
intended to define the relations
iii. Approval on February 8, between the Philippines and the
1935, by the convention United States during the
by a vote of 177 to 1 of commonwealth period and after
the Constitution (the the establishment of the
signing began on the Philippine Republic. The 1935
following day and was Constitution ceased to operate
completed on February during the Japanese occupation
19, 1935); (d) Approval from 1942 to 1944. It
on March 23, 1935, by automatically became effective
Pres. Roosevelt of the upon the re-establishment of the
Constitution as submitted Commonwealth Government on
to him, together with a February 27, 1945 (supra) and
certification that the said the inauguration of the Republic
Constitution conformed of the Philippines on July 4,
with the provisions of the 1946.
Independence Law; and
(e) Ratification on May c. Sources: The 1985
14, 1935, of the Constitution of the
Constitution by the Philippines did not contain
Filipino electorate by a original ideas of
vote of 1,213,046, with government. While the
44,963 against. dominating influence was
the Constitution of the
b. Limitations and conditions: United States, other sources
While the Tydings- were also consulted by the
McDuffie Law empowered framers, particularly the
the Filipinos to frame their Malolos Constitution and
own constitution, it the three organic laws that
contained, however, were enforced in the
provisions limiting such Philippines
before the passage of the Tydings e. Amendments: The 1935
McDuffie Law, namely: the Constitution had been
Instruction of Pres. William amended three times.
McKinley to the Second Among the amendments
Philippine Commission on April are:
7, 1900, the Philippine Bill of
July 1, 1902; and the Jones Law i. that establishing a
of August 26, 1916, which, of the bicameral legislature;
three mentioned, was the nearest
approach to a written ii. that allowing the
constitution. reeligibility of the
President and the Vice
d. Scope: The Constitution as President for a second
approved by the 1935 four-year term of office;
Constitutional Convention
was intended both for the iii. that creating a separate
Commonwealth and the Commission on Elections,
Republic. Thus, Article and
XVII (which later became
Article XVIII after the iv. the so-called Parity
Constitution was amended) Amendment which gave
declares: "The government American citizens equal
established by this rights with the Filipinos in
Constitution shall be the exploitation of our
known as the natural resources and the
Commonwealth of the operation of public
Philippines. Upon the final utilities.
and complete withdrawal
of the sovereignty of the Concerning women's suffrage,
United States and the this issue was settled in a
proclamation of Philippine plebiscite held on April 30, 1937,
Independence, the when 447,725 women reportedly
Commonwealth of the voted yes and 44,307 women
Philippines shall henceforth voted no, in compliance with the
be known as the Republic 1935 Constitution (Art. V, Sec. 1
of the Philippines." thereof), the National Assembly
passed a law which extended the
right of suffrage to women.
 The 1973 Constitution The 1935 Constitution, with
reference to the Malolos
a. Framing: The experience of Constitution, was made the basis
more than three decades as for the drafting of amendments to
a sovereign nation had the new Constitution. The
revealed flaws and proposed Constitution was signed
inadequacies in the 1935 on November 30, 1972.
b. (2) Approval by Citizens
i. Taking into account the Assemblies. Earlier on
"felt necessities of the September 21, 1972, the
times, particularly the President of the Philippines
new and grave problems issued Proclamation No.
arising from an ever- 1081 placing the entire
increasing population, country under martial law.
urgently pressing for
solution, Congress in joint i. “To broaden the base of
session on March 16, citizens' participation in
1967, passed Resolution the democratic process,
of Both Houses No. 2 (as and to afford ample
amended by Resolution opportunities for the
No. 4. passed on June 17, citizenry to express their
1969), authorizing the views on important
holding of a constitutional matters of local or
convention in 1971. national concern,"
Presidential Decree No.
ii. On August 24, 1970, 86 was issued on
Republic Act No. 6132 December 31, 1972,
was approved, setting creating a Citizens
November 10, 1970, as Assembly in each barrio
election day for 320 in municipalities and in
delegates to the each district in chartered
Constitutional cities throughout the
Convention. The country. Subsequently,
convention started its Presidential Decree No.
work of rewriting the 86-A was issued on
Constitution on June 1, January 5, 1973, defining
1971. the role of barangays
(formerly Citizens'
ii. Under the same decree, On the basis of the above results
the barangays were to purportedly showing that more
conduct a referendum on than 95% of the members of the
national issues between Barangays (Citizens Assemblies)
January 10 and 15, 1973, were in favor of the new
Pursuant to Presidential Constitution and upon the
Decree No. 86-A, the allegedly "strong
following questions were recommendation" of the
submitted before the Katipunan ng mga Barangay, the
Citizens' Assemblies or President of the Philippines,
Barangays through Proclamation No. 1102
on January 17, 1973, certified
1. "Do you approve of the and proclaimed that the
New Constitution?" and Constitution proposed by the
1971 Constitutional Convention
2. "Do you still want a had been ratified by the Filipino
plebiscite to be called to people and had thereby come into
ratify the new effect.
d. Amendments: The 1973
c. Ratification by Presidential Constitution had been
proclamation: According to amended on four occasions.
Proclamation No. 1102 Among the important
issued on January 17, 1973, amendments are:
14,976,561 members of all
the Barangays (Citizens' i. that making the then
Assemblies) voted for the incumbent President, the
adoption of the proposed. regular President and
Constitution, as against regular Prime Minister;
743,869 who voted for its
rejection. On the question ii. that granting concurrent
as to whether or not the law-making powers to the
people would still like a President which the latter
plebiscite to be called to exercised even after the
ratify the new Constitution, lifting of martial law in
14,298,814 answered that 1981;
there was no need for a
iii. that establishing a i. Pursuant to Proclamation
modified parliamentary No. 3, the President
form of government; promulgated on April 23,
1986 Proclamation No. 9.
iv. that permitting natural- the "Law Governing the
born citizens who have Constitutional
lost their citizenship to be Commission of 1986," "to
transferees of private organize the
land, for use by them as a Constitutional
residence: Commission, to provide
for the details of its
v. that allows the "grant" of operation and establish
lands of the public the procedure for the
domain to qualified ratification or rejection of
citizens; and if that the proposed new
provides for urban land Constitution." Under the
reform and social housing Proclamation, the
programs. Constitutional
Commission shall be
 The 1987 Constitution composed of not more
than fifty (50) national,
a. Framing and ratification: regional, and sectoral
The 1987 Constitution was representatives who shall
drafted by a Constitutional be appointed by the
Commission created under President." As constituted,
Article V of Proclamation the Commission was
No. 3 issued on March 25, composed only of forty-
1986, which promulgated eight (48) members-forty
the Provisional Constitution two (42) men and six (6)
or "Freedom Constitution" women, with a
following the installation of preponderance of lawyers
a revolutionary government - because of the
"through a direct exercise withdrawal of an
of the power of the Filipino opposition appointee and
people." non-acceptance by the
Iglesia ni Kristo of the
President's offer to submit
a nominee.
ii. The Constitutional Another Commissioner had
Commission, which resigned earlier. The two
marked the fourth Commissioners who dissented
exercise in the writing of also signed to express their
a basic charter in dissent and to symbolize their
Philippine history since four (4) months of participation
the Malolos Constitution in drawing up the new
at the turn of the century, Constitution.``
convened on June 2,
1986, at the Batasang iv. The Constitutional
Pambansa Building in Commission held its final
Diliman, Quezon City. session in the morning of
With the Malolos October 15, 1986, to sign
Constitution of 1898, the the 109-page draft
1935 Constitution, and the consisting of a preamble,
1973 Constitution as 18 Articles, 321 Sections,
"working drafts.'' The and about 2,000 words
Commission in addition to after which, on the same
committee discussions, day, it presented to the
public hearings, and President the original
plenary sessions copies in English and
conducted public Filipino. It was ratified by
consultations in different the people in the
parts of the country. plebiscite held on
February 2, 1987. It
iii. The proposed new superseded the
Constitution was Provisional Constitution
approved by the which had abrogated the
Constitutional 1975 Charter.
Commission on the night
of Sunday, October 12, b. Merits and demerits of an
1986, culminating 133 appointive framing body:
days of work, by a vote of Admittedly. There were
44-2. A Commissioner" some merits or advantages
signed subsequently by in delegating the drawing
affixing his thumbtack at up of the new charter to an
his sickbed on October appointed Constitutional
14. 1986 so that he Commission rather than to
actually voted in favor of an elected Constitutional
the draft. Convention.
i. For one, the only those directly elected and
Constitutional empowered by the people must
Commission was cut be entrusted with the task to
expensive and time- discharge this grave and solemn
consuming, as was our responsibility.
experience with the 1971
Constitutional. c. Need to cure defects in the
Convention and it was Constitution. To have a
thus practical because the truly democratic and
country could not then constitutional government,
afford the cost of electing it is absolutely necessary
delegates because of lack that the Constitution be
of funds, and time was of initially drafted by duly
the essence in view of the elected members of a
instability inherent in a representative constituent
revolutionary government assembly or convention and
and the need to accelerate later on approved by the
the restoration to full people in a plebiscite.
constitutional democracy. Some see the need to
straighten out the present
ii. However, the strongest Constitution which was
and most fundamental drafted by non-elective
argument propounded commissioners and ratified
against this method is that under the authority of a
an appointive body is revolutionary government.
susceptible to the charge The theory is posited that
of lack of independence by having it amended by
and the suspicion of elected delegates and
pressure and even having constitutional
manipulation by the amendments ratified under
appointing power. The the democratic
writing of a Constitution government, we will have
as the highest expression now cured any defect in its
of the people's "ideals and formulation and ratification
aspirations" to serve the
country for generations to
come is a political
exercise of transcendental
importance in a
republican democracy
and, therefore,
 Basic principles underlying vii. Guarantee of human
the new Constitution rights (see Art. III, Secs.
The 1987 Constitution is founded
upon certain fundamental viii. Government through
principles of government which suffrage (Art. V, Sec. 1.);
have become part and parcel of
our cherished democratic ix. Separation of powers
heritage as a people. A (Art. VI, Sec. 1.);
knowledge of these principles is,
therefore. essential to a proper x. Independence of the
understanding of our organic law. judiciary (Art. VIII, Sec.
Among these principles as
contained in the new Constitution xi. Guarantee of local
following autonomy (Art. X, Sec.
i. Recognition of the aid of
Almighty God (see xii. High sense of public
Preamble) service morality and
accountability of public
ii. Sovereignty of the people officers (Art XI, Sec. 1.)
( Art. II. Sec. 1.);
xiii. Nationalization of natural
iii. Renunciation of war as an resources and certain
instrument of national private enterprises
policy (Sec. 2.); affected with public
interest (Art. XII. Secs. 2,
iv. Supremacy of civilian 3, 17, 18.3;.
authority over the military
(Sec. 3.) xiv. Non-suability of the State
(Art XVI. Sec. 3.);
v. Separation of church and
State (.Sec. 6.) xv. Rule of the majority; and

vi. Recognition of the xvi. Government of laws and

importance of the family not of men The above
as a basic social principles except Nos. 15
institution and of the vital and 16 are discussed
role of the youth in under the corresponding
nation-building (Secs. 12, provisions indicated.
13; Art. XV.);
 Rule of the majority: In case of a tie in the election for
President (or Vice-President), the
a. Concept: The observance President shall be chosen by the
of the rule of the majority majority vote of all the members
is an unwritten law of of both Houses of Congress. (Art.
popular (t.e., democratic VII, Sec. 4.)
government. The wishes of
the majority prevail over ii. A two-thirds majority of
those of the minority. It all its respective members
does not mean that the is required to suspend or
minority is left without expel a member of either
rights. It is given certain House (Art. VI. Sec.
fundamental rights, like the 16(31.); of all the
right to express their members of Congress to
opinions, or to protest the declare the existence of a
acts of the majority state of war. (bid., Sec.
although it is bound to 23121), to reconsider a
abide by the decision of the bill vetoed by the
latter. President. (This, Sec
27121.), and to call a
b. Instances: In many constitutional convention
instances, the rule of the (Art. XVII, Sec. 3.); and
majority is observed in our of all the members of the
government. Thus, under Senate to concur to a
the new Constitution: treaty or international
agreement (Art. VII, Sec.
i. A majority vote of all the 21.) and to render a
respective members of the judgment of conviction in
Congress is necessary to impeachment cases. (Art.
elect the Senate President XI, Sec. 3161.)
and the Speaker of the
House of Representatives iii. Any amendment to, or
(Art. VI, Sec. 16111), and revision of the
a majority of all the Constitution may be
members of Congress to proposed by Congress
concur to a grant of upon a vote of three-
amnesty (Art. VII, Sec. fourths of all its members
19.) and to pass a law Art. XVII, Sec. I111), and
granting tax exemptions. it shall be valid when
(Art. VI, Sec. 284.) ratified by a majority of
the votes cast in a
plebiscite. Ibid., Sec. 4.)
iii. Decisions of the Supreme  Government of law and not
Court en bane have to be of men
concurred in by a
majority of the members i. Concept: By this
who actually took part in principle, which is also
the deliberations on the known and has the same
issues in the case and importance as the rule of
voted thereon, to law, means that no man in
pronounce a treaty, this country is above or
international or executive beyond the law. Every
agreement, or law man, however high and
unconstitutional xxx (Art. mighty his station may be,
VIII, Sec. 4.) possesses no greater
rights than every other
In the Court of Appeals, the vote man in the eyes of the
of at least the majority is law.
necessary in many cases. Even in
the passage of local ordinances, ii. Exercise of government
the rule of the majority is power: A government of
observed. laws, as contrasted with a
government of men, is a
c. A practicable rule of law: limited government. It has
The device of the majority only the powers given it
is a practicable rule of law by the Constitution and
based on reason and laws, and it may not go
experience. Democracy beyond the grants and
assumes that in a society of limitations set forth
rational beings, the therein." Its authority
judgment and experience of continues only with the
the many will, in most consent of the people in
instances, be superior to the whom sovereignty
judgment and experience of resides. Art. II. Sec. 1.)
the few; and hence, that the
verdict of the majority will Where personal whims and
more likely be correct than uncontrolled discretion guide the
that of the minority. conduct of governmental action,
what exists is not a rule of law
It is, of course, to be understood but a reign of men without law.
that the majority acts within the
pale of the law.
All officers of the government, The observance of the supremacy
from the highest to the lowest, of the rule of law by officials,
are creatures of the law and are, individuals, and the people as a
therefore, bound to obey it. A whole is what will sustain our
government that fails to enforce democracy and assure the
the law, in effect, fails to govern. existence of a truly free, orderly,
and equitable society. (see
iii. Observance of the law. Preamble:)
The same is true of
private individuals in the Every citizen has thus a stake in
community. They are also the rule of law as contrasted to
bound to respect the the "rule of men." Without it,
sovereignty of the law. A there is only anarchy, or a mere
person may not agree semblance of order under a
with the wisdom and dictatorship.
expediency of the law but
it is his duty to follow the Former constitutions of the
law so long as it remains Philippines:
in the statute books. He
cannot take the law into The 1986 Freedom Constitution:
his own hands by promulgated by Presidential
resorting to violence or Proclamation, March 25, 1986.
physical force to enforce
his rights or achieve his The 1973 Constitution: as
ends without being Amended in October 16-17,
criminally held liable for 1976, on January 30, 1980, and
his action. April 7, 1981.

The principle thus protects most The 1973 Constitution: draft

especially the liberties of the presented to President Marcos by
weak and underprivileged. the 1971 Constitutional
Convention on December 1,
d. Significance of the 1972; deemed ratified by
principle: It is basic that Citizens’ Assemblies held from
laws must be obeyed by all January 10 to 15, 1973,
and applied to everyone- proclaimed in force by
rich or poor, lowly or Proclamation by President
powerful--without fear or Marcos, January 17, 1973.
The 1943 Constitution: as Notes:
approved by the Preparatory
Committee on Philippine Wordings of the law:
Independence, September 4,
1943 and ratified by the Shall is an imperative command,
KALIBAPI Convention, usually indicating that certain
September 7, 1943. actions are mandatory, and not
permissive. This contrasts with
The 1935 Constitution: as the word “may,” which is
amended on June 18, 1940, and generally used to indicate a
on March 11, 1947. permissive provision, ordinarily
implying some degree of
The 1935 Constitution: as discretion.
approved by the 1934
Constitutional Convention on What is a permissive provision?
February 8, 1935, certified by the a. referring to any act which
President of the United States on is allowed by court order,
March 25, 1935, and ratified by legal procedure, or
plebiscite on May 14, 1935. agreement.
b. tolerant or allowing of
The Jones Law of 1916: enacted others' behavior, suggesting
into law by the United States contrary to others'
Congress on August 29, 1916. standards.

The Philippine Organic Act of As Mr. Justice Isagani Cruz said

1902: enacted into law by the that, Social justice – or any
United States Congress on July 1, justice for that matter – is for the
1902 deserving, whether he be a
millionaire in his mansion or a
The 1899 Malolos Constitution: pauper in his hovel. It is true that,
approved by the Malolos in case of reasonable doubt, we
Congress on November 29, 1898, are called upon to tilt the balance
draft returned by President in favor of the poor, to whom the
Aguinaldo on December 1, 1898 Constitution fittingly extends its
for amendments, which the sympathy and compassion. But
Congress refused; approved by never is it justified to prefer the
President Aguinaldo on poor simply because they are
December 23, 1898; formally poor, or to reject the rich simply
adopted by the Malolos Congress because they are rich, for justice
on January 20, 1899, must always be served, for poor
promulgated by President Emilio and rich alike, according to the
Aguinaldo on January 21, 1899. mandate of the law.
OF THE 1. Constituent: power to amend
NATIONAL GOVERNMENT and revise the constitution
2. Ordinary: power to pass
A. Legislative Department ordinary laws
(Article VI)
The people, through the
Legislative Power: Authority to amendatory process, exercise
make laws and to alter and repeal constituent power, and, through
them initiative and referendum,
ordinary legislative power
Advantages of Bicameralism
1. Allows for a body with a Kinds of limits on legislative
national perspective to power
check the parochial 1. Substantive limits: curtail
tendency of the contents of the law. Ex.
representatives elected by “ No law may be passed
district; which impairs freedom of
2. Allows a more careful speech”
study of legislation; 2. Procedural limits: curtail
3. Makes the legislature less the manner of passing laws.
susceptible to control by Ex. A bill must generally be
the executive; and approved by the President
4. Serves as a training ground before it becomes a law
for national leaders
a. The power of congress to
Advantages of Unicameralism legislate is PLENARY, that
5. Simplicity of organization is it may legislate on any
resulting in economy and subject matter
efficiency; b. Congress may not pass
6. Facility in pinpointing irrepealably laws, the
responsibility for power of present and future
legislation; and legislatures must remain
7. Avoidance of duplication plenary
c. Legislative power may be
Kinds of Legislative power delegated either by a
a. Original: possessed by the specific constitutional
sovereign people. provision or by the
b. Derivative: that which has immemorial practice of it
been delegated by the being delegated to local
sovereign people to governments
legislative bodies
(Congress) and is
subordinate to the original
power of the people.
HOW A BILL BECOMES A b. Based on the result of the
LAW? public hearings or
Committee discussions, the
1. Preparation of the bill: Committee may introduce
The Member or the Bill amendments, consolidate
Drafting Division of the bills on the same subject
Reference and Research matter, or propose a
Bureau prepares and drafts subsitute bill. It then
the bill upon the Member's prepares the corresponding
request. committee report.
c. The Committee approves
2. First Reading the Committee Report and
a. The bill is filed with the formally transmits the same
Bills and Index Service and to the Plenary Affairs
the same is numbered and Bureau.
b. Three days after its filing, 4. Second Reading
the same is included in the a. The Committee Report is
Order of Business for First registered and numbered by
Reading. the Bills and Index Service.
c. On First Reading, the It is included in the Order
Secretary General reads the of Business and referred to
title and number of the bill. the Committee on Rules.
The Speaker refers the bill b. The Committee on Rules
to the appropriate schedules the bill for
Committee/s. consideration on Second
3. Committee c. On Second Reading, the
Consideration/Action: Secretary General reads the
a. The Committee where the number, title and text of the
bill was referred to bill and the following takes
evaluates it to determine place:
the necessity of conducting • Period of Sponsorship and
public hearings. If the Debate
Committee finds it • Period of Amendments
necessary to conduct public • Voting which may be by:
hearings, it schedules the  viva voce
time thereof, issues public  count by
notics and invites resource tellers
persons from the public and  division of the
private sectors, the House; or
academe and experts on the  nominal
proposed legislation. If the voting
Committee finds that no
public hearing is not
needed, it schedules the bill
for Committee discussion/s.
5. Third Reading 7. Senate Action On
a. The amendments, if any, Approved Bill Of The
are engrossed and printed House: The bill undergoes
copies of the bill are the same legislative process
reproduced for Third in the Senate.
b. The engrossed bill is 8. Conference Committee
included in the Calendar of a. A Conference Committee is
Bills for Third Reading and constituted and is
copies of the same are composed of Members
distributed to all the from each House of
Members three days before Congress to settle,
its Third Reading. reconcile or thresh out
c. On Third Reading, the differences or
Secretary General reads disagreements on any
only the number and title of provision of the bill.
the bill. b. The conferees are not
d. A roll call or nominal limited to reconciling the
voting is called and a differences in the bill but
Member, if he desires, is may introduce new
given three minutes to provisions germane to the
explain his vote. No subject matter or may
amendment on the bill is report out an entirely new
allowed at this stage. bill on the subject.
• The bill is c. The Conference Committee
approved by an prepares a report to be
affirmative vote signed by all the conferees
of a majority of and the Chairman.
the Members d. The Conference Committee
present. Report is submitted for
• If the bill is consideration/approval of
disapproved, the both Houses. No
same is amendment is allowed.
transmitted to the
Archives. 9. Transmittal Of The Bill
To The President: Copies
6. Transmittal Of The of the bill, signed by the
Approved Bill To The Senate President and the
Senate: The approved bill Speaker of the House of
is transmitted to the Senate Representatives and
for its concurrence. certified by both the
Secretary of the Senate and
the Secretary General of
the House, are transmitted
to the President.
10. Presidential Action On Notes:
The Bill
a. If the bill is approved the Bills: A bill is the form used for
President, the same is most legislation, whether
assigned an RA number permanent or temporary, general
and transmitted to the or special, public or private. A
House where it originated. bill originating in the House of
b. If the bill is vetoed, the Representatives is designated by
same, together with a the letters “H.R.”, signifying
message citing the reason “House of Representatives”,
for the veto, is transmitted followed by a number that it
to the House where the bill retains throughout all its
originated. parliamentary stages. Bills are
presented to the President for
11. Action On Approved Bill: action when approved in identical
The bill is reproduced, and form by both the House of
copies are sent to the Representatives and the Senate.
Official Gazette Office for
publication and distribution Resolution: Legislation
to the implementing introduced in either the House of
agencies. It is then included Representatives or the Senate, but
in the annual compilation unlike bills they may be limited
of Acts and Resolutions in effect to the Congress or one
of its chambers. The three types
12. Action On Vetoed Bill: of resolutions are joint
The message is included in resolutions, simple resolutions
the Order of Business. If and concurrent resolutions.
the Congress decides to
override the veto, the Joint Resolutions: Joint
House and the Senate shall resolutions may originate either
proceed separately to in the House of Representatives
reconsider the bill or the or in the Senate. There is little
vetoed items of the bill. If practical difference between a
the bill or its vetoed items bill and a joint resolution. Both
is passed by a vote of two- are subject to the same
thirds of the Members of procedure, except for a joint
each House, such bill or resolution proposing an
items shall become a law. amendment to the Constitution.
On approval of such a resolution A bill may become a law, even
by two-thirds of both the House without the President’s signature,
and Senate, it is sent directly to if the President does not sign a
the Administrator of General bill within 30 days from receipt
Services for submission to the in his office. A bill may also
individual states for ratification. become a law without the
It is not presented to the President’s signature if Congress
President for approval. A joint overrides a presidential veto by
resolution originating in the two-thirds vote.
House of Representatives is
designated “H.J.Res.” followed
by its individual number. Joint
resolutions become law in the
same manner as bills.

Concurrent Resolutions: Matters

affecting the operations of both
the House of Representatives and
Senate are usually initiated by
means of concurrent resolutions.
A concurrent resolution
originating in the House of
Representatives is designated
“H.Con.Res.” followed by its
individual number. On approval
by both the House of
Representatives and Senate, they
are signed by the Clerk of the
House and the Secretary of the
Senate. They are not presented to
the President for action.

Simple Resolutions: A matter

concerning the operation of either
the House of Representatives or
Senate alone is initiated by a
simple resolution. A resolution
affecting the House of
Representatives is designated
“H.Res.” followed by its number.
They are not presented to the
President for action.
Aquino vs. COMELEC, GR The petitioners rely on the second
No. 189793, April 7, 2010 sentence of Section 5(3), Article
VI of the 1987 Constitution,
Facts: Petitioners seek the coupled with what they perceive
nullification as unconstitutional to be the intent of the framers of
of Republic Act No. 9716, the Constitution to adopt a
entitled "An Act Reapportioning minimum population of 250,000
the Composition of the First (1st) for each legislative district.
and Second (2nd) Legislative
Districts in the Province of The second sentence of Section
Camarines Sur and Thereby 5(3), Article VI of the
Creating a New Legislative Constitution, succinctly provides:
District From Such "Each city with a population of at
Reapportionment.“ least two hundred fifty thousand,
or each province, shall have at
Petitioners contend that the least one representative.“
reapportionment introduced by
Republic Act No. 9716, runs The provision draws a plain and
afoul of the explicit constitutional clear distinction between the
standard that requires a minimum entitlement of a city to a district
population of two hundred fifty on one hand, and the entitlement
thousand (250,000) for the of a province to a district on the
creation of a legislative district. other. For while a province is
The petitioners claim that the entitled to at least a
reconfiguration by Republic Act representative, with nothing
No. 9716 of the first and second mentioned about population, a
districts of Camarines Sur is city must first meet a population
unconstitutional, because the minimum of 250,000 in order to
proposed first district will end up be similarly entitled.
with a population of less than
250,000 or only 176,383. The use by the subject provision
of a comma to separate the
Petitioners rely on Section 5(3), phrase "each city with a
Article VI of the 1987 population of at least two
Constitution as basis for the cited hundred fifty thousand" from the
250,000 minimum population phrase "or each province" point
standard. to no other conclusion than that
the 250,000 minimum population
Held: Petition Denied. There is is only required for a city, but not
no specific provision in the for a province.
Constitution that fixes a 250,000
minimum population that must
compose a legislative district.
Plainly read, Section 5(3) of the Petitioners cannot insist that the
Constitution requires a 250,000 addition of another legislative
minimum population only for a district in Makati is not in accord
city to be entitled to a with section 5 (3), Article VI of
representative, but not so for a the Constitution for as of the
province. latest survey (1990 census), the
population of Makati stands at
The 250,000 minimum only four hundred fifty thousand
population requirement for (450,000). Said section provides,
legislative districts in cities was, inter alia, that a city with a
in turn, the subject of population of at least two
interpretation by this Court in hundred fifty thousand (250,000)
Mariano, Jr. v. COMELEC (242 shall have at least one
SCRA 211). representative. Even granting that
the population of Makati as of the
In Mariano, the issue presented 1990 census stood at four
was the constitutionality of hundred fifty thousand (450,000),
Republic Act No. 7854, which its legislative district may still be
was the law that increased since it has met the
converted the Municipality of minimum population requirement
Makati into a Highly Urbanized of two hundred fifty thousand
City. As it happened, Republic (250,000). In fact, Section 3 of
Act No. 7854 created an the Ordinance appended to the
additional legislative district for Constitution provides that a city
Makati, which at that time was a whose population has increased
lone district. The petitioners in to more than two hundred fifty
that case argued that the creation thousand (250,000) shall be
of an additional district would entitled to at least one
violate Section 5(3), Article VI of congressional representative 28
the Constitution, because the (Emphasis supplied)
resulting districts would be
supported by a population of less The Mariano case limited the
than 250,000, considering that application of the 250,000
Makati had a total population of minimum population requirement
only 450,000. The Supreme for cities only to its initial
Court sustained the legislative district.
constitutionality of the law and
the validity of the newly created
district, explaining the operation
of the Constitutional phrase "each
city with a
population of at least two
hundred fifty thousand," to wit:
In other words, while Section of not less than Twenty million
5(3), Article VI of the pesos (P20,000,000.00) based on
Constitution requires a city to 1991 constant prices and either
have a minimum population of of the following requisites:
250,000 to be entitled to a
representative, it does not have to (i) a contiguous territory of at
increase its population by another least two thousand (2,000) square
250,000 to be entitled to an kilometers, as certified by the
additional district. Lands
Management Bureau; or
There is no reason why the
Mariano case, which involves the (ii) a population of not less than
creation of an additional district two hundred fifty thousand
within a city, (250,000) inhabitants as certified
should not be applied to by the National Statistics Office
additional districts in provinces.
Indeed, if an additional Notably, the requirement of
legislative district created within population is not an indispensable
a city is not required to represent requirement, but is merely an
a population of at least 250,000 alternative addition to the
in order to be valid, neither indispensable income
should such be needed for an requirement.
additional district in a province,
considering moreover that a Mariano, it would turn out, is but
province is entitled to an initial a reflection of the pertinent ideas
seat by the mere fact of its that ran through the deliberations
creation and regardless of its on the words and meaning of
population. Section 5 of Article VI.

Apropos for discussion is the Romualdez-Marcos vs.

provision of the Local COMELEC, G.R. No. 119976,
Government Code on the creation September 18, 1995 (248 SCRA
of a province which, by virtue of 300)
and upon creation, is entitled to at
least a legislative district. Issue: The residency requirement
of Former First Lady Imelda
Thus, Section 461 of the Local Marcos is being questioned in
Government Code states: this case.

Requisites for Creation. – (a) A

province may be created if it has
an average annual income, as
by the Department of Finance,
Held: The 1987 Constitution Article 50 of the Civil Code
mandates that an aspirant for decrees that "[f]or the exercise of
election to the House of civil rights and the fulfillment of
Representatives be "a registered civil obligations, the domicile of
voter in the district in which he natural persons is their place of
shall be elected, and a resident habitual residence." In Ong vs.
thereof for a period of not less Republic (19 SCRA 966) this
than one year immediately court, took the concept of
preceding the election." The domicile to mean an individual's
mischief which this provision "permanent home", "a place to
seeks to prevent is the possibility which, whenever absent for
of a "stranger or newcomer business or for pleasure, one
unacquainted with the conditions intends to return, and depends on
and needs of a community and facts and circumstances in the
not sense that they disclose intent."
identified with the latter, from an Based on the foregoing, domicile
elective office to serve that includes the twin elements of "the
community.“ fact of residing or physical
presence in a fixed place" and
A perusal of the Resolution of the animus manendi, or the intention
COMELEC's Second Division of returning there permanently.
reveals a startling confusion in
the application of settled Residence, in its ordinary
concepts of "Domicile" and conception, implies the factual
"Residence" in election law. relationship of an individual to a
While the COMELEC seems to certain place. It is the physical
be in agreement presence of a person in a given
with the general proposition that area, community or country. The
for the purposes of election law, essential distinction between
residence is synonymous with residence and domicile in law is
domicile, the Resolution reveals a that residence involves the intent
tendency to substitute or mistake to leave when the purpose for
the concept of domicile for actual which the resident has taken up
residence, a conception not his abode ends. One may seek a
intended for the purpose of place for purposes such as
determining a candidate's pleasure, business, or health. If a
qualifications for election to the person's intent be to remain, it
House of Representatives as becomes his domicile; if his
required by the 1987 intent is to leave as soon as his
Constitution. As it were, purpose is established it is
residence, for the purpose of residence.
meeting the qualification for an
elective position, has a settled
meaning in our jurisdiction.
It is thus, quite perfectly normal As these concepts have evolved
for an individual to have different in our election law, what has
residences in various places. clearly and unequivocally
However, a person can only have emerged is the fact that residence
a single domicile, unless, for for election purposes is used
various reasons, he successfully synonymously with domicile.
abandons his domicile in favor of
another domicile of choice. In In Nuval vs. Guray (52 Phil.
Uytengsu vs. Republic (95 Phil. 645), the Court held that "the
890), we laid this distinction term residence .is synonymous
quite clearly: with domicile which imports not
reside in a fixed place, but also
"There is a difference between personal presence in that place,
domicile and residence. coupled with conduct indicative
Residence is used to indicate a of such intention." Larena vs.
place of abode, whether Teves (61 Phil. 36) reiterated the
permanent or temporary; same doctrine in a case involving
'domicile' denotes a fixed the qualifications of the
permanent residence to which, respondent therein to the post of
when absent, one has the Municipal President of
intention of returning. A man may Dumaguete, Negros Oriental.
have a residence in one place and Faypon vs. Quirino (96 Phil.
a domicile in another. Residence 294), held that the absence from
is not domicile, but domicile is residence to pursue studies or
residence coupled with the practice a profession or
intention to remain for an registration as a voter other than
unlimited time. A man can have in the place where one is elected
but one domicile for the same does not constitute loss of
purpose at any time, but he may residence. So settled is the
have numerous places of concept (of domicile) in our
residence. His place of residence election law that in these and
is generally his place of domicile, other election law cases, this
but it is not by any means Court has stated that the mere
necessarily so since no length of absence of an individual from his
residence without intention of permanent residence without the
remaining will constitute intention to abandon it does not
domicile.“ result in a loss or change of
For political purposes the
concepts of residence and
domicile are dictated by the
peculiar criteria of political laws.
The deliberations of the 1987 Mrs. Rosario Braid: The next
Constitution on the residence question is on Section 7 page 2. I
qualification for certain elective think Commissioner Nolledo has
positions have placed beyond raised the same point that
doubt the principle that when the "resident" has been interpreted at
Constitution speaks of times as a matter of intention
"residence" in election law, it rather than actual residence.
actually means only "domicile" to
wit: Mr. De los Reyes: Domicile

Mr. Nolledo: With respect to Ms. Rosario Braid: Yes, So,

Section 5, I remember that in the would the gentleman consider at
1971 Constitutional Convention, the proper time to go back to
there was an attempt to require actual residence rather than mere
residence in the place not less intention to reside?
than one year immediately
preceding the day of the Mr. De los Reyes: But we might
elections. So my question is: encounter some difficulty
What is the Committee's concept especially considering that a
of residence of a candidate for provision in the Constitution in
the legislature? Is it actual the Article on Suffrage says that
residence or is it the concept of Filipinos living abroad may vote
domicile or constructive as enacted by law. So, we have
residence? to stick to the original concept
that it should be by domicile and
Mr. Davide: Madame President., not physical residence. 30
insofar as the regular members of
the National Assembly are In Co vs. Electoral Tribunal of
concerned, the proposed section the House of Representatives
merely provides, among others, (199 SCRA 692), this Court
'and a resident thereof', that is, in concluded that the framers of the
the district for a period of not less 1987 Constitution obviously
than one year preceding the day adhered to the definition given to
of the election. This was in effect the term residence in election
lifted from the 1973 Constitution, law, regarding it as having the
the interpretation given to it was same meaning as domicile.
Domino vs. COMELEC, G.R. as shown by his certificate of
No.134015, July 19,1999 (310 candidacy for the position of
SCRA 546) representative of the 3rd District
of Quezon City in the May 1995
 Concept of Residence and election. Petitioner is now
Domicile claiming that he had effectively
abandoned his "residence" in
Held: It is doctrinally settled that Quezon City and has established
the term "residence," as used in a new "domicile" of choice at the
the law prescribing the Province of Sarangani.
qualifications for
suffrage and for elective office, A person’s "domicile" once
means the same thing as established is considered to
"domicile," which imports not continue and will not be deemed
only an intention to reside in a lost until a new one is
fixed place but also personal established. To successfully
presence in that place, coupled effect a change of domicile one
with conduct indicative of such must demonstrate an actual
intention. "Domicile" denotes a removal or an actual change of
fixed permanent residence to domicile; a bona fide intention of
which, whenever absent for abandoning the former place of
business, pleasure, or some other residence and establishing a new
reasons, one intends to return. one and definite acts which
"Domicile" is a question of correspond with the purpose. In
intention and circumstances.. In other words, there must basically
the consideration of be animus manendi coupled with
circumstances, three rules must animus non revertendi. The
be borne in mind, namely: (1) purpose to remain in or at the
that a man must have a residence domicile of choice must be for an
or domicile somewhere; (2) when indefinite period of time; the
once established it remains until a change of residence must be
new one is acquired; and (3) a voluntary; and the residence at
man can have but one residence the place chosen for the new
or domicile at a time. domicile must be actual.
It is the contention of petitioner
Records show that petitioner’s that his actual physical presence
domicile of origin was Candon, in Alabel, Sarangani since
Ilocos Sur and that sometime in December 1996 was sufficiently
1991, he acquired a new domicile established by the lease of a
of choice at 24 Bonifacio St. house and lot located therein in
Ayala Heights, Old Balara, January 1997 and by the
Quezon City, affidavits and certifications under
oath of the residents of that place
that they have seen petitioner and
his family residing in their
While this may be so, actual and The mere absence of individual
physical is not in itself sufficient from his permanent residence, no
to show that from said date he matter how long, without the
had transferred his residence in intention to abandon it does not
that place. To establish a new result in loss or change of
domicile of choice, personal domicile. Thus the date of the
presence in the place must be contract of lease of a house and
coupled with conduct indicative lot located in the province of
of that intention. While Sarangani, i.e., 15 January 1997,
"residence" simply requires cannot be used, in the absence of
bodily presence in a given place, other circumstances, as the
"domicile" requires not only such reckoning period of the one-year
bodily presence in that place but residence requirement.
also a declared and probable Further, Domino’s lack of
intent to make it one’s fixed and intention to abandon his
permanent place of abode, one’s residence in Quezon City is
home. further strengthened by his act of
registering as voter in one of the
As a general rule, the principal precincts in Quezon City. While
elements of domicile, physical voting is not conclusive of
presence in the locality involved residence, it does give rise to a
and intention to adopt it as a strong presumption of residence
domicile, must concur in order to especially in this case where
establish a new domicile. No DOMINO registered in his
change of domicile will result if former barangay. Exercising the
either of these elements is absent. right of election franchise is a
Intention to acquire a domicile deliberate public assertion of the
without actual residence in the fact of residence, and is said to
locality does not result in have decided preponderance in a
acquisition of domicile, nor does doubtful case upon the place the
the fact of physical presence elector claims as, or believes to
without intention. be, his residence. The fact that a
party continuously voted in a
The lease contract entered into particular locality is a strong
sometime in January 1997, does factor in assisting to determine
not adequately support a change the status of his domicile.
of domicile. The lease contract
may be indicative of DOMINO’s His claim that his registration in
intention to reside in Sarangani Quezon City was erroneous and
but it does not engender the kind was caused by events over which
of permanency required to prove he had no control cannot be
abandonment of one’s original sustained.
The general registration of voters In Jan., 1990, petitioner filed
for purposes of the May 1998 with the COMELEC a Certificate
elections was scheduled for two of Candidacy for the position of
(2) consecutive weekends, viz.: Regional Governor of the
June 14, 15, 21, and 22. Autonomous Region in Muslim
Mindanao. Upon being informed
While, Domino’s intention to of such development by the
establish residence in Sarangani COMELEC, respondents Speaker
can be gleaned from the fact that and Secretary of the House of
be bought the Reps. excluded petitioner's name
house he was renting on from the Roll of Members of the
November 4, 1997, that he sought House of Reps. pursuant to Sec.
cancellation of his previous 67, Article IX of the Omnibus
registration in Quezon City on 22 Election Code (B.P. Blg. 881)
October 1997, 34 and that he
applied for transfer of registration Having lost in the elections,
from Quezon City to Sarangani petitioner then tried but failed in
by reason of change of residence his bid to regain his seat in
on 30 August 1997, 35 DOMINO Congress. Hence, this petition.
still falls short of the one year He maintains that he did not lose
residency requirement under the his seat as congressman because
Constitution. Sec. 67, Art. IX of B.P. Blg. 881
is not operative under the present
In showing compliance with the Constitution, being contrary
residency requirement, both thereto, and therefore not
intent and actual presence in the applicable to the present
district one intends to represent members of Congress.
must satisfy the length of time
prescribed by the fundamental Issue: Whether Sec. 67, Art. IX
law. Domino’s failure to do so of B.P. Blg. 881 is operative
rendered him ineligible and his under the present Constitution
election to office null and void
Held: YES. Sec. 67, Art. IX of
Dimaporo vs. Mitra, G.R. No. B.P. Blg. 881 reads: "Any
96859, October 15, 1991 (202 elective official whether national
SCRA 779) or local running for
any office other than the one
Facts: Petitioner Mohammad Ali which he is holding in a
Dimaporo was elected permanent capacity except for
Representative for the 2nd President and Vice President shall
Legislative District of Lanao del be considered ipso facto resigned
Sur during the 1987 from his office upon the filing of
congressional elections. his certificate of candidacy."
Petitioner failed to discern that The fact that the ground cited in
rather than cut short the term of Sec. 67, Art. IX of B.P. Blg. 881
office of elective public officials, is not mentioned in the
this statutory provision seeks to Constitution itself as a mode of
ensure that such officials serve shortening the tenure of office of
out their entire term of office and the members of Congress does
thereby cutting short their tenure not preclude its application to
by making it clear that should present members of Congress.
they fail in their candidacy, they Sec. 2, Art. IX of the Constitution
cannot go back to their former provides that "xxx All other
position. This is in consonant public officers and employees
with the constitutional edict that may be removed from office as
all public officials must serve the provided by law, but not by
people with utmost loyalty and impeachment." Such
not trifle with the mandate which constitutional
they have received from their expression clearly recognizes that
constituents. the 4 grounds found in Art. VI of
the Constitution by which the
In theorizing that the provision tenure of a Congressman may be
under consideration cuts short the shortened are NOT exclusive.
term of office of a Member of
Congress, petitioner seems to Moreover, as the mere act of
confuse "term" with "tenure" of filing the certificate of candidacy
office. for another office produces
automatically the permanent
"The term of office prescribed by forfeiture of the elective position
the Constitution may not be being presently held, it is not
extended or shortened by the necessary that the other position
legislature, but the period during be
which an officer actually holds actually held. The ground for
the office (tenure), may be forfeiture in Sec. 13, Art. VI of
affected by circumstances within the Constitution is different from
or beyond the power of said the forfeiture decreed in Sec. 67,
officer. These situations will not Art. IX of B.P. Blg. 881, which is
change the duration of the term actually a mode of voluntary
of office.“ renunciation of office under Sec.
7, par. 2 of Art. VI of the
Under the questioned provision, Constitution.
when an elective official covered
thereby files a cert. of candidacy
for another office, he is deemed
to have voluntarily cut short his
tenure, not his term. The term
remains and his successor, if any,
is allowed to serve its unexpired
Lozada vs. COMELEC, G.R. Held: I. a. As taxypayers,
No. L-59068, January 27, 1983 petitioners may not file the
(120 SCRA 337) instant petition, for nowhere
therein is it alleged that
Facts: This is a petition for tax money is being illegally
mandamus filed by Lozada and spent. Xxx
Igot as a representative suit for
and in behalf of those who wish b. As voters, neither have
to participate in the election petitioners the requisite interest
irrespective of party affiliation, to or personality to qualify them to
compel the respondent maintain and
COMELEC to call a special prosecute the present petition.
election to fill up existing Petitioners' standing to sue may
vacancies numbering 12 in the not be predicated upon an interest
Interim Batasan Pambansa. The of the kind alleged here, which is
petition is based on Sec. 5 (2), held in common by all members
Art. VIII of the 1973 Constitution of the public because of the
which reads: necessarily abstract nature of the
injury supposedly shared by all
"In case a vacancy arises in the citizens.
BP 18 months or more before a
regular election, the COMELEC II. a. The SC's jurisdiction over
shall call a special election to be the COMELEC is only to review
held within 60 days after the by certiorari the latter's decision,
vacancy occurs to elect the orders or rulings. xxx There is in
Member to serve the unexpired this case no decision, order or
term.“ ruling of the COMELEC which is
sought to be reviewed by this
Petitioner Lozada claims that he Court under its certiorari
is a Tax Payer (TP) and a bona jurisdiction.
fide elector of Cebu City and a
transient voter of QC, MM, who b. Mandamus does not lie. There
desires to run for the position in is total absence that COMELEC
the BP; while petitioner Igot has unlawfully neglected the
alleges that, as TP, he has performance of a ministerial duty
standing to petition by mandamus or has refused on being
the calling of a special election as demanded, to discharge such a
mandated by the 1973 Consti. duty.
The holding of special elections Philconsa vs. Mathay, G.R. No.
in several regional districts where L-25554, October 4, 1966 (18
vacancies exist, would entail SCRA 300)
huge expenditure of money. Only
the Facts: PHILCONSA has filed in
BP can make the necessary this Court a suit against the
appropriation for the purpose, Auditor General of the Phils., and
and this power of the BP may the Auditor of the Congress,
neither be subject to mandamus seeking to permanently enjoin the
by the courts much less may aforesaid officials from
COMELEC compel BP to authorizing or passing in audit
exercise its power of the payment of the increased
appropriation. salaries authorized by RA 4134
(approved 6/10/64) to the
III. Perhaps the strongest reason Speaker and members of the
why the said provision is not HRep before 12/30/69.
intended to apply to the Interim
National Assembly is the fact that The 1965-1966 Budget
as passed by the Con Con, the implemented the increase in
Interim NA was to be composed salary of the Speaker and
by the delegates to the Con Con, members of the HRep set by RA
as well as the then incumbent 4134. The petitioners contend
President and VP, and the that such implementation is
members of the Senate and violative of Art VI, Sec. 14 of the
House of Rep. of Congress under 1935 Constitution, which
the 1935 Constitution. With such provided that: "xxx No increase
number of representatives in said compensation shall take
representing each congressional effect until after the expiration of
district, or a province, not to the full term
mention the Senators, there was of all the Members of the Senate
felt absolutely no need for filling and of the House of
up vacancies occurring in the Representatives approving such
Interim NA, considering the increase. xxx“
uncertainty of the duration of its
existence. The reason given being that the
term of the 8 senators elected in
1963, and who took part in the
approval of RA 4134, will expire
only on 12/30/69; while the term
of the members of the House who
participated in the approval of the
said Act expired on 12/30/65.
Held: The Court agrees with The use of the word "term" in the
petitioners that the increased singular, when combined with the
compensation provided is not following phrase "all the
operative until 12/30/69, when members of the Senate and of the
the full term of all members of House," underscores that in the
the Senate and House that application of said provision, the
approved it will have expired. fundamental consideration is that
the terms of office of all
Purpose of the provision.-- The members of the Legislature that
reason for the this rule, the Court enacted the measure must have
said, is to place a "legal bar to the expired before the increase in
legislators yielding to the natural compensation can become
temptation to increase their operative.
salaries. Not that the power to
provide for higher compensation Term of all the members of the
is lacking, but with the length of Congress, instead of all the
time that has to elapse before an members of the Senate and of the
increase becomes effective, there House." This is a distinction w/o
is a deterrent factor to any such a difference, since the Senate and
measure unless the need for it is the House together constitute the
clearly felt.“ Congress.

Significantly, in establishing what The use of the phrase "of the

might be termed a waiting period, Senate and of the House" when it
the constitutional provision refers could have employed the shorter
to "all members of the Senate expression "of the Senate and the
and of the House or Rep." in the House" is grammatically correct.
same sentence, as a single unit, To speak of "members of the
without distinction or separation Senate and the House" would
between them. This unitary imply that the members of the
treatment is emphasized by the Senate also held membership in
fact that the provision speaks of the House.
the "expiration of the full term"
xxx using the singular form, and Ligot vs. Mathay, G.R. No. L-
not the plural, despite the 34676, April 30, 1974 (56 SCRA
difference in the terms of office, 823)
xxx thereby rendering more
evident the intent to consider Facts: Petitioner served as a
both houses for the purpose as member of the House of
indivisible Representatives of Congress for 3
components of one single consecutive 4-yr terms covering
Legislature. a 12-yr span from 12/30/57 to
12/30/69. During his 2nd term in
office, RA 4134 was enacted into
Petitioner was reelected to a 3rd 2. To grant retirement gratuity to
term (12/30/65 to 12/30/69) but members of Congress whose
was held not entitled to the salary terms expired on 12/30/69
increase of P32,000 during such computed on the basis of an
third term by virtue of this increased salary of P32,000 p.a.
Court's unanimous decision in would be to pay them prohibited
Philconsa v. Mathay. Petitioner emoluments w/c in effect
lost his bid for a consecutive 4th increase the salary beyond that
term in the 1969 elections and his w/c they were permitted by the
term having expired on 12/31/69, Constitution to receive during
filed a claim for retirement under their incumbency. This would be
CA 186, Sec. 12 (c), as amended. a subtle way of going around the
constitutional prohibition and
The HRep thus issued a treasury increasing in effect their
warrant in petitioner's favor as compensation during their term
his retirement gratuity, using the of office and of doing indirectly
increased salary of P32,000 p.a. what could not be done directly.
Respondent Congress Auditor did
not sign the warrant pending 3. Petitioners' contention that
resolution by the Auditor Gen. of since the increased salary of
a similar claim filed by Cong P32T p.a. was already operative
Singson. When the Auditor Gen.'s when his
adverse decision on Singson's retirement took effect on
claim came out, resp Auditor 12/30/69, his retirement gratuity
requested petitioner to return the should be based on such
warrant for recomputation. increased salary cannot be
Petitioner's request for recon sustained as far as he and other
having been denied by the members of Congress similarly
Auditor Gen. he filed the present situated are concerned for the
petition for review. simple reason that a retirement or
benefit is a form of compensation
Held: 1. [T]he "rate of pay as within the purview of the
provided by law" for members of Constitutional provision limiting
Congress retiring on 12/30/69, their compensation and "other
such as petitioner, must emoluments" to their salary as
necessarily be P7,200 p.a., the provided by law.
compensation they received "as
provided by law" and the Consti
during their term of office.
People vs. Jalosjos, G.R. No. A congressman like the accused-
132875-76, November 16, 2001 appellant, convicted under Title
(324 SCRA 689) Eleven of the Revised Penal
Code could not claim
Held: The immunity from arrest parliamentary immunity from
or detention of Senators and arrest. He was subject to the
members of the House of same general laws governing all
Representatives, the persons still to be tried or whose
latter customarily addressed as convictions were pending appeal.
Congressmen, arises from a
provision of the Constitution. The The 1973 Constitution broadened
history of the provision shows the privilege of immunity as
that the privilege has always been follows: Article VIII, Sec. 9. A
granted in a restrictive sense. The Member of the Batasang
provision granting an exemption Pambansa shall, in all offenses
as a special privilege cannot be punishable by not more than six
extended beyond the ordinary years imprisonment, be
meaning of its terms. It may not privileged from arrest during his
be extended by intendment, attendance at its sessions and in
implication or equitable going to and returning from the
considerations same.

The 1935 Constitution provided For offenses punishable by more

in its Article VI on the than six years imprisonment,
Legislative Department: there was no immunity from
SECTION 15. The Senators and arrest. The
Members of the House of restrictive interpretation of
Representatives shall in all cases immunity and the intent to
except treason, felony, and confine it within carefully
breach of the peace be privileged defined parameters is illustrated
from arrest during their by the concluding portion of the
attendance at the sessions of provision, to wit:
Congress, and in going to and
returning from the same; . . “but the Batasang Pambansa shall
surrender the member involved to
Because of the broad coverage of the custody of the law within
felony and breach of the peace, twenty four hours after its
the exemption applied only to adjournment for a recess or for its
civil arrests. next session, otherwise such
privilege shall cease upon its
failure to do so.
The present Constitution adheres Held: (1) The determination of
to the same restrictive rule minus the first issue depends on w/n the
the obligation of Congress to publication falls w/in the purview
surrender the subject of the phrase "speech or debate
Congressman to the custody of therein"-- that is to say, in
the law. The requirement that he Congress -- used in this
should be attending sessions or provision.
committee meetings has also
been removed. For relatively Scope of Parliamentary Freedom
minor offenses, it is enough that of Speech and Debate. -- "Said
Congress is in session. expression refers to utterances
made by Congressmen in the
Jimenez vs. Cabangbang, G.R. performance of their official
No. L-15905, August 3, 1966 (17 functions, such as speeches
SCRA 876) delivered, statements made, or
votes cast in the halls of
Facts: This is an ordinary civil Congress, while the same is in
action for the recovery by session, as well as bills
plaintiffs Jimenez, et al., of introduced in Congress, whether
several sums of money, by way the same is in session or not, and
of damages for the publication of other acts performed by
an allegedly libelous letter of Congressmen, either in Congress
defendant Bartolome or outside the premises housing
Cabangbang. An open letter of its offices, in the official
the President, published in discharge of their duties as
several newspapers of general members of Congress and of
circulation saying that certain Congressional Committees duly
members of the Armed Forces of authorized to perform its
the Philippines had been functions as such, at the time of
preparing for a coup and working the performance of the acts in
for the candidacy of the question."
Secretary of Defense for the
Presidency. Upon being The publication involved in this
summoned, the Cabangbang case does not belong to this
moved to dismiss the complaint category. According to the
upon the ground that the letter in complaint herein, it was an open
question is not libelous, and that, letter to the President dated
even if it were, said letter is a 11/14/58, when Congress
privileged communication. presumably was not in session,
and defendant caused said letter
Issues: Whether the publication to be published in several
in question is a privileged newspapers of general circulation
communication; and, if not, in the Phils., on or about said
whether it is libelous date.
or not.
It is obvious that, in thus causing On his side, Osmena contended
the communication to be so in his petition that: (1) the
published, he was not performing Constitution gave him complete
his official duty, either as a parliamentary immunity, and so,
member of Congress of as officer for words spoken in the House,
or any Committee thereof. he ought not to be questioned; (2)
that his speech constituted no
(2) Letter was not libelous.-- The disorderly behaviour for which
letter was not libelous because it he could be punished; (3)
mentions that herein appellants as supposing he could be
possibly "unwitting tools of a questioned and disciplined
plan of which they have therefor, the House had lost the
absolutely no knowledge." In power to do so because it had
other words, the very document taken up other business before
upon which plaintiffs' action is approving House Resolution No.
based explicitly indicates that 59; (4) that the House has no
they might be absolutely unaware power, under the Constitution, to
of the alleged operation plans, suspend one of its members.
and that they may be unwitting Resolution No. 175 found
tools of the planners. The Osmena guilty of serious
statement is not derogatory to the disorderly behaviour. He was
plaintiffs to the point of entitling suspended for 15 months.
them to recover damages.
Held: 1. Sec. 15, Art. VI of the
Osmena vs. Pendatun, G.R. No. 1935 Constitution provides that
L-17144, October 28, 1960 (109 "for any speech or debate" in
Phil 863) Congress, the
Senators or Members of the
Facts: In 1960, Cong. Osmena HRep "shall not be questioned in
delivered a privilege speech in any other place." Observe that
Congress entitled "A Message to "they shall not be questioned in
Garcia," maliciously denouncing any other place" than Congress.
and charging the administration But they may, nevertheless, be
of Pres. Garcia. As a result of questioned in Congress itself.
this, the House of
Representatives through House Furthermore, the Rules of the
Resolution No. 59 created a House which petitioner himself
special committee to investigate has invoked recognize the
the veracity of the charges and House's power to hold
for him to show cause why he a member responsible "for words
should not be punished by the spoken in debate."
House if he failed to substantiate
his charges.
The provision guarantees the 3. On the question whether or not
legislator complete freedom of delivery of speeches attacking the
expression without fear of being President constitutes disorderly
made responsible conduct for which Osmena may
in criminal or civil actions before be disciplined, we believe that
the courts or any other forum the House is the judge of what
outside of the Congressional constitutes disorderly behavior,
Hall. But it does not protect him not only because the Constitution
from responsibility before the has conferred jurisdiction upon it,
legislative body itself whenever but also because the matter
his words and conduct are depends mainly on factual
considered by the latter circumstances of which the
disorderly or unbecoming a House knows best but which can
member thereof. not be depicted in black and
white for presentation to, and
For unparliamentarily conduct, adjudication by the Courts.
members of Congress have been,
or could be censured, committed Adaza vs. Pacana, Jr., G.R. No.
to prison, suspended, even L-68159, March 18, 1985 (135
expelled by the votes of their SCRA 431)
Facts: Petitioner Homobono
2. On the third point of petitioner Adaza was elected governor of
that the House may no longer Misamis Oriental in the 1/30/80
take action against him, because elections. Elected vice-gov. for
after his said province in the same
speech and before approving the elections was resp. Fernando
Resolution No. 59, it had taken Pacana, Jr. Both qualified and
up other business. assumed their respective offices.
Both Adaza and Pacana filed
Courts have declared that "the their certificates of candidacy for
rules adopted by deliberative the 5/14/84 BP elections. In the
bodies are subject to revocation, said elections, petitioner won
modification or waiver at the while respondents lost.
pleasure of the body appointing
them." And it has been said that On 7/23/84, respondent took his
"Parliamentary rules are merely oath of office as governor of
procedural and with their Misamis Oriental and started to
observance, the courts have no perform the duties of governor.
concern. They may be waived or
disregarded by the legislative
Claiming to be the lawful 2. The second proposition
occupant of the governor's office, advanced by petitioner is that
petitioner has brought this resp. Pacana, as a mere private
petition to exclude respondent citizen, had no right
therefrom. He argues that he was to assume the governorship left
elected to said office for a term vacant by petitioner's election to
of 6 yrs., that he remains to be the BP. He maintains that resp.
the governor of the province until should be considered as having
his term expires on 3/23/86 as abandoned or resigned from the
provided by law, and that within vice-governorship when he filed
the context of the parliamentary his cert. of candidacy. The point
system, a local elective official pressed runs afoul of BP 697,
can hold the position to which he Sec. 13 (2) of w/c provides that
had been elected and governors, mayors, members of
simultaneously be an elected the various sangguniang or
member of Parliament. barangay officials shall, upon
filing a cert. of candidacy, be
Held: 1. The constitutional considered on forced leave of
prohibition against a member of absence from office." Respondent
the BP from holding any other falls within the coverage of this
office of provision considering that he was
employment in the government a member of the Sangguniang
during his tenure is clear and Panlalawigan.
unambiguous. Sec. 10, Art. VIII
of the 1973 Constitution Puyat vs. De Guzman, Jr., G.R.
provides that: "Sec. 10. A No. L-51122, March 25, 1982
member of the National (113 SCRA 32)
Assembly shall not hold any
other office or employment in Facts: On 5/14/79, an election
the government xxx except that for the 11 Directors of the
of prime minister or member of International Pipe Industries
the cabinet. Corp. (IPI) was held.
There were two groups, the Puyat
It is of no avail to petitioner that Group and the Acero Group. The
the system of gov’t in other states Puyat Group would be in control
allows a local elective official to of the Board and of the
act as an elected member of the management of IPI. On 5/25/79,
parliament at the same time. The the Acero Group instituted at the
dictate of the people in whom SEC quo warranto proc.
legal sovereignty lies is explicit. questioning the 5/14/79 election.
xxx [T]he incompatibility herein The said group claimed that the
present is one created by no less votes were not properly counted
than the constitution itself.
May 25-31, 1979, the Puyat Ordinarily, by virtue of the
Group claims that at the Motion of Intervention,
conferences of the parties with Assemblyman Fernandez cannot
respondent SEC Commissioner, be said to be appearing as
Justice Estanislao A. Fernandez, counsel. Ostensibly, he is not
then a member of the Interim BP, appearing on behalf of another,
orally entered his appearance as although he is joining the cause
counsel for resp. Acero to which of the private respondents. His
the Puyat Group objected on appearance could theoretically be
Constitutional grounds. Sec. 11, for the protection of his
Art. VIII of the 1973 Constitution ownership of 10 shares of IPI in
provided that no Assemblyman respect of the matter in litigation.
could "appear as counsel before
xxx any administrative body," However, certain salient
and SEC was an administrative circumstances militate against the
body. intervention of Assemblyman F.
in the SEC case. He had
On 7/17/79, the SEC granted acquired a mere P200 worth of
leave to intervene on the basis of stocks in IPI. He acquired them
Atty. Fernandez' ownership of ten "after the fact," that is, on
shares. It is this Order allowing 5/30/79, after the contested
intervention that precipitated the election of Directors on 5/14/79,
instant petition for Certiorari and after the quo warranto suit had
Prohibition w/ Prel. Inj. been filed on 5/25/79 before
SEC and one day before the
On 9/4/79, the Court en banc scheduled hearing of the case
issued a TRO enjoining resp SEC before the SEC on 5/31/79. And
Commissioner from allowing the what is more, before he moved
participation as an intervenor, of to intervene, he had signified his
respondent Fernandez at the intention to appear as counsel for
proceedings in the SEC case. resp. Acero, but w/c was
objected to by petitioners.
Held: The intervention of Realizing, perhaps, the validity of
Assemblyman Fernandez in the the objection, he decided, instead
SEC case falls w/in the ambit of to "intervene" on the ground of
the prohibition contained in the legal interest in the matter under
Constitution. There has been an litigation.
indirect "appearance as counsel
before xxx an administrative
Santiago vs. Guingona, G.R. "These officers shall take their
No. 134577, November 18, 1998 oath of office before entering into
(298 SCRA 756) the discharge of their duties.

Held: While the Constitution is RULE II: ELECTION OF

explicit on the manner of electing OFFICERS
a Senate President and a House "SEC. 2. The officers of the
Speaker, it is, however, dead Senate shall be elected by the
silent on the manner of selecting majority vote of all its Members.
the other officers in both Should there be more than one
chambers of Congress. All that candidate for the same office, a
the Charter says is that "[e]ach nominal vote shall be taken;
House shall choose such other otherwise, the elections shall be
officers as it may deem by viva voce or by resolution.“
necessary." To our mind, the
method of choosing who will be Notably, the Rules of the Senate
such other officers is merely a do not provide for the positions
derivative of the exercise of the of majority and minority leaders.
prerogative conferred by the Neither is there an open clause
aforequoted constitutional providing specifically for such
provision. Therefore, such offices and prescribing the
method must be prescribed by the manner of creating them or of
Senate itself, not by this Court. choosing the holders thereof. At
any rate, such offices, by
In this regard, the Constitution tradition and long practice, are
vests in each house of Congress actually extant. But, in the
the power "to determine the rules absence of constitutional or
of its statutory guidelines or specific
proceedings." Pursuant thereto, rules, this Court is devoid of any
the Senate formulated and basis upon which to determine
adopted a set of rules to govern the legality of the acts of the
its internal affairs. Pertinent to Senate relative thereto. On
the instant case are Rules I and II grounds of respect for the basic
thereof, which provide: concept of separation of powers,
courts may not intervene in the
"Rule I: ELECTIVE OFFICERS internal affairs of the legislature;
"SEC. 1. The Senate shall elect, it is not within the province of
in the manner hereinafter courts to direct Congress how to
provided, a President, a President do its work.
Pro Tempore, a Secretary, and a
Paraphrasing the words of This Court has no authority to
Justice Florentino P. Feliciano, interfere and unilaterally intrude
this Court is of the opinion that into that exclusive realm, without
where no specific, operable running afoul of constitutional
norms and standards are shown to principles that it is bound to
exist, then the legislature must be protect and uphold — the very
given a real and effective duty that justifies the Court's
opportunity to fashion and being. Constitutional respect and
promulgate as well as to a becoming regard for the
implement them, before the sovereign acts of a coequal
courts may intervene. branch prevents this Court from
prying into the internal workings
Needless to state, legislative of the Senate. To repeat, this
rules, unlike statutory laws, do Court will be neither a tyrant nor
not have the imprints of a wimp; rather, it will remain
permanence and obligatoriness steadfast and judicious in
during their effectivity. In fact, upholding the rule and majesty of
they "are subject to revocation, the law.
modification or waiver at the
pleasure of the body adopting To accede, then, to the
them." Being merely matters of interpretation of petitioners
procedure, their observance are would practically amount to
of no concern to the courts, for judicial legislation, a clear breach
said rules may be waived or of the constitutional doctrine of
disregarded by the legislative separation of powers. If for this
body at will, upon the argument alone, the petition
concurrence of a majority. would easily fail.

In view of the foregoing, Avelino vs. Cuenco, G.R. No. L-

Congress verily has the power 2821, March 4, 1949 (83 Phil
and prerogative to provide for 17)
such officers as it may deem.
And it is certainly within its own FACTS: Jose Avelino was Senate
jurisdiction and discretion to President in 1949. On 2/21/49,
prescribe the parameters for the Senators Tanada and Sanidad
exercise of this prerogative. filed a
resolution (Resolution 68) against
Avelino calling for an
investigation. During the session,
Avelino and 6 others walked out
leaving 12 senators behind.
The 12 senators continued the (1) Supposing that the Court has
session and passed resolution no. jurisdiction, there is unanimity in
67 declaring the Senate President the view that the session under
seat vacant. Senator Cuenco was Senator Arranz was a
eventually elected as the acting continuation of the morning
President of the Senate. session and that a minority of 10
senators may not, by leaving the
By his petition in this quo Hall, prevent the other 12
warranto proceeding petitioner senators from passing a
asks the Court to declare him the resolution that met w/ their
rightful President of the unanimous resolution.
Philippine Senate and oust
respondent, Senator Cuenco. (2) If the rump session was not a
continuation of the morning
Issues: a. Does the Court have session, was it validly
jurisdiction over the subject- constituted?
matter? Justices Paras, Feria, Pablo and
b. It if has, were resolutions Nos. Bengzon say there was for the
68 and 67 validly approved? following reasons: (i) the minutes
c. Should the petition be granted? say so, (ii) at the beginning of
such session there were at least
Held: a. To the first question, the 14 senators including Senators
answer is in the negative, in view Pendatun and Lopez, and (iii) in
of the separation of powers, the view of the absence from the
political nature of the country of Senator Confessor, 12
controversy and the constitutional senators constitute a majority of
grant to the Senate of the power the Senate of 23 senators. When
to elect its own president, which the Constitution declares that a
power should not be interfered majority of "each House" shall
with, nor taken over, by the constitute a quorom, "the House"
judiciary. does not mean "all" the members.
b. The second question depends Even a majority of all the
upon these sub-questions: (1) members constitute the "House."
Was the session of the so-called There is a difference bet. a
rump Senate majority of "all the members of
a continuation of the session the House" and a majority of "the
validly assembled w/ 22 Senators House," the latter requiring less
(2 were absent-- one was abroad; number than the first.
the other was confined in a
Manila hospital) in the morning
of 2/21/49? (2) Was there a
quorom in that session?
Therefore, an absolute majority The confinement of a
(12) of all the members of the Congressman charged with a
Senate less one (23) constitutes crime punishable by
constitutional majority of the imprisonment of more than six
Senate for the purpose of the months is not merely authorized
quorom. J. Pablo believes further by law, it has constitutional
that even if the 12 did not foundations.
constitute a quorom, they could
have ordered the arrest of one, at Pacete vs. Sec. of the
least, of the absent members Commission on Appointments,
G.R. No. L-25895, July 23, 1971
People vs. Jalosjos, G.R. No. (40 SCRA 58)
132875-76, November 16, 2001
(324 SCRA 689) Doctrine: The rules of the
Commission on Appointments
Held: The accused-appellant concerning its internal business
argues that a member of could be reviewed
Congress' function to attend by the Courts, that is, it is a
sessions is underscored by justiciable matter, when a certain
Section 16 (2), Article VI of the construction of such rules would
Constitution which states that defeat the right of the individual
to a public office.
(2) A majority of each House
shall constitute a quorum to do Arroyo vs. De Venecia, G.R.
business, but a smaller number No. 127255, August 14, 1997
may adjourn from day to day and (277 SCRA 268)
may compel the attendance of
absent Members in such manner, Held: It is clear from the
and under such penalties, as such foregoing facts that what is
House may provide. alleged to have been violated in
the enactment of R.A. No. 8240
However, the accused-appellant are merely internal rules of
has not given any reason why he procedure of the House rather
should be exempted from the than constitutional requirements
operation of for the enactment of a law, i.e.,
Section 11, Article VI of the Art. VI, §§26-27. Petitioners do
Constitution. The members of not claim that there was no
Congress cannot compel absent quorum but only that, by some
members to attend sessions if the maneuver allegedly in violation
reason for the absence is a of the rules of the House, Rep.
legitimate one. Arroyo was effectively prevented
from questioning the presence of
a quorum.
Petitioners contend that the They may be waived or
House rules were adopted disregarded by the legislative
pursuant to the constitutional body.' Consequently, 'mere failure
provision that "each House may to conform to parliamentary
determine the rules of its usage will not invalidate the
proceedings" and that for this action (taken by a deliberative
reason they are judicially body) when the requisite number
enforceable. To begin with, this of members have agreed to a
contention stands the principle on particular measure.'“
its head. In the decided cases, the
constitutional provision that In United States v. Ballin, Joseph
"each House may determine the & Co. (144 US 5), the rule was
rules of its proceedings" was stated thus: "The Constitution
invoked by parties, although not empowers each house to
successfully, precisely to support determine its rules of
claims of autonomy of the proceedings. It may not by its
legislative branch to conduct its rules ignore constitutional
business free from interference restraints or violate fundamental
by courts. Here petitioners cite rights, and there should be a
the provision for the opposite reasonable relation between the
purpose of invoking judicial mode or method of proceeding
review. established by the rule and the
result which is sought to be
But the cases, both here and attained. But within these
abroad, in varying forms of limitations all matters of method
expression, all deny to the courts are open to the determination of
the power to inquire into the House, and it is no
allegations that, in enacting a law, impeachment of the rule to say
a House of Congress failed to that some other way would be
comply with its own rules, in the better, more accurate, or even
absence of showing that there more just. It is no objection to the
was a violation of a constitutional validity of a rule that a different
provision or the rights of private one has been prescribed and in
individuals. In Osmeña v. force for a length of time. The
Pendatun (109 Phil. 870), it was power to make rules is not one
held: "At any rate, courts have which once exercised is
declared that 'the rules adopted exhausted. It is a continuous
by deliberative bodies are subject power, always subject to be
to revocation, modification or exercised by the House, and
waiver at the pleasure of the body within the limitations suggested,
adopting them.' And it has been absolute and beyond the
said that 'Parliamentary rules are challenge of any other body or
merely procedural, and with their tribunal."
observance, the courts have no
In Crawford v. Gilchrist (64 Fla. In State v. Savings Bank (79
41), it was held: "The provision Conn. 141), the Supreme Court
that each House shall determine of Errors of Connecticut declared
the rules of its itself as follows:
proceedings does not restrict the
power given to a mere "The Constitution declares that
formulation of standing rules, or each house shall determine the
to the proceedings of the body in rules of its own proceedings and
ordinary legislative matters; but shall have all
in the absence of constitutional powers necessary for a branch of
restraints, and when exercised by the Legislature of a free and
a majority of a constitutional independent state. Rules of
quorum, such authority extends proceedings are the servants of
to a determination of the the House and subject to its
propriety and effect of any action authority. This authority may be
as it is taken by the body as it abused, but when the House has
proceeds in the exercise of any acted in a matter clearly within
power, in the transaction of any its power, it would be an
business, or in the performance unwarranted invasion of the
of any duty conferred upon it by independence of the legislative
the Constitution.“ department for the court to set
aside such action as void because
In State ex rel. City Loan & it may think that the House has
Savings Co. v. Moore (124 Ohio misconstrued or departed from its
St. 256), the Supreme Court of own rules of procedure.“
Ohio stated: "The
provision for reconsideration is In McDonald v. State (80 Wis.
no part of the Constitution and is 407), the Wisconsin Supreme
therefore entirely within the Court held: "When it appears that
control of the General Assembly. an act was so
Having made the rule, it should passed, no inquiry will be
be regarded, but a failure to permitted to ascertain whether
regard it is not the subject matter the two houses have or have not
of judicial inquiry. It has been complied strictly with their own
decided by the courts of last rules in their procedure upon the
resort of many states, and also by bill, intermediate its introduction
the United States Supreme Court, and final passage. The
that a legislative act will not be presumption is conclusive that
declared invalid for they have done so.
noncompliance with rules."
We think no court has ever The provision of section 17
declared an act of the legislature referred to is merely a statutory
void for non-compliance with the provision for the direction of the
rules of procedure made by legislature in its action upon
itself , or the respective branches proposed measures. It receives its
thereof, and which it or they may entire force from legislative
change or suspend at will. If sanction, and it exists only at
there are any such adjudications, legislative pleasure. The failure
we decline to follow them.“ of the legislature to properly
weigh and consider an act, its
Schweizer v. Territory (5 Okl. passage through the legislature in
297) is illustrative of the rule in a hasty manner, might be reasons
these cases. The 1893 Statutes of for the governor withholding his
Oklahoma signature thereto; but this alone,
provided for three readings on even though it is shown to be a
separate days before a bill may violation of a rule which the
be passed by each house of the legislature had made to govern its
legislature, with the proviso that own proceedings, could be no
in case of an emergency the reason for the
house concerned may, by two- court's refusing its enforcement
thirds vote, suspend the operation after it was actually passed by a
of the rule. Plaintiff was majority of each branch of the
convicted in the district court of legislature, and duly signed by
violation of a law punishing the governor. The courts cannot
gambling. He appealed declare an act of the legislature
contending that the gambling void on account of
statute was not properly passed noncompliance with rules of
by the legislature because the procedure made by itself to
suspension of the rule on three govern its deliberations.
readings had not been approved McDonald v. State, 80 Wis. 407,
by the requisite two-thirds vote. 50 N.W. 185; In re Ryan, 80 Wis.
Dismissing this contention, the 414, 50 N.W. 187; State v.
State Supreme Court of Brown, 33 S.C. 151, 11 S.E. 641;
Oklahoma held: Railway Co. v. Gill, 54 Ark. 101,
15 S.W. 18.
We have no constitutional
provision requiring that the We conclude this survey with the
legislature should read a bill in useful summary of the rulings by
any particular manner. It may, former Chief Justice Fernando,
then, read or deliberate upon a commenting on the power of
bill as it sees fit, either in each House of Congress to
accordance with its own rules, or determine its rules of
in violation thereof, or without proceedings. He wrote:
making any rules.
Rules are hardly permanent in Alejandrino vs. Quezon, G.R.
character. The prevailing view is No. 22041, September 11, 1924
that they are subject to (46 Phil. 83)
revocation, modification or
waiver at the pleasure of the body FACTS: The petitioner in this
adopting them as they are original petition for mandamus
primarily procedural. Courts and injunction is Jose
ordinarily have no concern with Alejandrino, a Senator appointed
their observance. They may be by the Governor General to
waived or disregarded by the represent the 12th Senatorial
legislative body. Consequently, District. The casus belli is a
mere failure to conform to them resolution adopted by the
does not have the effect of Philippine Senate composed of
nullifying the act taken if the the respondent Senators, on
requisite number of members 2/5/24, depriving Alejandrino of
have agreed to a particular all the prerogatives, privileges,
measure. The above principle is and emoluments of his office for
subject, however, to this the period of 1 yr from 1/24
qualification. having been declared guilty of
disorderly conduct and flagrant
Where the construction to be violation of the privileges of the
given to a rule affects persons Senate for having treacherously
other than members of the assaulted Senator de Vera on the
legislative body the question occasion of certain phrases being
presented is necessarily judicial uttered by the latter in the course
in character. Even its validity is of the debate regarding the
open to question in a case where credentials of Mr. Alejandrino.
private rights are involved. In The burden of petitioner's
this case no rights of private complaint is that the resolution is
individuals are involved but only unconstitutional and entirely of
those of a member who, instead no effect.
of seeking redress in the House,
chose to transfer the dispute to Held: The Organic Act
this Court. We have no more authorizes the Governor-General
power to look into the internal to appoint 2 senators and 9
proceedings of a House than representatives to represent the
members of that House have to non-Christian regions in the
look over our shoulders, as long Legislature. These senators and
as no violation of constitutional representatives "hold office until
provisions is shown. removed by the Governor-
General" They may not be
removed by the Legislature.
However, to the Senate and the It is true that in Alejandrino an
House of Representatives obiter dictum that "suspension
respectively, is granted the power deprives the electoral district of
to "punish its members for representation without that
disorderly behavior, and, with the district being afforded any means
concurrence of 2/3, expel an by which to fill that vacancy."
elective member." xxx. The But the remark should be
Constitution has purposely understood to refer particularly to
withheld from the 2 Houses of the appointive senator who was
the Legislature and the Governor then the affected party and who
General alike the power to was then the affected party and
suspend an appointive member. who was by the same Jones Law
The reason is obvious. charged with the
Punishment by way of reprimand duty to represent the 12th District
or fine vindicates the outraged xxx.
dignity of the House without
depriving the constituency of It must be observed, however,
representation; expulsion, when that at that time the Legislature
permissible, likewise vindicates had only those powers which
the honor of the legislative body were granted to it by the Jones
while giving to the constituency Law; whereas now the Congress
an opportunity to elect anew; but has the full legislative powers
suspension deprives the electoral and prerogatives of a sovereign
district of representation without nation, except as restricted by the
that district being afforded any Constitution. xxx Now, the
means by which to fill the Congress has the inherent
vacancy. By suspension, the seat legislative prerogative of
remains filled but the occupant is suspension which the
silenced. Suspension for 1 yr. is Constitution did not impair.
equivalent to qualified expulsion
or removal. "The Legislative power of
Congress is plenary, subject only
However, the writ prayed for to such limitations as are found in
cannot issue, for the reason that the Constitution So that any
the SC does not possess the power deemed to be legislative
power of coercion to make the by usage or tradition, is
Philippine Senate take any necessarily possessed by the
particular action. Congress, unless the Constitution
provides otherwise." (Vera v.
Osmena vs. Pendatun, G.R. No. Avelino, 77 Phil. 192.)
L-17144, October 28, 1960 (109
Phil. 863)

Compared with Alejandrino v.

Mabanag vs. Lopez Vito, G.R. HELD: 1. Jurisdiction.-- Both
No. L-1123 March 5, 1947 (78 notions of jurisdiction and
Phil. 1) conclusiveness of legislative
enactment are synonymous in
Facts: Three of the plaintiff that both are founded upon the
senators and 8 of the plaintiff regard which the judiciary
representatives had been accords a co-equal, coordinate,
proclaimed by a majority vote of and independent branch of Govt.
the COMELEC as having been If a political question
elected senators and conclusively binds the judges out
representatives in the elections of respect to the political
held on 4/23/46. The 3 senators departments, a duly certified law
were suspended by the Senate or resolution also binds the
shortly after the opening of the judges under the "enrolled bill
first session following the rule" born of that respect.
elections, on account of alleged
irregularities in their election. 2. Enrolled Bill Theory.-- The
The 8 representatives since their respondent's other chief reliance
election had not been allowed to is on the contention that a duly
sit in the lower House, except to authenticated bill or resolution
take part in the election of imports absolute verity and is
Speaker, for the same reason, binding on the courts. Sec. 313 of
although they had not been the old Code of Civil Procedure,
formally suspended. as amended, provides: "Official
documents may be proved as
As a consequence, these 3 follows: ***(2) the proceedings
senators and 8 representatives did of the xxx Congress, by the
not take part in the passage of the journals of those bodies or of
questioned resolution, nor was either house thereof, or by
their membership reckoned in the published statutes or resolutions,
computation of the necessary 3/4 or by copies certified by the clerk
vote which is required in or secretary, or printed by their
proposing an amendment to the order; Provided, that in the case
Constitution (the Parity Rights of Acts of xxx the Phil. Leg.,
Amendment.) If these members when there is an existence of a
had been counted, the affirmative copy signed by the presiding
votes in favor of the proposed officers and secretaries of said
amendment would have been bodies, it shall be conclusive
short of the necessary 3/4 vote in proof of the provisions of such
either branch of Congress. Acts
and of the due enactment
Reasons in support of enrollment: Casco Chemical Co. vs.
Sec. 150. Reasons for Gimenez, G.R. No. L-17931,
Conclusiveness.-- xxx [T]he rule February 28, 1963 (7 SCRA
against going behind the enrolled 347)
bill is required by the respect due
to a co-equal and independent Facts: Pursuant to the provisions
dept of govt, and it would be an of RA 2609 (For-Ex Margin Fee
inquisition into the conduct of the Law), the CB issued Circular No.
members of the legislature, a 95, fixing a
very delicate power, the frequent uniform margin fee of 25% on
exercise of w/c must lead to for-ex transactions. xxx Several
endless confusion in the admin. times in Nov. and Dec. 1959,
of the law. The rule is also one of petitioner Casco,
convenience, bec. courts could w/c is engaged in the
not rely on the published session manufacture of synthetic resin
laws, but would be required to glues xxx, bought for-ex for the
look beyond these to the journals importation of urea and
of the legislature and often to any formaldehyde-- w/c are the main
printed bills and amendments w/c RM in the production of said
might be found after the glues and paid the corresponding
adjournment of the legislature. margin fee. Petitioner had sought
(Am. Jur.) the refund claiming that the
separate importation of urea and
3. Compared w/ US v. Pons.-- formaldehyde is exempt from
The Court looked into the said fee. Although the CB issued
journals in US v. Pons because, the vouchers for the refund, the
in all probability, those were the Auditor of the Bank refused to
documents offered in evidence. It pass in audit and approve said
does not appear that a duly vouchers upon the ground that
authenticated copy of the Act the exemption granted by the MB
was in existence or was placed for petitioner's separate
bef. the Court; and it has not been importations of urea and
shown that if that had been done, formaldehyde is not in accord w/
this Court would not have held the provisions of sec. 2, par.
the copy conclusive proof of the XVIII of RA
due enactment of the law. 2609.

Petitioner maintains that the term

"urea formaldehyde" appearing in
the provision should be construed
as "urea and formaldehyde" and
that the resps herein have erred in
holding otherwise.
"Urea formaldehyde" is a US vs. Pons, G.R. No. L-11530,
finished product, w/c is patently August 12, 1916 (34 Phil. 729)
distinct and different from "urea"
and "formaldehyde," as separate Facts: Juan Pons was accused of
articles used in the manufacture violating Act 2381 which
of the synthetic resin known as prohibits the illegal importation
"urea formaldehyde." Petitioner of opium. In his motion for the
contends that the bill approved in reversal of his conviction,
Congress contained the counsel contented that the last
copulative conjunction "and" bet. day of the special sessions of the
the terms "urea" and Legislature for 1914 was 2/28;
"formaldehyde" and that the that Act 2381, under which Pons
members of Congress intended to must be punished if found guilty,
exempt "urea" and was not passed or approved on
"formaldehyde" separately as 2/28 but on 3/1 of that yr; and
essential elements in the that, therefore, the same is null
manufacture of the synthetic and void. The validity of the Act
resin glue xxx citing the is not otherwise disputed. As it is
statements made on the floor of admitted that the last day of the
the Senate, during the special session was, under the
consideration of the bill bef. the Gov. Gen's proclamation, 2/28
House xxx. and that the appellant is charged
w/ having violated Act 2381, the
Held: Said individual statements vital question is the date of the
do not necessarily reflect the adjournment of the Legislature,
view of the Senate. Much less do and this reduces itself to 2 others,
they indicate the intent of the namely, (1) how that is to be
HRep. Further, the enrolled bill-- proved, whether by the legislative
w/c uses the term "urea journals or extraneous evidence,
formaldehyde" instead of "urea and (2) whether the court can
and formaldehyde,"-- is take judicial notice of the
conclusive upon the courts as journals.
regards the tenor of the measure
passed by Congress and adopted
by the Pres. If there has been any
mistake in the printing of the bill
before it was certified by the
officers of Congress and
approved by the Pres., the
remedy is by amendment or
curative legislation.
Held: A. While there are no If the clock, was, in fact stopped,
adjudicated cases in this as here suggested, "the resultant
jurisdiction upon the exact evil might be slight as compared
question w/n the courts may take w/ that of altering the probative
judicial notice of the legislative force and character of legislative
journals, it is well settled in the records, and making the proof of
US that such journals may be legislative action depend upon
noticed by courts in determining uncertain oral evidence, liable to
the question w/n a particular bill loss by death or absence, and so
became a law or not. And these imperfect on account of the
journals show, w/ absolute treachery of memory xxx.
certainty, that the Legislature
adjourned sine die at 12 o'clock Astorga vs. Villegas, G.R. No.
on 2/28/14. L-23475, April 30, 1974 (56
SCRA 714)
B. We will inquire w/n the courts
may go behind the legislative FACTS: House Bill No. 9266,
journals for the purpose of which was filed in the House of
determining the date Representatives, passed on 3rd
of adjournment when such reading without amendments. It
journals are clear and explicit. was sent to the Senate for
concurrence. It was referred to
Counsel for appellant, in order to the appropriate Senate
establish his contention, must Committee, w/c recommended
necessarily depend upon the approval w/ a minor amendment
memory or recollection of recommended by Sen. Roxas.
witnesses, while the legislative When the bill was discussed on
journals are the acts of the Govt the Senate floor, substantial
or the sovereign itself. From their amendments to Sec. 1 were
very nature and object the introduced by Sen. Tolentino, w/c
records of the Leg are as amendments were approved in
important as those of the toto by the Senate. xxx On
judiciary, and to inquire into the 5/21/54, the Sec. of the Senate
veracity of the journals of the sent a letter to HRep that the
Leg., when they are clear and House bill had been passed by
explicit, would be to violate both the Senate w/ amendments.
the letter and spirit of the organic Attached was a certification of
laws by w/c the Phil. Govt was the amendment, w/c was the one
brought into existence, to invade recommended by Sen. Roxas,
a coordinate and independent and not the Tolentino
dept of the Govt, and to interfere amendments w/c were the ones
w/ the legitimate powers and actually approved by the Senate.
functions of the Leg. xxx
The HRep signified approval as Respondents' position is that RA
sent back to it. The printed copies 4065 never became law since it
were then certified and attested to was not the bill actually passed
by the Secretaries of the Senate by the Senate, and that the entries
and of the HRep, the Speaker of in the journal of that body and
the HRep, and the Senate Pres. not the enrolled bill itself should
be decisive in the resolution of
It was later made public by Sen. the issue.
Tolentino that the enrolled copy
of House Bill no. 9266 signed Held: 1. Petitioner's argument
into law by the President was a that the attestation of the
wrong version of the bill actually presiding officers of Congress is
passed by the Senate and conclusive proof of a bill's due
approved on the Senate floor. The enactment, required, it is said, by
Senate Pres. admitted this the respect due to a co-equal
mistake in a letter to the department of the government, is
President. As a result, the neutralized in this case by the
President sent a message to the fact that the Senate President.
presiding officers of both Houses declared his signature on the bill
informing them that in view of to be invalid and issued a
the circumstances he was subsequent clarification that the
officially withdrawing his invalidation of his signature
signature on House Bill no. 9266. meant that the bill he had signed
had never been approved by the
Upon the foregoing facts, the Senate. Obviously this
Mayor of Manila issued circulars declaration should be accorded
ordering the disregard of the even greater respect than
provisions of RA the attestation it invalidated,
4605. He also issued an order which it did for a reason that is
recalling 5 members of the city undisputed in fact and
police force who had been indisputable in logic.
assigned to the Vice-Mayor
presumably under authority of As far as Congress itself is
RA 4065. concerned, there is nothing
sacrosanct in the certification
Reacting to these steps, the then made by the presiding officers. It
Vice-Mayor Astorga, filed a is merely a mode of
petition eith this Court for authentication. It is the approval
"Mandamus, Injunction and/or by Congress and not the
Prohibition with Preliminary signatures of the presiding
Mandatory and Prohibitory officers that is essential.
Injunction" to compel compliance
with the provisions of RA 4065.
2. Petitioner agrees that the on silk and cotton laces imported
attestation in the bill is not by Sutton & Co.; and on colored
mandatory but argues that the cotton cloths imported by
disclaimer thereof by the Senate Sternbach & Co.
President, granting it to have
been validly made, would only The importers severally protested
mean that there was no attestation against the assessment upon the
at all, but would not affect the ground that the Act was not a law
validity of the statute. xxx This of the US. It was contended,
arguments begs the question. It among others, that the Tariff Act
would limit the court's inquiry to was a nullity bec. "it is shown by
the presence or absence of the congressional records of
attestation and to the effect of its proceedings, reports of
absence upon the validity of the committees of conference, and
statute. The inquiry, however, other papers printed by authority
goes farther. Absent such of Congress, and having
attestation as a result of the reference to House Bill 9416, that
disclaimer, and consequently a section of the bill as it finally
there being no enrolled bill to passed, was not in the bill
speak of, what evidence is there authenticated by the signatures of
to determine w/n the bill had the presiding officers of the
been duly enacted? In such a respective houses of Congress,
case, the entry in the journal and approved by the Pres."
should be consulted.
Held: The signing by the House
Marshall Field & Co. vs. Clark, Speaker and by the Senate Pres.
143 US 649 (1891) of an enrolled bill is an official
attestation by the two Houses
It is not competent for the that such bill is the one that has
appellant to show from the passed Congress. It is a
Journals that the enrolled bill declaration by the 2 houses,
contained a section that through their presiding officers,
does not appear in the enrolled to the Pres. that a bill, thus
Act in the custody of the State attested, has received, in due
Department. form, the sanction of the
legislative branch of the govt,
Facts: In accordance w/ the and that it is delivered to him in
Tariff Act of Oct. 1, 1890, duties obedience to the constitutional
were assessed and collected on requirement that all bills w/c pass
woollen dress goods, woollen Congress shall be presented to
wearing apparel, and silk him. And when the bill thus
embroideries imported by Field attested is signed by the Pres. and
& Co.; deposited in the archives, its
authentication as a bill that has
passed Congress should be
deemed complete
and unimpeachable.
Morales v. Subido, G.R. No. L- Held: The petitioner wholly
29658, November 29, 1968 (27 misconceives the function of the
SCRA 131) judiciary under our system of
govt. [T]he enrolled Act in the
Facts: The present insistence of office of the legislative secretary
the petitioner is that the version of the Pres. of the Phils. shows
of the provision (Sec. 10 of the that sec. 10 is exactly as it is in
Police Act of 1966), as amended the statute as officially published
at the behest of Sen. Rodrigo, in slip form by the Bureau of
was the version approved by the Printing. We cannot go behind
Senate on 3rd reading, and that the enrolled Act to discover what
when the bill emerged from the really happened. The respect due
conference committee, the only to the other branches of Govt
change made in the provision was demands that we act upon the
the insertion of the phrase "or has faith and credit of what the
served as chief of police with officers of the said branches
exemplary record." In support of attest to as the official acts of
this assertion, the petitioner their respective departments.
submitted certified photo static Otherwise, we would be cast in
copies of the different drafts of the unenviable and unwanted role
House Bill 6951 showing the of a sleuth trying to determine
various changes made. It is what actually did happen in the
unmistakable that the phrase labyrinth of law-making, w/
"who has served the police dept consequent impairment of the
of a city or," was still part of the integrity of the legislative
provision, but according to the process. The investigation w/c
petitioner the House bill division the petitioner would like this
deleted the entire provision and Court to make can be better done
substituted what is now Sec. 10 in Congress.
of the Act which did not carry
such phrase [W]e are not to be understood as
holding that in all cases the
It would thus appear that the journals must yield to the
omission of the phrase "who has enrolled bill. To be
served the police dept of a city sure, there are certain matters w/c
of", was made not at any stage of the Const. expressly requires
the legislative proceedings but must be entered on the journal of
only in the course of engrossment each house. xxx [W]ith respect
of the bill, more specifically in to matters not expressly required
the proofreading thereof; that the to be entered on the journal, the
change was not made by enrolled bill prevails in the event
Congress but only by an of any discrepancy.
employee thereof xxx.
Pimentel vs. HRET, G.R. No. Under Sections 17 and 18, Article
141489-90, November 29, 2002 VI of the Constitution, party-list
(393 SCRA 227) representatives must first show to
the House that they possess the
• Proportional representation required numerical strength to be
in the House of entitled to seats in the HRET and
Representatives electoral the CA. Only if the House fails to
Tribunal (HRET) – Party comply with the directive of the
List Representatives Constitution on proportional
representation of political parties
Held: The Constitution expressly in the HRET and the CA can the
grants to the House of party-list representatives seek
Representatives the prerogative, recourse to this Court under its
within constitutionally defined power of judicial review. Under
limits, to choose from among its the doctrine of primary
district and party-list jurisdiction, prior recourse to the
representatives those who may House is necessary before
occupy the seats allotted to the petitioners may bring the instant
House in the HRET and the CA. case to the court. Consequently,
Section 18, Article VI of the petitioners' direct recourse to this
Constitution explicitly confers on Court is premature.
Senate and on the House the The discretion of the House to
authority to elect among their choose its members to the HRET
members those who would fill and the CA is not absolute, being
the 12 seats for Senators and 12 subject to the mandatory
seats for House members in the constitutional rule on
Commission on Appointments. proportional representation.
Under Section 17, Article VI of However, under the doctrine of
the Constitution, each chamber of separation of powers, the Court
Congress exercises the power to may not interfere with the
choose, within constitutionally exercise by the House of this
defined limits, who constitutionally mandated duty,
among their members would absent a clear violation of the
occupy the allotted 6 seats of Constitution or grave abuse of
each chamber's respective discretion amounting to lack or
electoral tribunal. excess of jurisdiction. Otherwise,
the doctrine of separation of
Thus, even assuming that party- powers calls for each branch of
list representatives comprise a government to be left alone to
sufficient number and have discharge its duties as it sees fit.
agreed to designate common
nominees to the HRET and the
CA, their primary recourse
clearly rests with the House of
Representatives and not with this
Neither can the Court speculate Request of Justices Melencio
on what action the House may Herrera, Cruz and Feliciano to
take if party-list representatives be relieved as members of the
are duly nominated for HRET (Res. March 19,1991) -
membership in the HRET and the G.R. No. 97710, September 26,
CA. 1991

The instant petitions are bereft of • This resolution should be

any allegation that respondents read in connection with the
prevented the party-list groups in case of Bondoc vs. Pineda,
the House from participating in which is discussed under
the election of members of the Independence of the
HRET and the CA. Neither does Electoral Tribunals.
it appear that after the May 11,
1998 elections, the House barred Facts: In said request, the three
the party-list representatives from justices asked to be relieved from
seeking membership in the HRET membership in the HRET.
or the CA. Rather, it appears According to them, political
from the available facts that the factors which have nothing to do
party-list groups in the House at with the merits of the case, were
that time simply refrained from blocking the accomplishment of
participating in the election their constitutionally mandated
process. The party-list task. They therefore suggested
representatives did not designate that there should be a provision
their nominees even up to the in the Constitution that upon
time they filed the instant designation to membership in the
petitions, with the predictable Electoral Tribunal, those so
result that the House did not designated should divest
consider any party-list themselves of affiliation with
representative for election to the their respective political parties,
HRET or the CA. As the primary to insure their independence and
recourse of the party-list objectivity as they sit in Tribunal
representatives lies with the deliberations.
House of Representatives, the
Court cannot resolve the issues Held: The SC resolved to direct
presented by petitioners at this them to return to their duties in
time. the Tribunal. According to the
court, in view of the sensitive
constitutional functions of the
Electoral Tribunals
as the "sole judge" of all contests Held: In the present case, we
relating to the election, returns find no grave abuse of discretion
and qualifications of the on the part of the COMELEC
members of Congress, all when it held that its jurisdiction
members of these bodies should over Case No. SPA 98-277 had
be guided only be purely legal ceased with the assumption of
considerations in the decision of office of respondent Fariñas as
the cases before them and that in Representative for the first
the contemplation of the district of Ilocos Norte. While the
Constitution, the members- COMELEC is vested with the
legislators, thereof, upon power to declare valid or invalid
assumption of their duties a certificate of candidacy, its
therein, sit in the Tribunal no refusal to exercise that power
longer as representatives of their following the proclamation and
respective political parties but as assumption of the
impartial judges. To further position by Fariñas is a
bolster the independence of the recognition of the jurisdictional
Tribunals, the term of office of boundaries separating the
every member thereof should be COMELEC and the Electoral
considered co-extensive with the Tribunal of the House of
corresponding legislative term Representatives (HRET). Under
and may not be legally Article VI, Section 17 of the
terminated except only by death, Constitution, the HRET has sole
resignation, permanent disability, and exclusive jurisdiction over all
or removal for valid cause, not contests relative to the election,
including political disloyalty. returns, and qualifications of
members of the House of
Guerrero vs. COMELEC, G.R. Representatives. Thus, once a
No. 137004, July 26, 2000 (336 winning candidate has been
SCRA 458) proclaimed, taken his oath, and
assumed office as a member of
• Demarcation between the the House of Representatives,
jurisdictions of the COMELEC's jurisdiction over
COMELEC and Electoral election contests relating to his
Tribunals regarding election, returns, and
questions as to its elections qualifications ends, and the
and qualification HRET's own jurisdiction begins.
Thus, the COMELEC's decision
to discontinue exercising
jurisdiction over the case is
justifiable, in deference to the
HRET's own jurisdiction and
Lazatin vs. COMELEC, G.R. and the remaining 6 are members
No. 80007, January 25, 1988 of the House chosen on the basis
(157 SCRA 337) of proportional representation
from the political parties & the
• Demarcation between the parties or organizations registered
jurisdictions of the Regular under the party-list system
Courts and Electoral represented therein. The HRET
Tribunals regarding decided in favor of Bondoc.
questions as to its elections Cong. Camasura, an LDP, voted
and qualifications in favor of Bondoc. Before
Bondoc could be proclaimed, the
Held: The petition is impressed LDP expelled Camasura as
with merit because petitioner has member of the party. The 3
been proclaimed winner of the justices who also voted for
Congressional elections in the Bondoc asked to be relieved from
first district of Pampanga, has their assignment in the HRET
taken his oath of office as such, because the withdrawal of
and assumed his duties as Camasura as HRET rep of LDP
Congressman. For this Court to in effect was a way of aborting
take cognizance of the electoral the proclamation of Bondoc
protest against him would be to (NP). [Request of Justices
usurp the functions of the House Melencio Herrera, Cruz and
Electoral Tribunal. The alleged Feliciano to be relieved as
invalidity of the proclamation members of the HRET (Res.
(which had been previously March 19,1991)]
ordered by the COMELEC itself)
despite alleged irregularities in Issues: 1. May the House of Reps
connection therewith, and despite at the request of the dominant
the pendency of the protests of political party therein, change the
the rival candidates, is a matter party's representation in the
that is also addressed, HRET to thwart the promulgation
considering the premises, to the of a decision freely reached by
sound judgment of the Electoral the tribunal in an election contest
Tribunal. pending therein?
2. May the Supreme Court
Bondoc vs. Pineda, G.R. No. review and annul that action of
97710, September 26, 1991 (201 the House?
SCRA 792)
Held: as to Issue #1: No. The use
Facts: Pineda (LDP) and Bondoc of the word "SOLE" in both Sec.
(NP) both ran as congressional 17 of Art. VI of the 1987 Consti
reps for the 4th district of & Sec. 11 of Art. VI of the 1935
Pampanga. Pineda won but Consti underscores the
Bondoc filed a protest in the EXCLUSIVE jurisdiction of the
House of Reps Electoral Tribunal HRET as judge of contests
(HRET), which is composed of 9 relating to the Election, Returns
members, 3 of whom are SC & Qualifications of the members
justices, of the house (robles V. Hret, gr
The tribunal was created to As to issue #2: Yes. The power &
function as a non-partisan court duty of the courts to nullify, in
although 2/3 of its members are appropriate cases, the actions of
politicians. It is a non-political the executive & legislative
body in a sea of politicians. To be branches of the Govt., does not
able to exercise exclusive mean that the courts are superior
jurisdiction, the HRET must be to the President and the
independent. Its jurisdiction to legislature.
hear and decide congressional
election contests is not shared by It does mean though that the
it with the Legislature nor with judiciary may not shirk the
the courts. "irksome task" of inquiring into
the constitutionality & legality of
2. As judges, the members of the legislative or executive action
tribunal must be NON- when a justiciable controversy is
PARTISAN. They must discharge brought before the courts by
their functions with complete someone who has been aggrieved
detachment, impartiality, & or prejudiced by such action, as
independence- even in this case. It is "a plain exercise
independence from the of the judicial power, that power
politicalparty to which they to hear and dispose of a case or
belong. Hence, disloyalty to party controversy properly brought
& breach of party discipline are before the court, to the
not valid grounds for the determination of which must be
expulsion of a member of the brought the test & measure of the
tribunal. In expelling Cong. law (Vera v. Avelino, 77 Phil
Camasura from the HRET for 192).
having cast a "conscience vote"
in favor of Bondoc, based strictly Vilando vs. HRET, GR Nos.
on the result of the examination 192147 & 192149, August 23,
& appreciation of the ballots & 2011
the recount of the votes by the
tribunal, the house committed a • Citizenship issues regarding
grave abuse of discretion, an members of Congress within
injustice, and a violation of the the jurisdiction of the
Constitution. Its resolution of Electoral Tribunals
expulsion against Camasura is
null & void.
Held: Citizenship, being a 2. In the absence of a showing
continuing requirement for that the HRET has committed
Members of the House of grave abuse of discretion
Representatives, however, may amounting to lack of jurisdiction,
be questioned at anytime. The the Court cannot exercise its
HRET has jurisdiction over quo corrective power.
warranto petitions, specifically
over cases challenging Vilando vs. HRET, GR Nos.
ineligibility on the ground of lack 192147 & 192149, August 23,
of citizenship. 2011

Co vs. HRET, G.R. Nos. 92191- Held: Well-settled is the

92, July 30, 1991 (199 SCRA principle that the judgments of
692) the HRET are beyond judicial
interference. The only instance
Facts: Co, Balinquit & Ong ran where this Court may intervene
for representative of the 2nd in the exercise of its so-called
legislative district of Northern extraordinary jurisdiction is upon
Samar in the May 11, 1987 a determination that the decision
elections. Ong won but pets (Co or resolution of the HRET was
& Balanquit) protested Ong's rendered without or in excess of
election on the ground of non- its jurisdiction, or with grave
citizenship. The HRET found for abuse of discretion or upon a
Ong. clear showing of such arbitrary
and improvident use of its power
Held: 1. Judgments of electoral to constitute a denial of due
tribunal are beyond judicial process of law, or upon a
interference save only in the demonstration of a very clear
exercise of the Court's so called unmitigated error, manifestly
extraordinary jurisdiction, upon a constituting such grave abuse of
determination that the tribunal's discretion that there has to be a
decision or resolution was remedy for such abuse.
without or in excess of its Coseteng vs. Mitra, G.R. No.
jurisdiction, or with grave abuse 86649, July 12, 1990 (187 SCRA
of discretion or upon a clear 377)
showing of such arbitrary and
improvident use by the Tribunal Facts: During the 1987
of its power as constitutes a Congressional elections,
denial of due process of law, or Coseteng was the only candidate
upon a demonstration of a very elected under the KAIBA party.
clear unmitigated error, Of the 12 elected to the
manifestly constituting such Commission on Appointments,
grave abuse of discretion that Roque Ablan of the KBL,
there has to be a remedy for such represented the Coalesced
abuse. Minority.
When the LDP was organized a The composition was based on
year later, the House Committees proportional representation of the
including the House political parties therein. The other
representation in the Commission minority parties are bound by the
on Appointments had to be majority's choices. Even if
reorganized. Coseteng requested KAIBA were an opposition party,
Mitra that she be appointed a its lone member represents
member of the CA as a only .4%of the House, thus she is
representative of KAIBA. Ablan not entitled to one of the 12 seats.
was however retained as the 12th The other representatives to the
member representing the House CA were duly elected by the
minority. House not by their party as
provided in Art. VI, Sec. 18. The
Coseteng filed a petition to validity of their election to the
declare null and void the CA - eleven from the Coalesced
appointment of the members of Majority and one from the
the CA on the theory that their Coalesced Minority - is
election to the CA violated the unassailable.
constitutional mandate of
proportional representation. Guingona vs. Gonzales, G.R.
No. 106971, March 1, 1993 (214
Held: The petition should be SCRA 789)
dismissed not because it raises a
political question, which it does Facts: As a result of the 1992
not, but because the revision of Senatorial elections, the LDP was
the House representation in the entitled to 7.5 seats in the CA, the
CA is based on proportional NPC to 2.5, the LAKAS-NUCD
representation of the political to 1.5 and the LP-PDP-LABAN
parties therein. to .5. The problem arose as to
what to with the 1/2 to which
The issue is justiciable. The each of the parties is entitled. The
legality, and not the wisdom, of LDP majority converted a
the manner of filling the CA, is fractional half-membership to a
justiciable. Even if it were a whole membership (7.5 + .5) to
political question, such would be able to elect Senator Romulo.
still come within judicial review In so doing, one other party's
on the issue of whether there was fractional representation in the
grave abuse of discretion CA was reduced.
amounting to excess or lack of
This is clearly a violation of Sec. The Constitution does not require
18, Art. VI because it is no longer the election and presence of 12
based on proportional senators and 12 members of the
representation of the political House in order that the
parties. Commission may function.

Senator Tanada claimed that he Do away with the fractional

has a right to be elected as differences! Do not round off!
member of the CA because of the
physical impossibility of dividing The election of Senator Romulo
a person (need to round off .5 to and Tanada as members of the
one senator) and because as the CA was clearly a violation of Art.
sole representative of his party, VI, Sec. 18.
his party is entitled to
representation. Araullo vs. Aquino III, GR No.
209287, July 1, 2014 – DAP
Held: The provision of Section case
18 on proportional representation
is mandatory in character and Held: Congress acts as the
does not leave any discretion to guardian of the public treasury in
the majority party in the Senate faithful discharge of its power of
to disobey or disregard the rule the purse whenever it deliberates
on proportional representation. and acts on the budget proposal
No party can claim more than submitted by the Executive. Its
what it is entitled to under such power of the purse is touted as
rule. Section 18 also assures the very foundation of its
representation in the CA of any institutional strength, and
political party who succeeds in underpins "all other legislative
electing members to the Senate, decisions and regulating the
provided that the number of balance of influence between the
senators so elected enables it to legislative and executive
put a representative in the CA. branches of government." Such
Therefore, in the Senate, a enormous power encompasses
political party must at least have the capacity to generate money
2 duly elected senators for every for the Government, to
seat in the CA. appropriate public funds, and to
spend the money. Pertinently,
The SC does not agree that it is when it exercises its power of the
mandatory to elect 12 Senators to purse, Congress wields control by
the CA. What the Constitution specifying the PAPs for which
requires is that there be at least a public money should be spent.
majority of the entire
It is the President who proposes In the funding of current
the budget but it is Congress that activities, projects, and programs,
has the final say on matters of the general rule should still be
appropriations. For this purpose, that the budgetary amount
appropriation involves two contained in the appropriations
governing principles, namely: (1) bill is the extent Congress will
"a Principle of the Public Fisc, determine as sufficient for the
asserting that all monies received budgetary allocation for the
from whatever source by any part proponent agency. The only
of the government are public exception is found in Section 25
funds;" and (2) "a Principle of (5), Article VI of the
Appropriations Control, Constitution, by which the
prohibiting expenditure of any President, the President of the
public money without legislative Senate, the Speaker of the House
authorization.“ To conform with of Representatives, the Chief
the governing principles, the Justice of the Supreme Court, and
Executive cannot circumvent the the heads of Constitutional
prohibition by Congress of an Commissions are authorized to
expenditure for a PAP by transfer appropriations to
resorting to either public or augmenting item in the GAA for
private funds. Nor could the their respective offices from the
Executive transfer appropriated savings in other items of their
funds resulting in an increase in respective appropriations. The
the budget for one PAP, for by so plain language of the
doing the appropriation for constitutional restriction leaves
another PAP is no room for the petitioner’s
necessarily decreased. The terms posture, which we should now
of both appropriations will dispose of as untenable.
thereby be violated.
It bears emphasizing that the
Araullo vs. Aquino III, GR No. exception in favor of the high
209287, July 1, 2014 – DAP officials named in Section 25(5),
case Article VI of the Constitution
limiting the authority to transfer
Held: The Constitutional savings only to augment another
Commission included Section item in the
25(5), to keep a tight rein on the GAA is strictly but reasonably
exercise of the power to transfer construed as exclusive. As the
funds appropriated by Congress Court has expounded in Lokin, Jr.
by the President and the other v. Commission on Elections:
high officials of the Government
named therein. The Court stated
in Nazareth v. Villar:
When the statute itself Indeed, the liberal construction of
enumerates the exceptions to the a statute will seem to require in
application of the general rule, many circumstances that the
the exceptions are strictly but exception, by which the operation
reasonably construed. The of the statute is limited or
exceptions extend only as far as abridged, should receive a
their language fairly warrants, restricted construction.
and all doubts should be resolved
in favor of the general provision Accordingly, we should interpret
rather than the exceptions. Where Section 25(5), supra, in the
the general rule is established by context of a limitation on the
a statute with exceptions, none President’s discretion over the
but the enacting authority can appropriations during the Budget
curtail the former. Not even the Execution Phase.
courts may add to the latter by
implication, and it is a rule that The transfer of appropriated
an express exception excludes all funds, to be valid under Section
others, although it is always 25(5), must be made upon a
proper in determining the concurrence of the following
applicability of the rule to inquire requisites, namely:
whether, in a particular case, it
accords with reason and justice. (1) There is a law authorizing
the President, the President
The appropriate and natural of the Senate, the Speaker
office of the exception is to of the House of
exempt something from the scope Representatives, the Chief
of the general words of a statute, Justice of the Supreme
which is otherwise within the Court, and the heads of the
scope and meaning of such Constitutional
general words. Consequently, the Commissions to transfer
existence of an exception in a funds within their
statute clarifies the intent that the respective offices;
statute shall apply to all cases not
excepted. Exceptions are subject (2) The funds to be transferred
to the rule of strict construction; are savings generated from
hence, any doubt will be resolved the appropriations for their
in favor of the general provision respective offices; and
and against the exception.
(3) The purpose of the transfer
is to augment an item in the
general appropriations law
for their respective offices.
1st requisite: Section 25(5), not In so doing, Congress diminishes
being a self-executing provision its own power of the purse, for it
of the Constitution, must have an delegates a fraction of its power
implementing law for it to be to the Executive. But Congress
operative. That law, generally, is does not thereby allow the
the GAA of a given fiscal year. Executive to override its
To comply with the first requisite, authority over the purse as to let
the GAAs should expressly the Executive exceed its
authorize the transfer of funds. delegated authority. And the
fourth principle is that savings
2nd requisite: In ascertaining the should be actual. "Actual"
meaning of savings, certain denotes something that is real or
principles should be borne in substantial, or something that
mind. The first principle is that exists presently in fact, as
Congress wields the power of the opposed to something that is
purse. Congress decides how the merely theoretical, possible,
budget will be spent; what PAPs potential or hypothetical.
to fund; and the amounts of
money to be spent for each PAP. The foregoing principles caution
The second principle is that the us to construe savings strictly
Executive, as the department of against expanding the scope of
the Government tasked to enforce the power to
the laws, is expected to faithfully augment. It is then indubitable
execute the GAA and to spend that the power to augment was to
the budget in accordance with the be used only when the purpose
provisions of the GAA. The for which the funds had been
Executive is expected to allocated were already satisfied,
faithfully implement the PAPs for or the need for such funds had
which Congress allocated funds, ceased to exist, for only then
and to limit the expenditures could savings be properly
within the allocations, unless realized. This interpretation
exigencies result to deficiencies prevents the Executive from
for which augmentation is unduly transgressing Congress’
authorized, subject to the power of the purse.
conditions provided by law. The
third principle is that in making The Executive could not
the President’s power to augment circumvent this provision by
operative under the GAA, declaring unreleased
Congress recognizes the need for appropriations and unobligated
flexibility in budget execution. allotments as savings prior to the
end of the fiscal year
3rd requisite: The third requisite the Speaker of the House of
for a valid transfer of funds is Representatives, the Chief Justice
that the purpose of the transfer of the Supreme Court, and the
should be "to augment an item in Heads of the Constitutional
the general appropriations law for Commissions may be authorized
the respective offices." The term to augment any item in the GAA
"augment" means to enlarge or "for their respective offices,"
increase in size, amount, or Section 25(5), has delineated
degree. borders between their offices,
such that funds appropriated for
Augmentation implies the one office are prohibited from
existence in this Act of a crossing over to another office
program, activity, or project with even in the guise of augmentation
an appropriation, which of a deficient item or items. Thus,
upon implementation, or we call such transfers of funds
subsequent evaluation of needed cross-border transfers or cross-
resources, is determined to be border augmentations. To be sure,
deficient. In no case shall a non- the phrase "respective offices"
existent program, activity, or used in Section 25(5), refers to
project, be funded by the entire Executive, with respect
augmentation from savings or by to the President; the Senate, with
the use of appropriations respect to the Senate President;
otherwise authorized in this Act. the House of Representatives,
with respect to the Speaker; the
In other words, an appropriation Judiciary, with respect to the
for any PAP must first be Chief Justice; the Constitutional
determined to be deficient before Commissions, with respect to
it could be augmented from their respective Chairpersons.
savings. Upon careful review of
the documents contained in the Araullo vs. Aquino III, GR No.
seven evidence packets, we 209287, July 1, 2014 – DAP
conclude that the "savings" case
pooled under the DAP were
allocated to PAPs that were not Held: According to Philippine
covered by any appropriations in Constitution Association v.
the pertinent GAAs Enriquez:
24 "Impoundment refers to a
Araullo vs. Aquino III, GR No. refusal by the President, for
209287, July 1, 2014 – DAP whatever reason, to spend funds
case made available by Congress. It is
the failure to spend or obligate
Held: By providing that the budget authority of any type."
President, the President of the
Impoundment under the GAA is Although Congress may delegate
understood to mean the retention to another branch of the Govt. the
or deduction of appropriations. power to fill details in the
Pelaez vs. Auditor General, enforcement or administration of
G.R. No. L-23825, December a law, it is essential, to forestall a
24, 1965 (15 SCRA 569) violation of the principle of
separation of powers, that said
Facts: At issue here was the law: (a) be complete in itself -- it
validity of Sec. 68 of the Revised must set forth therein the policy
Administrative Code empowering to be executed, carried out or
the President of the Philippines to implemented by the delegate --
create, merge, divide, abolish or and (b) to fix a standard -- the
otherwise alter the boundaries of limits of which are sufficiently
municipal corporations. Pelaez determinate or
contended that it was an invalid determinable-- to which the
delegation of legislative power. delegate must conform in the
The govt. argued that it was not, performance of his functions.
invoking the earlier case of Indeed, without a statutory
Cardona vs Binangonan, 36 Phil declaration of policy, which is the
547, where the power of the essence of every law, and without
governor-general to transfer the aforementioned standard,
territory from one municipality to there would be no means to
another was sustained. determine, with reasonable
certainty, whether the delegate
Held: The SC upheld Pelaez. It has acted within or beyond the
ruled that the completeness test scope of his authority.
and the sufficient standard test
must be applied together or Sec. 68 of the RAC does not
concurrently. The SC declared meet these well settled
that the Cardona case involved requirements for a valid
not the creation of a new delegation of the power to fix the
municipality but merely the details in the enforcement of a
transfer of territory from one law. It does not enunciate any
municipality to another. The policy to be carried out or
power to fix such boundaries of implemented by the President.
existing municipalities may Neither does it give a standard
partake of an administrative sufficiently precise to avoid the
nature but the creation of evil effects of undue delegation.
municipal corporations is strictly
legislative in nature.
Senate of the Philippines vs. Section 1 states among others
Ermita, GR No. 169777, April that “all heads of departments of
20, 2006 the Executive Branch of the
government shall secure the
FACTS: In the exercise of its consent of the President prior to
legislative power, the Senate of appearing before either House of
the Philippines, through its Congress”
various Senate Committees,
conducts inquiries or On October 11, 2005, Petitioner
investigations in aid of legislation Senate of the Philippines,
which call for, inter alia, the alleging that it has a vital interest
attendance of officials and in the resolution of the issue of
employees of the executive the validity of E.O. 464 for it
department, bureaus, and offices stands to suffer imminent and
including those employed in material injury, as it has already
Government Owned and sustained the same with its
Controlled Corporations, the continued enforcement since it
Armed Forces of the Philippines directly interferes with and
(AFP), and the Philippine impedes the valid exercise of the
National Police (PNP). Senate’s powers and functions
and conceals information of great
On September 21 to 23, 2005, the public interest and concern, filed
Committee of the Senate as a its petition for certiorari and
whole issued invitations to prohibition, docketed as G.R. No.
various officials of the Executive 169777 and prays that E.O. 464
Department for them to appear be declared unconstitutional.
on September 29, 2005 as
resource speakers in a public Held: Section 1 is similar to
hearing on the railway project of Section 3 in that both require the
the North Luzon Railways officials covered by them to
Corporation with the China secure the consent of the
National Machinery and President prior to appearing
Equipment Group (hereinafter before Congress. There are
North Rail Project). significant differences between
the two provisions, however,
On September 28, 2005, the which constrain this Court to
President issued E.O. 464, discuss the validity of these
“ENSURING OBSERVANCE provisions separately.
Section 1 specifically applies to In the context of a parliamentary
department heads. It does not, system of government, the
unlike Section 3, require a prior “question hour” has a definite
determination by any official meaning. It is a period of
whether they are covered by E.O. confrontation initiated by
464. The President herself has, Parliament to hold the Prime
through the challenged order, Minister and the other ministers
made the determination that they accountable for their acts and the
are. Further, unlike also Section operation of the government,
3, the coverage of department corresponding to what is known
heads under Section 1 is not in Britain as the question period.
made to depend on the There was a specific provision
department heads’ possession of for a question hour in the 1973
any information which might be Constitution which made the
covered by executive privilege. appearance of ministers
In fact, in marked contrast to mandatory.
Section 3 vis-à-vis Section 2, The same perfectly conformed to
there is no reference to executive the parliamentary system
privilege at all. Rather, the established by that Constitution,
required prior consent under where the ministers are also
Section 1 is grounded on Article members of the legislature and
VI, Section 22 of the Constitution are directly accountable to it.
on what has been referred to as
the question hour. An essential feature of the
parliamentary system of
Determining the validity of government is the immediate
Section 1 thus requires an accountability of the Prime
examination of the meaning of Minister and the Cabinet to the
Section 22 of Article VI. Section National Assembly. They shall be
22 which provides for the responsible to the National
question hour must be interpreted Assembly for the program of
vis-à-vis Section 21 which government and shall determine
provides for the power of either the guidelines of national policy.
House of Congress to “conduct Unlike in the presidential system
inquiries in aid of legislation.” where the tenure of office of all
elected officials cannot be
A distinction was thus made terminated before their term
between inquiries in aid of expired, the Prime Minister and
legislation and the question hour. the Cabinet remain in office only
While attendance was meant to as long as they enjoy the
be discretionary in the question confidence of the National
hour, it was compulsory in Assembly. The moment this
inquiries in aid of legislation. confidence is lost the Prime
Minister and the Cabinet may be
The framers of the 1987 It is this very separation that
Constitution removed the makes the congressional right to
mandatory nature of such obtain information from the
appearance during the question executive so essential, if the
hour in the present Constitution functions of the Congress as the
so as to conform more fully to a elected representatives of the
system of separation of powers. people are adequately to be
To that extent, the question hour, carried out. The absence of close
as it is presently understood in rapport between the legislative
this jurisdiction, departs from the and executive branches in this
question period of the country, comparable to those
parliamentary which exist under a
system. That department heads parliamentary system, and the
may not be required to appear in nonexistence in the Congress of
a question hour does not, an institution such as the British
however, mean that the question period have perforce
legislature is rendered powerless made reliance by the Congress
to elicit information from them in upon its right to obtain
all circumstances. In fact, in light information from the executive
of the absence of a mandatory essential, if it is intelligently to
question period, the need to perform its legislative tasks.
enforce Congress’ right to Unless the Congress possesses
executive information in the the right to obtain executive
performance of its legislative information, its power of
function becomes more oversight of administration in a
imperative. As Schwartz system such as ours becomes a
observes: power devoid of most of its
practical content, since it depends
Indeed, if the separation of for its effectiveness solely upon
powers has anything to tell us on information parceled out ex
the subject under discussion, it is gratia by the executive.
that the Congress has the right to
obtain information from any Sections 21 and 22, therefore,
source –even from officials of while closely related and
departments and agencies in the complementary to each other,
executive branch. In the United should not be considered as
States there is, unlike the pertaining to the same power of
situation which prevails in a Congress.
parliamentary system such as that
in Britain, a clear separation
between the legislative and
executive branches.
One specifically relates to the Ultimately, the power of
power to conduct inquiries in aid Congress to compel the
of legislation, the aim of which is appearance of executive officials
to elicit information that may be under Section 21 and the lack of
used for legislation, while the it under Section 22 find their
other pertains to the power to basis in the principle of
conduct a question hour, the separation of powers. While the
objective of which is to obtain executive branch is a co-equal
information in pursuit of branch of the legislature, it
Congress’ oversight function. cannot frustrate the power of
Congress to legislate by refusing
When Congress merely seeks to to comply with its demands for
be informed on how department information.
heads are implementing the
statutes which it has issued, its When Congress exercises its
right to such information is not as power of inquiry, the only way
imperative as that of the for department heads to exempt
President to whom, as Chief themselves therefrom is by a
Executive, such department valid claim of privilege. They are
heads must give a report of their not exempt by the mere fact that
performance as a matter of duty. they are department heads. Only
In such instances, Section 22, in one executive official may be
keeping with the separation of exempted from this power — the
powers, states that Congress may President on whom executive
only request their appearance. power is vested, hence, beyond
Nonetheless, when the inquiry in the reach of Congress except
which Congress requires their through the power of
appearance is “in aid of impeachment. It is based on her
legislation” under Section 21, the being the highest official of the
appearance is mandatory for the executive branch, and the due
same reasons stated in Arnault. respect accorded to a co-equal
branch of government which is
In fine, the oversight function of sanctioned by a long-standing
Congress may be facilitated by custom
compulsory process only to the
extent that it is performed in By the same token, members of
pursuit of legislation. This is the Supreme Court are also
consistent with the intent exempt from this power of
discerned from the deliberations inquiry.
of the Constitutional
Unlike the Presidency, judicial The requirement then to secure
power is vested in a collegial presidential consent under
body; hence, each member Section 1, limited as it is only to
thereof is exempt on the basis not appearances in the question hour,
only of separation of powers but is valid on its face. For under
also on the fiscal autonomy and Section 22, Article VI of the
the constitutional independence Constitution, the appearance of
of the judiciary. This point is not department heads in the question
in dispute, as even counsel for hour is discretionary on their
the Senate, Sen. Joker Arroyo, part.
admitted it during the oral
argument upon interpellation of Section 1 cannot, however, be
the Chief Justice. applied to appearances of
department heads in inquiries in
Having established the proper aid of legislation. Congress is not
interpretation of Section 22, bound in such instances to
Article VI of the Constitution, the respect the refusal of the
Court now proceeds to pass on department head to appear in
the constitutionality of Section 1 such inquiry, unless a valid
of E.O. 464. claim of privilege is subsequently
made, either by the President
Section 1, in view of its specific herself or by the Executive
reference to Section 22 of Article Secretary.
VI of the Constitution and the
absence of any reference to Validity of Sections 2 and 3:
inquiries in aid of legislation, Section 3 of E.O. 464 requires all
must be construed as limited in the public officials enumerated in
its application to appearances of Section 2(b) to secure the consent
department heads in the question of the President prior to
hour contemplated in the appearing before either house of
provision of said Section 22 of Congress. The enumeration is
Article VI. The reading is broad. It covers all senior
dictated by the basic rule of officials of executive
construction that issuances must departments, all officers of the
be interpreted, as much as AFP and the PNP, and all senior
possible, in a way that will national security officials who, in
render it constitutional. the judgment of the heads of
offices designated in the same
section (i.e. department heads,
Chief of Staff of the AFP, Chief
of the PNP, and the National
Security Adviser), are “covered
by the executive privilege.”
The enumeration also includes Upon a determination by the
such other officers as may be designated head of office or by
determined by the President. the President that an official is
Given the title of Section 2 — “covered by the executive
“Nature, Scope and Coverage of privilege,” such official is
Executive Privilege” —, it is subjected to the requirement that
evident that under the rule of he first secure the consent of the
ejusdem generis, the President prior to appearing
determination by the President before Congress. This
under this provision is intended requirement effectively bars the
to be based on a similar finding appearance of the official
of coverage under executive concerned unless the same is
privilege. permitted by the President. The
proviso allowing the President to
En passant, the Court notes that give its consent means nothing
Section 2(b) of E.O. 464 virtually more than that the President may
states that executive privilege reverse a prohibition which
actually covers persons. Such is a already exists by virtue of E.O.
misuse of the doctrine. Executive 464. Thus, underlying this
privilege, as discussed above, is requirement of prior consent is
properly invoked in relation to the determination by a head of
specific categories of information office, authorized by the
and not to categories of persons. President under E.O. 464, or by
the President herself, that such
In light, however, of Sec 2(a) of official is in possession of
E.O. 464 which deals with the information that is covered by
nature, scope and coverage of executive privilege. This
executive privilege, the reference determination then becomes the
to persons being “covered by the basis for the official’s not
executive privilege” may be read showing up in the legislative
as an abbreviated way of saying investigation. In view thereof,
that the person is in possession of whenever an official invokes
information which is, in the E.O. 464 to justify his failure to
judgment of the head of office be present, such invocation must
concerned, privileged as defined be construed as a declaration to
in Section 2(a). The Court shall Congress that the President, or a
thus proceed on the assumption head of office authorized by the
that this is the intention of the President, has determined that the
challenged order. requested information is
privileged, and that the President
has not reversed such
Such declaration, however, even The letter does not explicitly
without mentioning the term invoke executive privilege or that
“executive privilege,” amounts to the matter on which these
an implied claim that the officials are being requested to be
information is being withheld by resource persons falls under the
the executive branch, by recognized grounds of the
authority of the President, on the privilege to justify their absence.
basis of executive Nor does it expressly state that in
privilege. Verily, there is an view of the lack of consent from
implied claim of privilege. the President under E.O. 464,
they cannot attend the hearing.
The letter dated September 28,
2005 of respondent Executive Significant premises in this letter,
Secretary Ermita to Senate however, are left unstated,
President Drilon illustrates the deliberately or not. The letter
implied nature of the claim of assumes that the invited officials
privilege authorized by E.O. 464. are covered by E.O. 464. As
It reads: explained earlier, however, to be
covered by the order means that a
In connection with the inquiry to determination has been made, by
be conducted by the Committee the designated head of office or
of the Whole regarding the the President, that the invited
Northrail Project of the North official possesses information
Luzon Railways Corporation on that is covered by executive
29 September 2005 at 10:00 a.m., privilege. Thus, although it is not
please be informed that officials stated in the letter that such
of the Executive Department determination has been made, the
invited to appear at the meeting same must be deemed implied.
will not be able to attend the Respecting the statement that the
same without the consent of the invited officials have not secured
President, pursuant to Executive the consent of the President, it
Order No. 464 (s. 2005), entitled only means that the President has
“Ensuring Observance Of The not reversed the standing
Principle Of Separation Of prohibition against their
Powers, Adherence To The Rule appearance before Congress.
On Executive Privilege And
Respect For The Rights Of Public
Officials Appearing In
Legislative Inquiries In Aid Of
Legislation Under The
Constitution, And For Other
Purposes”. Said officials have not
secured the required consent
from the President.
(Underscoring supplied)
Inevitably, Executive Secretary This kind of information cannot
Ermita’s letter leads to the be pried open by a coequal
conclusion that the executive branch of government. A frank
branch, either through the exchange of exploratory ideas
President or the heads of offices and assessments, free from the
authorized under E.O. 464, has glare of publicity and pressure by
made a determination that the interested parties, is essential to
information required by the protect the independence of
Senate is privileged, and that, at decision-making of those tasked
the time of writing, there has to exercise Presidential,
been no contrary pronouncement Legislative and Judicial power.
from the President. In fine, an This is not the situation in the
implied claim of privilege has instant case.
been made by the executive.
Section 3 of E.O. 464, therefore,
While there is no Philippine case cannot be dismissed outright as
that directly addresses the issue invalid by the mere fact that it
of whether executive privilege sanctions claims of executive
may be invoked against privilege. This Court must look
Congress, it is gathered from further and assess the claim of
Chavez v. PEA that certain privilege authorized by the Order
information in the possession of to
the executive may validly be determine whether it is valid.
claimed as privileged even
against Congress. Thus, the case While the validity of claims of
holds: privilege must be assessed on a
case to case basis, examining the
There is no claim by PEA that the ground invoked therefor and the
information demanded by particular circumstances
petitioner is privileged surrounding it, there is, in an
information rooted in the implied claim of privilege, a
separation of powers. The defect that renders it invalid per
information does not cover se. By its very nature, and as
Presidential conversations, demonstrated by the letter of
correspondences, or discussions respondent Executive Secretary
during closed-door Cabinet quoted above, the implied claim
meetings which, like internal authorized by Section 3 of E.O.
deliberations of the Supreme 464 is not accompanied by any
Court and other collegiate courts, specific allegation of the basis
or executive sessions of either thereof (e.g., whether the
house of Congress, are information demanded involves
recognized as confidential. military or diplomatic secrets,
closed-door Cabinet meetings,
While Section 2(a) enumerates The privilege belongs to the
the types of information that are government and must be asserted
covered by the privilege under by it; it can neither be claimed
the challenged order, Congress is nor
left to speculate as to which waived by a private party. It is
among them is being referred to not to be lightly invoked. There
by the executive. The must be a formal claim of
enumeration is not even intended privilege, lodged by the head of
to be comprehensive, but a mere the department which has control
statement of what is included in over the matter, after actual
the phrase “confidential or personal consideration by that
classified information between officer. The court itself must
the President and the public determine whether the
officers covered by this executive circumstances are appropriate for
order.” the claim of privilege, and yet do
so without forcing a disclosure of
Certainly, Congress has the right the very thing the privilege is
to know why the executive designed to protect.
considers the requested (Underscoring supplied)
information privileged. It does
not suffice to merely declare that Absent then a statement of the
the President, or an authorized specific basis of a claim of
head of office, has determined executive privilege, there is no
that it is so, and that the President way of determining whether it
has not overturned that falls under one of the traditional
determination. Such declaration privileges, or whether, given the
leaves Congress in the dark on circumstances in which it is
how the requested information made, it should be respected.
could be classified as privileged.
That the message is couched in Due respect for a co-equal branch
terms that, on first impression, do of government, moreover,
not seem like a claim of privilege demands no less than a claim of
only makes it more pernicious. It privilege clearly
threatens to make Congress stating the grounds therefor.
doubly blind to the question of
why the executive branch is not Upon the other hand, Congress
providing it with the information must not require the executive to
that it has requested. state the reasons for the claim
with such particularity as to
A claim of privilege, being a compel disclosure of the
claim of exemption from an information which the privilege is
obligation to disclose meant to protect.
information, must, therefore, be
clearly asserted. As U.S. v.
Reynolds teaches:
A useful analogy in determining Instead of providing precise and
the requisite degree of certain reasons for the claim, it
particularity would be the merely invokes E.O. 464,
privilege against self- coupled with an announcement
incrimination. Thus, Hoffman v. that the President has not given
U.S. declares: her consent. It is woefully
insufficient for Congress to
The witness is not exonerated determine whether the
from answering merely because withholding of information is
he declares that in so doing he justified under the circumstances
would incriminate himself – his of each case. It severely
say-so does not of itself establish frustrates the power of inquiry of
the hazard of incrimination. It is Congress.
for the court to say whether his
silence is justified, and to require In fine, Section 3 and Section
him to answer if ‘it clearly 2(b) of E.O. 464 must be
appears to the court that he is invalidated. No infirmity,
mistaken.’ However, if the however, can be imputed to
witness, upon interposing his Section 2(a) as it merely provides
claim, were required to prove the guidelines, binding only on the
hazard in the sense in which a heads of office mentioned in
claim is usually required to be Section 2(b), on what is covered
established in court, he would be by executive privilege. It does
compelled to surrender the very not purport to be conclusive on
protection which the privilege is the other branches of
designed to guarantee. To sustain government. It may thus be
the privilege, it need only be construed as a mere expression of
evident from the implications of opinion by the President
the question, in the setting in regarding the nature and scope of
which it is asked, that a executive privilege.
responsive answer to the question
or an explanation of why it Petitioners, however, assert as
cannot be answered might be another ground for invalidating
dangerous because injurious the challenged order the alleged
disclosure could result.” unlawful delegation of authority
to the heads of offices in Section
The claim of privilege under 2(b). Petitioner Senate of the
Section 3 of E.O. 464 in relation Philippines, in particular, cites
to Section 2(b) is thus invalid per the case of the United States
se. It is not asserted. It is merely where, so it claims, only the
implied. President can assert executive
privilege to withhold information
from Congress.
Section 2(b) in relation to Section The privilege being, by
3 virtually provides that, once the definition, an exemption from the
head of office determines that a obligation to disclose
certain information is privileged, information, in this case to
such determination is presumed Congress, the necessity must be
to bear the President’s authority of such high degree as to
and has the effect of prohibiting outweigh the public interest in
the official from appearing before enforcing that obligation in a
Congress, subject only to the particular case.
express pronouncement of the
President that it is allowing the In light of this highly exceptional
appearance of such official. nature of the privilege, the Court
These provisions thus allow the finds it essential to limit to the
President to authorize claims of President the power to invoke the
privilege by mere silence. privilege. She may of course
authorize the Executive Secretary
Such presumptive authorization, to invoke the privilege on her
however, is contrary to the behalf, in which case the
exceptional nature of the Executive Secretary must state
privilege. Executive privilege, as that the authority is “By order of
already discussed, is recognized the President,” which means that
with respect to information the he personally consulted with her.
confidential nature of which is The privilege being an
crucial to the fulfillment of the extraordinary power, it must be
unique role and responsibilities of wielded only by the highest
the executive branch, or in those official in the executive
instances where exemption from hierarchy. In other words, the
disclosure is necessary to the President may not authorize her
discharge of highly important subordinates to exercise such
executive responsibilities. The power. There is even less reason
doctrine of executive privilege is to uphold such authorization in
thus premised on the fact that the instant case where the
certain information must, as a authorization is not explicit but
matter of necessity, be kept by mere silence. Section 3, in
confidential in pursuit of the relation to Section 2(b), is further
public interest. invalid on this score.
It follows, therefore, that when There are, it bears noting, clear
an official is being summoned by distinctions between the right of
Congress on a matter which, in Congress to information which
his own judgment, might be underlies the power of inquiry
covered by executive privilege, and the right of the people to
he must be afforded reasonable information on matters of public
time to inform the President or concern. For one, the demand of
the Executive Secretary of the a citizen for the production of
possible need for invoking the documents pursuant to his right
privilege. This is necessary in to information does not have the
order to provide the President or same obligatory force as a
the Executive Secretary with fair subpoena duces tecum issued by
opportunity to consider whether Congress. Neither does the right
the matter indeed calls for a to information grant a citizen the
claim of executive privilege. If, power to exact testimony from
after the lapse of that reasonable government officials. These
time, neither the President nor the powers belong only to Congress
Executive Secretary invokes the and not to an individual citizen.
privilege, Congress is no longer
bound to respect the failure of the Thus, while Congress is
official to appear before composed of representatives
Congress and may then opt to elected by the people, it does not
avail of the necessary legal follow, except in a highly
means to compel his appearance. qualified sense, that in every
exercise of its power of inquiry,
Right to Information: E.O 464 is the people are exercising their
concerned only with the demands right to information.
of Congress for the appearance of
executive officials in the hearings To the extent that investigations
conducted by it, and not with the in aid of legislation are generally
demands of citizens for conducted in public, however,
information pursuant to their any executive issuance tending to
right to information on matters of unduly limit disclosures of
public concern. Petitioners are information in such investigations
not amiss in claiming, however, necessarily deprives the people of
that what is involved in the information which, being
present controversy is not merely presumed to be in aid of
the legislative power of inquiry, legislation, is presumed to be a
but the right of the people to matter of public concern.
The citizens are thereby denied If the executive branch withholds
access to information which they such information on the ground
can use in formulating their own that it is privileged, it must so
opinions on the matter before assert it and state the reason
Congress — opinions which they therefor and why it must be
can then communicate to their respected.
representatives and other
government officials through the The infirm provisions of E.O.
various legal means allowed by 464, however, allow the
their freedom of expression. Thus executive branch to evade
holds Valmonte v. Belmonte: congressional requests for
information without need of
It is in the interest of the State clearly asserting a right to do so
that the channels for free political and/or proffering its reasons
discussion be maintained to the therefor. By the mere expedient
end that the government may of invoking said provisions, the
perceive and be responsive to the power of Congress to conduct
people’s will. Yet, this open inquiries in aid of legislation is
dialogue can be effective only to frustrated. That is impermissible.
the extent that the citizenry is For [w]hat republican theory did
informed and thus able to accomplish, was to reverse the
formulate its will intelligently. old presumption in favor of
Only when the participants in the secrecy, based on the divine right
discussion are aware of the issues of kings and nobles, and replace
and have access to information it with a presumption in favor of
relating thereto can such bear publicity, based on the doctrine
fruit. of popular sovereignty.

The impairment of the right of Resort to any means then by

the people to information as a which officials of the executive
consequence of E.O. 464 is, branch could refuse to divulge
therefore, in the sense explained information cannot be presumed
above, just as direct as its valid. Otherwise, we shall not
violation of the legislature’s have merely nullified the power
power of inquiry. of our legislature to inquire into
the operations of government, but
Conclusion: Congress we shall have given up something
undoubtedly has a right to of much greater value – our right
information from the executive as a people to take part in
branch whenever it is sought in government.
aid of legislation.
B. Executive Department Art. VII, Sec. 4. The President
(Art. VII) and the Vice-President shall be
elected by direct vote of the
1. Qualifications, Election, people for a term of six years
Term and Oath which shall begin at noon on the
thirtieth day of June next
Art. VII, Sec. 2. No person may following the day of the election
be elected President unless he is a and shall end at noon of the same
natural-born citizen of the date six years thereafter. The
Philippines, a registered voter, President shall not be eligible for
able to read and write, at least any reelection. No person who
forty years of age on the day of has succeeded as President and
the election, and a resident of the has served as such for more than
Philippines for at least ten years four years shall be qualified for
immediately preceding such election to the same office at any
election. time.

Qualifications of President No Vice-President shall serve for

1) Natural- more than two successive terms.
born citizen of the Voluntary renunciation of the
Philippines office for any length of time shall
2) not be considered as an
Registered voter interruption in the continuity of
3) Able to the service for the full term for
read and write which he was elected.
4) 40 years
of age on the day of Unless otherwise provided by
election law, the regular election for
5) Resident President and Vice-President
of the Philippines for shall be held on the second
at least 10 years Monday of May.
preceding the The returns of every election for
election President and Vice- President,
duly certified by the board of
canvassers of each provinces or
city, shall be transmitted to the
Congress, directed to the
President of the Senate.
Upon receipt of the certificates of Election and Term of President
canvass, the President of the
Senate shall, not later than thirty a. Regular Election and Term
days after the day of election
(which is the 2nd Tuesday of The President and Vice-President
June), open all the certificates in (who shall be elected with and in
the presence of the Senate and the same manner as the
House of Representatives in joint President) shall be elected by
public session, and the Congress, direct vote of the people for a
upon determination of the term of 6 years, which shall
authenticity and due execution begin on the noon of June 30 next
thereof in the manner provided following the day of election. The
by law, canvass (i.e., tally the regular election for President and
certificates of canvass) the votes. Vice-President shall be held on
the 2nd Monday of May. (Art.
The persons having the highest VII, Sec. 4 pars. 1 & 3).
number of votes shall be pro-
claimed elected, but in case two The six (6) year term for the
or more shall have an equal and incumbent President and Vice-
highest number of votes (tie), one President elected in the February
of them shall forth with be 7, 1986 election is, for purposes
chosen by the vote of a majority of synchronization of elections,
of all the members of Congress, hereby extended to noon of June
voting separately. 30, 1992. The first regular
elections for the President and
The Congress shall promulgate Vice-President under this
its rules for the canvassing of the Constitution shall be held on the
certificates. 2nd Monday of May, 1992. (Art.
XVIII, Sec. 5.)
The Supreme Court, sitting en
banc, shall be the sole judge of In the case of In re: Saturnino
all contests relating to the Bermudez,1 the SC held that the
election, returns, and "incumbent President and Vice-
qualifications of the President, or President" referred to above are
Vice-President, and may Pres. Corazon Aquino and Vice-
promulgate its rules for the President Salvador Laurel (even
purpose. if they were not the ones declared
by the Batasang Pambansa as the
winners of the February 7, 1986
Snap Election).
b. Special Election and Term The person who succeeds as
President and not just in an acting
If a vacancy occurs in the offices capacity, could either be (i) the
of President and Vice- President Vice-President, or (ii) one who
more than eighteen was elected President in a special
(18) months before the date of election. In both cases, if he has
the next regular presidential served for more than 4 years, he
election, a special election to is ineligible for re-election as
elect the President and Vice- President.
President shall be called by
Congress, pursuant to article VII, If he served for 4 years or less,
section 10. (See discussion under he can run for re- election, since
Other Powers of Congress, supra (a) the term "succeeded"
and Succession, infra.) encompasses election and (b) the
general rule prohibiting the
The Constitution is silent as to President to run for re-election
whether the persons elected in refers to the President elected
the special election shall serve during the regular election.
only for the unexpired portion of
the term, and whether the new The Vice-President on the other
President can run for re- election hand, shall not serve for more
if he has not served more than than 2 successive terms. And for
four (4) years, which depends on this purpose, a voluntary (but not
the construction of the phrase involuntary) renunciation of
"has succeeded as the President," office for any length of time,
discussed in the next section. * shall not be considered an
Only unexpired portion. interruption in the continuity of
the service for the full terms for
c. Re-election which he was elected. (Art. VII,
Sec. 4, par. 2).
The President shall not be
eligible for any re-election. This is applicable, however,
Furthermore, no person who has beginning 1992, because of the
"succeeded" as President and has Transitory Provisions. (This
served as such for more than 4 prohibition is similar to that
years, shall be qualified for any applicable to Senators.)
election to the same office (the
Presidency) at any time. (Art.
VII, Sec. 4, par. 1)
d. Canvassing of Election e. Electoral Tribunal for the
Returns Election of the President
and Vice- President
As already noted in the Other
Powers of the Legislature, supra, The Supreme Court, sitting en
it is the Congress that acts as banc, shall be the sole judge of
Board of Canvassers of every all contests relating to the
election for President and Vice- election, returns, and
President. The provision reads: qualifications of the President or
Vice-President, and may
"The returns of every election for promulgate its rules for that
President and Vice-President duly purpose. (Art. VII, Sec. 4, par. 7.)
certified by the Board of
Canvassers of each province or Note that while election
city, shall be submitted to the controversies in the Congress are
Congress, directed to the under the exclusive jurisdiction
President of the Senate. Upon of their respective Electoral
receipt of the certificates of Tribunals, those in the Executive
canvass, the President of the are under the Supreme Court
Senate shall, not later than 30 itself.
days after the date of the election,
open all the certificates in the 2. Prohibitions
presence of the Senate and the
House of Representatives in a Art. VII, Sec. 13. The President,
joint public session, and the Vice-President, the Members of
Congress, upon determination of the Cabinet, and their deputies or
the authenticity and due assistants shall not, unless
execution thereof, in the manner otherwise provided in this
provided by law, canvass the Constitution, hold any other
votes. office or employment during their
tenure. They shall not, during
The person having the highest said tenure, directly or indirectly
number of votes shall be practice any other profession,
proclaimed elected, but in case 2 participate in any business, or be
or more shall have an equal and financially interested in any
highest number of votes, one of contract with, or in any franchise,
them shall forthwith be chosen by or special privilege granted by
the vote of a majority of all the the Government or any
members of the Congress, voting subdivision, agency or
separately. instrumentality thereof, including
The Congress shall promulgate government-owned or controlled
its rules for the canvassing of the corporations or their subsidiaries.
certificates." (Art. VII, Sec. 4, They shall strictly avoid conflict
pars. 4 - 6). of interest in the conduct of their
The spouse and relatives by Neither shall he engage in the
consanguinity or affinity within practice of any profession or in
the fourth civil degree of the the active management or control
President shall not during his of any business which in any way
tenure be appointed as Members may be affected by the functions
of the Constitutional of his office, nor shall he be
Commissions, or the Office of the financially interested, directly or
Ombudsman, or as Secretaries, indirectly, in any contract with, or
Undersecretaries, chairmen or in any franchise or privilege
heads of bureaus or offices, granted by the Government, any
including government- owned or of its subdivisions, agencies, or
controlled corporations and their instrumentalities, including
subsidiaries. government-owned or controlled
corporations or their subsidiaries.
a. Compare Prohibitions
against other officials Art. IX, B, Sec. 7. No elective
official shall be eligible for
Art. VI, Sec. 13. No Senator or appointment or designation in
Member of the House of any capacity to any public office
Representatives may hold any or position during his tenure.
other office or employment in the
Government, or any subdivision, Unless otherwise allowed by law
agency, or instrumentality or by the primary functions of his
thereof, including government position, no appointive official
owned or controlled corporations shall hold any other office or
or their subsidiaries, during his employment in the Government
term without forfeiting his seat. or any subdivision, agency or
Neither shall he be appointed to instrumentality thereof, including
any office which may have been government-owned or controlled
created or the emoluments corporations or their subsidiaries.
thereof increased during the term
for which he was elected. Art. VIII, Sec. 12. The Members
of the Supreme Court and of
Art. IX, A, Sec. 2. No Member of other courts established by law
a Constitutional Commission shall not be designated to any
shall, during his tenure, hold any agency performing quasi-judicial
other office or employment. or administrative functions.
3. Removal A vote of at least one-third of all
the Members of the House shall
Art. XI, Sec. 2. The President, be necessary either to affirm a
the Vice-President, the Members favorable resolution with the
of the Supreme Court, the Articles of Impeachment of the
Members of the Constitutional Committee, or override its
Commissions, and the contrary resolution. The vote of
Ombudsman may be removed each Member shall be recorded.
from office, on impeachment for,
and conviction of, culpable In case the verified complaint or
violation of the Constitution, resolution of impeachment is
treason, bribery, graft and filed by at least one-third of all
corruption, other high crimes, or the Members of the House, the
betrayal or public trust. All other same shall constitute the Articles
public officers and employees of Impeachment, and trial by the
may be removed from office as Senate shall forthwith proceed.
provided by law, but not by
impeachment. No impeachment proceedings
shall be initiated against the same
Art. XI, Sec. 3. (1) The House of official more than once within a
Representatives shall have the period of one year.
exclusive power to initiate all
cases of impeachment. The Senate shall have the sole
power to try and decide all cases
A verified complaint for of impeachment. When sitting for
impeachment may be filed by any that purpose, the Senators shall
Member of the House of be on oath or affirmation. When
Representatives or by any citizen the President of the Philippines
upon resolution of endorsement is on trial, the Chief Justice of the
by any Member thereof, which Supreme Court shall preside, but
shall be included in the Order of shall not vote. No person shall be
Business within ten session days, convicted without the
and referred to the proper concurrence of two-thirds of all
Committee within three session the Members of the Senate.
days thereafter. The Committee,
after hearing, and by a majority
vote of all its Members, shall
submit its report to the House
within sixty session days from
such referral, together with the
corresponding resolution. The
resolution shall be calendared for
consideration by the House
within ten session days from
receipt thereof.
Judgment in cases of 5. Placing on calendar of the
impeachment shall not extend Committee resolution
further than removal from office within 10 days from
and disqualification to hold any submission.
office under the Republic of the
Philippines, but the party 6. Discussion on the floor of
convicted shall nevertheless be the report, then a vote by
liable and subject to prosecution, the membership of the
trial, and punishment according House of Representatives.
to law.
7. If 1/3 vote to affirm a
a. Initiation Stage at the favorable resolution or
House of Representatives override a contrary
resolution, the case is
1. Filing of verified complaint forwarded to the Senate for
for impeachment of the trial.
President or Vice-President,
on the ground of culpable b. Trial Stage at the Senate
violation of the
Constitution, treason, 1. The Senators take an oath
bribery, graft and or affirmation. The Chief
corruption, other high Justice of the Supreme
crimes, or betrayal of Court presides over the
public trust. trial, but does not vote.

2. Inclusion of the complaint 2. After trial, the Senators

in the Order of Business vote to convict or acquit. A
within 10 session days. vote of 16 (2/3 of all the
members) is required to
3. Referral of complaint to the convict the President or
Committee on Justice Vice-President.
within 3 session days from
its inclusion. c. Post-trial

4. Hearing, voting, and 1. If the President is acquitted

submission of report by the by the Senate, he shall
Committee within 60 days continue in office. No
from referral. impeachment proceeding
can again be initiated
against him within a period
of one year.
2. If the President is It is not for him to determine the
impeached, he shall be validity of a law since this is a
removed from office at question exclusively addressed to
once, and shall be the judiciary. Thus, until and
disqualified to hold any unless a law is declared
office in the Republic. His unconstitutional, the President
criminal liability under Art. has the duty to execute it
XI, Sec. 3(7) may be regardless of his doubts on its
subject to him immunity validity. A contrary opinion
from suit. would allow him to negate the
will of the legislature and to
4. Powers And Functions Of encroach upon the prerogative of
The President the judiciary. (Nachura, pp 224-
(1) Executive Power
(2) Control of executive
Art. VII, Sec. 1. The executive departments
power shall be vested in the
President of the Philippines. Art. VII, Sec. 17. The President
shall have control of all the
Id., Sec. 17. The President shall executive departments, bureaus,
have control of all the executive and offices. He shall ensure that
departments, bureaus, and the laws be faithfully executed.
offices. He shall ensure that the
laws be faithfully executed. "Control" is the power to
substitute one's own judgment in
The executive function is that of a subordinate.
essentially the duty to implement
the laws within the standards • Under the qualified
imposed by the legislature. Under political agency doctrine, the
the Constitution, this power is different executive departments
exercised by the President. Thus, are mere adjuncts of the
when the Cabinet and other President. The secretaries are the
branches of the Executive alter ego of the President, men of
Department implement the law, his bosom confidence whom he
they are acting under the control designated to assist him in his
of the President. otherwise physically impossible
multifarious functions, the
“Faithful Execution clause” or extension of the President in the
“Take Care Clause” (Sec 17, Art. particular field in which they act.

The President shall ensure that

laws are faithfully executed.
Their acts are presumptively acts All that was needed to settle the
of the "President, until case was to hark back to the
countermanded or reprobated by Villena doctrine that the heads of
him". The President can ministries are alter egos of the
substitute his will over those of President. Under the presidential
the secretaries, and they cannot system, all executive and
complain. Furthermore, they hold administrative organizations are
their office subject to the adjuncts of the Executive
discretion of the President, who Department, the heads of the
can replace them anytime once various executive departments
he loses his confidence in them. are assistants and agents of the
Chief Executive and, except in
Thus, it was ruled in the case of cases where the Chief Executive
Planas vs. Gil,3 that since the is required by the Constitution or
Civil Service Commissioner, then the law to act in person or the
not an independent body, was the exigencies of the situation
alter ego of the President, and the demand that he act personally,
President could investigate local the multifarious executive and
officials, the Commissioner could administrative functions of the
likewise investigate them. Chief Executive are performed
and promulgated in the regular
In the case of Villena vs. course of business, are, unless
Secretary of the Interior,4 the disapproved or reprobated by the
investigation of the Mayor of Chief Executive, presumptively
Makati by the Secretary of the the acts of the Chief Executive.
Interior was deemed an Each head of a department is, and
investigation conducted by the must be, the President's alter ego
President himself. in the matters of that department
where the President is required
The doctrine on the power of by law to exercise authority. The
control remained unchanged in President has the constitutional
the jurisprudence under the 1973 power of control and direction
Constitution. The case of Free over such dept. heads and cabinet
Telephone Workers Union vs. secretaries.
Minister of Labor, had occasion
to reemphasize its continuing
validity. Here, the power given
to the Minister of Labor to
assume jurisdiction over a labor
dispute affecting the national
interest or to certify it for
compulsory arbitration was
challenged as an undue
delegation of a power which
properly belonged to the


 Brunei
 Cambodia
 East Timor
 Indonesia
 Laos
 Malaysia
 Myanmar
 Philippines
 Singapore
 Thailand
 Vietnam

SOUTHEAST ASIAN Indonesia, for example, is more
COUNTRIES than 3,000 miles from west to
east (exceeding the west-east
Mainland Southeast Asia is extent of the continental United
divided into the countries of States) and more than 1,000
Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar miles from north to south; the
(Burma), Thailand, Vietnam, and area of Laos is only slightly
the small city-state of Singapore smaller than that of the United
at the southern tip of the Malay Kingdom; and Myanmar is
Peninsula; Cambodia, Laos, and considerably larger than France.
Vietnam, which occupy the
eastern portion of the mainland, ASEAN REGIONAL
often are collectively called the ORGANIZATION
Indochinese Peninsula. Malaysia
is both mainland and insular, with The Association of Southeast
a western portion on the Malay Asian Nations is a regional
Peninsula and an eastern part on organization that brings together
the island of Borneo. Except for disparate neighbors to address
the small sultanate of Brunei economic, security, and political
(also on Borneo), the remainder issues, but the group’s impact
of insular Southeast Asia consists remains limited.
of the archipelagic nations of
Indonesia and the Philippines. The bloc’s biggest success has
been promoting economic
Southeast Asia stretches some integration among members. It
4,000 miles at its greatest extent also helped negotiate the RCEP
(roughly from northwest to agreement to create one of the
southeast) and encompasses some world’s largest free trade blocs.
5,000,000 square miles
(13,000,000 square km) of land ASEAN has struggled to form a
and sea, of which about cohesive response to China’s
1,736,000 square miles is land. claims in the South China Sea,
Mount Hkakabo in northern which conflict with those of
Myanmar on the border with several members.
China, at 19,295 feet (5,881
metres), is the highest peak of
mainland Southeast Asia.
Although the modern nations of
the region are sometimes thought
of as being small, they are—with
the exceptions of Singapore and
Brunei—comparatively large.
GOVERNMENT The western segment is the larger
of the two and contains the
Is the essential instrument or capital city of Bandar Seri
machinery of the state that carry Begawan. Brunei achieved
out its will, objectives and independence in 1984, having
purposes. been a British protectorate since
1888. It is a member of the
GOVERNANCE Commonwealth and ASEAN
(Association of Southeast Asian
Governance is the exercise of Nations).
power or authority by political
leader for the well being at their Flag:
country’s citizens or subject.
Refers to the manner of steering
or governing and or directing and
controlling a group of people or
the state.

The government of the Southeast

Asia counties as follows: National flag consisting of a
yellow field (background) with
BRUNEI DARASULLAM two diagonal stripes, one black
and one white, and a central red
Location: and yellow coat of arms. Its
width-to-length ratio is 1 to 2.

Although a few countries have

half of their national flag in
yellow, Brunei alone has a yellow
background. The avoidance of
yellow in other flags may in part
be due to the association of the
color with royalty, as in the
Brunei, independent Islamic former imperial flags of Austria
sultanate on the northern coast of and Russia, and with disease
the island of Borneo in Southeast (yellow flags are internationally
Asia. It is bounded to the north recognized as symbols of
by the South China Sea and on all quarantine). Among the smaller
other sides by the East Malaysian Southeast Asian states with
state of Sarawak, which also Malay populations, however,
divides the state into two yellow is fairly common. The
disconnected segments of original state flag of Brunei was
unequal size. plain yellow.
In the 19th century the state ruled Head Of State And
a substantial portion of the island Government: Sultan and Prime
of Borneo, but gradually this was Minister: Sir Haji Hassanal
lost to enemies or put under Bolkiah Muʿizzaddin Waddaulah
British protection until finally
Brunei was reduced to its present Capital: Bandar Seri Begawan
modest size. Brunei became a
British protectorate in 1888, and Population: (2021 est.) 459,300
in 1906 two diagonal stripes of
different widths were added to its Currency Exchange Rate: 1
yellow flag. The three colors USD equals 1.356 Bruneian
stood for the sultan (yellow) and dollar
his two chief ministers (white and
black). A new constitution was Form Of Government:
adopted in September 1959, and Monarchy (sultanate) with one
simultaneously a modification advisory body (Legislative
was introduced in the flag. Council)

The national coat of arms in red Constitutional Framework: In

and yellow, supposedly designed 1959 Brunei became a self-
in the 15th century by the third governing state and adopted a
sultan of Brunei, Sharif Ali, was constitution, although the British
added in the centre of the flag. Its retained jurisdiction over foreign
crescent is for Islam, the state policy, defense, and internal
religion, while the parasol at the security. Limited attempts at
top is a symbol of royalty in elected representative
Brunei as in many other states. government under this
The inscription at the bottom of constitution were abandoned by
the crescent translates from 1970.
Arabic as “Always render service
by the guidance of God.” A Ultimate authority rests with the
ribbon below the crescent has the Brunei's legalis system
sultan, who is based
both head on
of state
inscription “Brunei Darussalam” British
and headcommon law, with a
of government.
or Brunei, abode of peace. On parallel Syariah law system for
January 1, 1984, Brunei became Muslims, which supersedes the
an independent country; the basic common law system in areas
flag design was retained with such as family and property law.
only minor artistic modifications.
As prime minister, he presides Election Process
over a Council of Ministers
(cabinet) and is advised by Executive: The sultan and prime
several other councils (Religious, minister are hereditary.
Privy, Succession, and
Legislative); the members of Judicial: Supreme court judges
these bodies are appointed by the are appointed by the monarch.
sultan. In 2004 the sultan The sharia court of appeal judges
approved a number of is appointed by the monarch.
amendments to the constitution.
Although a provision for a Legislative: The legislative
partially elected Legislative council has 33 members who are
Council was among the appointed by the sultan.
amendments, elections have not
been held. Election Cycle

Adopted: 1959; Dictates the Executive: Heredity

government including the
executive head of state and Judicial: Supreme Court judges
various councils. Eliminated the can serve until age 65, Sharia
need for elections. Court of Appeal judges have no
term limits.
Government Branches:
Legislative: Until dismissal by
Main Powers sultan

Executive: The sultan has Political System:

absolute executive authority. It
appoints legislative council a. Absolute Monarchy
members and the supreme court. b. Unitary State
c. Constitutional Monarchy
Judicial: The supreme court is the d. Islamic State
highest court of the land. Shariah
deals with Islamic law matters. Notes:
Brunei is a monarchy and has
Legislative: The legislative been ruled by the same family for
council advises the sultan. over six centuries.

: Councils Most Bruneians do not shake

a. Privy hands with members of the
b. Council of succession opposite sex.
c. Religious Council
d. Legislative Council


It was used until 9 October 1970,

when a new flag was introduced
for Lon Nol's Khmer Republic
that lasted until the takeover of
the Khmer Rouge in 1975. The
subsequent state of Democratic
Kampuchea, which existed from
Cambodia, country on the 1975 to 1979, used a red flag
Indochinese mainland of with a three-towered Angkor Wat
Southeast Asia. Cambodia is design retained in yellow
largely a land of plains and great beginning in 1976. The People's
rivers and lies amid important Republic of Kampuchea was
overland and river trade routes established in 1979, after the
linking China to India and Vietnamese invasion of
Southeast Asia. Cambodia.

The influences of many Asian The Kampuchean National

cultures, alongside those of United Front for National
France and the United States, can Salvation (FUNSK) revived the
be seen in the capital, Phnom flag adopted by the Khmer
Penh, one of a handful of urban Issarak in the days of anti-French
centres in the largely rural resistance for the new state. This
country. flag had the same color pattern as
the DK flag, but with a yellow
Flag: five-towered Angkor Wat
silhouette. When the PRK
Since around 1850, the renamed itself as "State of
Cambodian flag has featured a Cambodia" (SOC) in 1989, the
depiction of Angkor Wat in the flag's lower half became blue.
centre. The current flag, with a The UNTAC flag was used
blue bonce in 1948. during the 1992–1993 transitional
period along with the flag of the
SOC within Cambodia.
In 1993, the 1948 Cambodian
flag was readopted. The current Liberty, 
Cambodian flag, together with Blue on King
the flags of Afghanistan¹, Bolivia,  and 
Portugal, San Marino and Spain, Brotherho
are the only six state flags to
feature a building. Red and blue Red Bravery Nation
are traditional colors of
Head Of Government: Prime
The flag used today is the same Minister: Hun Sen
as that established in 1948,
although the older flag is Capital: Phnom Penh
sometimes said to have used a
red outline for Angkor Wat while Population: (2021 est.)
the current flag uses black 16,052,000
specifically. Since that time, five
other intervening designs have Head Of State: King: Norodom
been used. Almost all made use Sihamoni
of the image of the temple of
Angkor Wat in one form or Form Of Government:
another. This famous temple site, constitutional monarchy with two
which dates from the 12th legislative houses (Senate and
century, was built by the National Assembly)
Mahidharapura monarchs.
Constitutional Framework: In
It has five towers, but these were 1981 the Vietnam-backed
not always all depicted in the communist government in Phnom
stylized version used on flags. Penh established a government
The monarchy was restored in based on a new constitution. That
September 1993, the 1948 flag government was opposed by
having been readopted in June of three factions that in 1982 formed
Symbol Meaning People
that year.
s a coalition government-in-exile.
Though that coalition was unable
Symbolism: Integrity,  to rule in Cambodia, it gained
Angkor Justice international recognition, held on
Wat  and  n
Heritage to Cambodia’s seat at the United
Nation (UN), and was able to
negotiate with the Phnom Penh
In 1991 the government and from the representatives of the
opposition groups signed peace party with the largest number of
accords that provided for the seats in the assembly. Executive
creation of a new national power resides with the cabinet,
government. The UN established headed by a prime minister—
a transitional authority to oversee who is chosen by the king, based
the implementation of the on the recommendation of the
accords, including elections in chairman of the National
1993 that formed a coalition Assembly, from the
government led by Prince representatives of the party with
Norodom Sihanouk. A new the largest number of seats in the
constitution was adopted in assembly. The remaining
September that restored the pre- government ministers are
1970 Kingdom of Cambodia, selected from all parties
though now as a constitutional represented in the assembly.
monarchy and a multiparty
liberal democracy. Sihanouk Adopted: 1993; Constitution
immediately ascended the throne outlines several topics including
under the new constitution. sovereignty, basic rights and
obligations of citizens, the king
Under the constitution, the king, and his responsibilities as chief of
who is the head of state, is State, defines policy making
chosen from among royal process, sets economic rules,
descendants by the Royal Throne outlines the education, cultural
Council. In 2004 King Sihanouk and social affairs, establishes
decided to abdicate, and Prince liberal democracy, describes and
Norodom Sihamoni was selected delegates to legislative, judiciary
to succeed him. and executive branches

Cambodia’s legislature has been Government Branches:

bicameral since 1999, with the
directly elected National Main Powers
Assembly as its lower chamber
and the indirectly elected (by Executive: The king appoints the
commune councilors) Senate as prime minister from assembly
its upper chamber. Members of and is also responsible for
the parliament serve five-year upholding sovereignty. He is the
terms. Executive power resides supreme commander of the
with the cabinet, headed by a armed forces. The prime minister
prime minister—who is chosen is the head of government,
by the king, based on the appointing cabinet members and
recommendation of the chairman leading the government.
of the National Assembly,
Judicial: The judiciary protects c. Constitutional Monarchy
the freedom and rights of the d. One-Party State
citizens. e. Elective Monarchy

Legislative: The legislature

creates laws. INDONESIA

Election Process Location:

Executive: The king is hereditary.

The prime minister is voted on by
the assembly and appointed by
the king.

Judicial: Judges of both courts Indonesia, country located off the

are appointed by the monarch. coast of mainland Southeast Asia
in the Indian and Pacific oceans.
Legislative: The senate has 61 It is an archipelago that lies
members: 57 are elected by across the Equator and spans a
members of the national distance equivalent to one-eighth
assembly and local commune of Earth’s circumference.
councilors, 2 are elected by the
national assembly, and 2 Its islands can be grouped into
members are appointed by the the Greater Sunda Islands of
monarch. The national assembly Sumatra (Sumatera), Java (Jawa),
has 123 members who are elected the southern extent of Borneo
by universal adult suffrage. (Kalimantan), and Celebes
(Sulawesi); the Lesser Sunda
Election Cycle Islands (Nusa Tenggara) of Bali
and a chain of islands that runs
Executive: Prime Minister: 5 eastward through Timor; the
years Moluccas (Maluku) between
Celebes and the island of New
Judicial: Supreme Court: no term Guinea; and the western extent of
limit, Constitutional Court: New Guinea (generally known as
judges are appointed for 9-year Papua). The capital, Jakarta, is
terms with one-third of the court located near the northwestern
renewed every 3 years coast of Java. In the early 21st
century Indonesia was the most
Legislative: Senate: 6 years; populous country in Southeast
National Assembly: 5 years Asia and the fourth most
populous in the world.
Political System:

a. Parliamentary System
b. Unitary State
Additional notes: has for millennia served as a
Indonesia was formerly known as nexus of the peoples and cultures
the Dutch East Indies (or of Oceania and mainland Asia.
Netherlands East Indies). These factors have created a
Although Indonesia did not highly diverse environment and
become the country’s official society that sometimes seem
name until the time of united only by susceptibility to
independence, the name was used seismic and volcanic activity,
as early as 1884 by a German close proximity to the sea, and a
geographer; it is thought to derive moist, tropical climate.
from the Greek indos, meaning Nevertheless, a centralized
“India,” and nesos, meaning government and a common
“island.” language have provided
Indonesia with some sense of
After a period of occupation by unity. Furthermore, in keeping
the Japanese (1942–45) during with its role as an economic and
World War II, Indonesia declared cultural crossroads, the country is
its independence from the active in numerous international
Netherlands in 1945. trade and security organizations,
such as ASEAN, OPEC, and the
Its struggle for independence, UN.
however, continued until 1949,
when the Dutch officially Flag:
recognized Indonesian
sovereignty. It was not until the
United Nations (UN)
acknowledged the western
segment of New Guinea as part
of Indonesia in 1969 that the
country took on its present form.
The former Portuguese territory
of East Timor (Timor-Leste) was
incorporated into Indonesia in
1976. Following a UN-organized The Flag of Indonesia is a simple
referendum in 1999, however, bicolor with two equal horizontal
East Timor declared its bands, red (top) and white
independence and became fully (bottom) with an overall ratio of
sovereign in 2002. 2:3. It was introduced and hoisted
in public during the Proclamation
The Indonesian archipelago of Indonesian Independence on
represents one of the most 17 August 1945.
unusual areas in the world: it
encompasses a major juncture of
Earth’s tectonic plates, spans two
faunal realms, and
in at 56 Jalan Proklamasi Currency Exchange Rate: 1
(formerly Jalan Pegangsaan USD equals 14372.293
Timur) in Jakarta, and again Indonesian rupiah
when the Dutch formally
transferred sovereignty on 27 Form Of Government:
December 1949. The design of Multiparty republic with two
the flag has remained unchanged legislative houses (Regional
since. Representative Council [132];
House of Representatives [560])
The flag of Indonesia is
graphically similar to the Flag of Constitutional Framework: The
Monaco, with a slight difference 1945 constitution invests most of
in the shade of red, and ratio of the power in the executive branch
its dimensions. The flag of of the government, particularly in
Poland has similar dimensions the president, who is assisted by a
but has the colors reversed: white vice president and a cabinet. The
on top and red on the bottom. In constitution also provides for a
both, the red is of a slightly body of presidential advisers,
darker shade. called the Supreme Advisory
Council (Dewan Pertimbangan
The Naval Jack of Indonesia is Agung)
reserved for sole use by the
Indonesian Navy. It flies from the the advice of which is not legally
mast of every active Indonesian binding, however—as well as a
war ship. presidentially appointed Supreme
Audit Board (Badan Pemeriksa
The design of the jack is Keuangan), which controls state
described as nine alternating finance.
stripes of red and white. It is
nicknamed Ular-ular Perang (War Until 2002 the president and vice
Pennant or literally "War president were elected every five
Snakes"), probably due to the years by the People’s
stripes' design. The naval jack Consultative Assembly (Majelis
dates to the age of Majapahit Permusyawaratan Rakyat; MPR),
Empire. This empire, renowned but in that year a new law
for its great maritime strength, decreed that beginning in 2004
flew similar jacks on its vessels. both leaders were to be directly
elected. In addition, legislation
Head Of State And passed in 1999 limited the
Government: President: Joko president to two five-year terms

Capital: Jakarta

Population: (2021 est.)

Until 2002 the president and vice About four-fifths of the MPR’s
president were elected every five seats belong to the lower house.
years by the People’s Members of the DPD are elected
Consultative Assembly (Majelis directly from a nationwide pool
Permusyawaratan Rakyat; MPR), of nonpartisan candidates, and
but in that year a new law members of the DPR are directly
decreed that beginning in 2004 elected through a province-based
both leaders were to be directly proportional system that allows
elected. In addition, legislation voters to cast ballots for
passed in 1999 limited the individuals as well as particular
president to two five-year terms. parties. All legislators serve five-
year terms.
Cabinet ministers are appointed
by the president. Ministries Adopted: 1949; Was abrogated
manage broad areas, such as by the Federal Constitution of
economic affairs, foreign affairs, 1949 and the Provisional
defense, education, agriculture, Constitution of 1950, but restored
information, and religious affairs. in 1959. Covers basic topics
The number of ministers and the including the role, function, and
nature of their areas of structure of government; basic
assignment depend on the rights of citizens; and nationwide
president. In addition to cultural standards.
appointing the cabinet, the
president is the supreme Government Branches:
commander of the army, the
navy, and the air force. The Main Powers
president also has the authority to
introduce bills, issue regulations, Executive: The president heads
implement acts, and make the United Indonesia Cabinet and
agreements with foreign is also head of state, commander-
countries. in-chief, and responsible for
domestic governance, policy-
The MPR constitutes the making and foreign affairs.
legislative branch of Indonesia’s
government; it is primarily Judicial: The Mahkamah Agung
responsible for interpreting the (supreme court) is the highest
constitution and the broad lines level of the judicial branch. The
of state policy. Formerly constitutional court rules on
unicameral, the MPR has been a constitutional and political
bicameral body since the matters, while the judicial
elections of 2004, with the commission oversees the judges.
Council of the People’s
Representatives (Dewan
Perwakilan Rakyat; DPR) as the
lower house and the Council of
Regional Representatives
(Dewan Perwakilan Daerah;
DPD) as the upper house.
Legislative: The Majelis Notes!
Permusyawaratan Rakyat and the
Dewan Perwakilan Rakya serve Can’t run if may criminal record,
as the two legislative bodies for for example treason against the
Indonesia. State.

Election Process Minimum of 20% of State budget

and regional budget needs of
Executive: The president is implementation of national
elected by absolute majority vote. education.

Judicial: Supreme court judges If the President failed to approve

are nominated by a judicial within 30 days it will legally
commission and appointed by the became law.
president with the concurrence of
parliament. The constitutional Land, water and natural resources
court has nominations from the shall under the power of the
president, supreme court, and State.
parliament. Its judges are
appointed by the president. MPR

Legislative: Dewan Perwakilan

Daerah are elected by single non-
transferable vote. The Dewan DPR DPD
Perwakilan Rakya are elected by
open-list proportional
representation in multi-member
constituencies. State

Election Cycle

Executive: 5 years Regencies

Judicial: Life appointment
Legislative: 5 years
Who became the Vice-President
Political System: of the Philippines when GMA
succeed the President position
a. Unitary Public after Erap Estrada impeached?
b. Presidential
LAOS Economic reforms of the late
20th and early 21st centuries,
Location: including the development of
tourism, have strengthened
Laos’s economy, gradually
shrinking the country’s debt and
diminishing its dependence on
international aid.


Laos, landlocked country of

northeast-central mainland
Southeast Asia. It consists of an
irregularly round portion in the
north that narrows into a
peninsula-like region stretching The flag of Laos consists of three
to the southeast. Overall, the horizontal stripes, with the
country extends about 650 miles middle stripe in blue being twice
(1,050 km) from northwest to the height of the top and bottom
southeast. The capital is red stripes. In the middle is a
Vientiane (Lao: Viangchan), white disc, the diameter of the
located on the Mekong River in disc is 4⁄5 the height of the blue
the northern portion of the stripe. The flag ratio is 2:3.
In 1353 King Fa Ngum
Colonization by the French from proclaimed the “Kingdom of the
the late 19th to the mid-20th Million Elephants and White
century infused Laos with a Parasol,” basing the name on
European cultural element, which those traditional symbols of the
intensified throughout the Lao people. The mythical first
country’s embroilment in World ruler of Laos had arrived riding a
War II and the Indochina wars, as white elephant, an animal held in
well as a civil war of its own in great reverence by peoples of
the second half of the 20th Southeast Asia, while the parasol,
century. Guided by Marxist- or royal umbrella, long served as
Leninist ideology, Laos emerged an important part of the king’s
from the turmoil in 1975 as a ceremonial regalia.
communist country.
The white three-headed elephant The Laos flag consists of three
and white parasol on a red field horizontal stripes that alternate
was chosen by the kingdom of between red and dark blue. A
Luang Prabang, which became a white circle is in the center of the
French protectorate in 1893, and, the blue stripe. The flag was
on May 11, 1947, by the inspired by the flag of Thailand,
Kingdom of Laos. which shares the flag's color
scheme. The colors were also
The modern Laos flag is unusual chosen for their symbolic value.
in that it is a revival of a flag that The blue stripe represents the
was used by a past government Mekong River as well as the
before falling out of use. It was nation's wealth, while the red
designed with the intention of stripes represent the blood that
creating a flag that was distinct the nation shed during its struggle
from the royal flag of Laos, for independence and the period
which also helped to make it of colonial rule. The white circle
distinct from the flag that is a symbol of both national unity
represented the nation while it and the full moon.
was part of the French colonial
empire. Head Of Government: Prime
Minister: Thongloun Sisoulith
The flag of Laos was adopted on
December 2, 1975. The flag had Capital: Vientiane (Viangchan)
previously been used by the
short-lived Lao nationalist Population: (2021 est.) 7,335,000
government of 1945.
Head Of State: President:
The flag consists of three Bounnhang Vorachith.
horizontal stripes, middle blue
stripe is twice the height of the Form Of Government: unitary
top and bottom red stripes. In the single-party people’s republic
middle is a white circle, the with one legislative house
diameter of the disc circle 8/10 (National Assembly [149])
times the height of the blue
stripe. The national flag of Laos Constitutional Framework:
was adopted when the country Since its establishment in
became a people's republic in December 1975, the Lao People’s
1975. It is one of the few Democratic Republic (LPDR) has
Communist flags that does not been effectively controlled by the
use the five-pointed star as an communist Lao People’s
emblem. Revolutionary Party (LPRP).
This party, in alliance with the Local Government: The country
Vietnamese communists, carried is divided into some 16
out the revolution that ended in provinces, as well as the
its seizure of power and the Vientiane municipality and the
abolition of the monarchy. Top Xaisomboun special zone; the
government positions—beginning provinces are subdivided further
with the president, who is head of into districts and villages.
state, and the prime minister, who Governors of provinces and the
is the head of government—are mayor of Vientiane are appointed
selected from high-ranking party by the president, and lower-level
members who constitute a local administrators, including
Central Committee with the deputy provincial governors,
Politburo at the head. deputy mayors, and district
chiefs, are named by the prime
The constitution of 1991, which minister. Villages are led by
declares the party to be the village heads. At each level of
“leading nucleus” of the political local government, there are party
system, provides for a National committees and administrative
Assembly, the members of which committees, often headed by the
are elected to five-year terms. same individuals. Local
The National Assembly elects the administrations have considerable
president and vice president and autonomy in economic matters.
approves presidential
appointments of the prime Government Branches:
minister and members of the
cabinet (Council of Ministers). Main Powers
The president and ministers serve
five-year terms. Executive: Appoints prime
minister and cabinet, and is in
Adopted: 1991; Protects the right charge of executory tasks of the
to preserve the national culture, government.
natural heritage, fine tradition,
antiques and historical places of Judicial: In charge of interpreting
the country and its ethnic the constitution and upholding
minorities, the right to transfer of the law.
technology, and the right to
create artistic and literary works Legislative: Elects the president,
and to engage in cultural approves appointments by
activities. president and is in charge of
creating legislature.
Election Process Malaysia, country of Southeast
Asia, lying just north of the
Executive: Elected by National Equator, that is composed of two
Assembly. noncontiguous regions:
Peninsular Malaysia
Judicial: Appointed by National (Semenanjung Malaysia), also
Assembly Standing Committee. called West Malaysia (Malaysia
Barat), which is on the Malay
Legislative: 132 members elected Peninsula, and East Malaysia
by plurality vote in multi-member (Malaysia Timur), which is on
constituencies. the island of Borneo. The
Malaysian capital, Kuala
Election Cycle Lumpur, lies in the western part
of the peninsula, about 25 miles
Executive: 5 years (40 km) from the coast; the
administrative centre, Putrajaya,
Judicial: Information not is located about 16 miles (25 km)
available south of the capital.

Legislative: 5 years Malaysia, a member of the

Commonwealth, represents the
Political System: political marriage of territories
that were formerly under British
a. Republic rule. When it was established on
b. Socialist State September 16, 1963, Malaysia
c. Unitary State comprised the territories of
d. Communist State Malaya (now Peninsular
Malaysia), the island of
MALAYSIA Singapore, and the colonies of
Sarawak and Sabah in northern
Location: Borneo. In August 1965
Singapore seceded from the
federation and became an
independent republic.

The flag of Malaysia, also known It consisted of 11 horizontal
as the Stripes of Glory, is stripes of red and white, the
composed of a field of 14 colours favoured by the dominant
alternating red and white stripes United Malays National
along the fly and a blue canton Organization and found in the
bearing a crescent and a 14-point flags of neighbouring Indonesia
star known as the Bintang and Thailand. The canton of the
Persekutuan. flag was blue with a yellow star
of 11 points, symbolizing
National flag consisting of seven Malaya’s 11 states, and a yellow
red and seven white horizontal crescent. When additional states
stripes and a blue canton with a joined on September 16, 1963,
yellow star and crescent. The the flag was modified. The
width-to-length ratio of the flag is current version has 14 stripes and
1 to 2. a 14-pointed star. Yellow is a
royal colour in Malaysia, and red,
The flag traditions of the many white, and blue indicate the close
independent states now united in association of the country with
Malaysia emphasized white, red, the Commonwealth. The flag
yellow, and black; a horizontally design was also influenced by the
striped flag in those colours flag of the United States. The
served as the naval ensign for the crescent and star symbolize the
Federated Malay States, which nation’s majority Muslim
came into existence on July 1, population.
1896. The traditional royal Malay
tiger appeared on a white oval in Head Of Government: Prime
the centre. Some of the larger Minister: Ismail Sabri Yaakob
states resisted federation and
maintained their own national Administrative Centre:
symbols, however. After the Putrajaya
Japanese occupied the peninsula
during World War II, efforts Capital: Kuala Lumpur
toward unification eventually
gained support. Population (2021 est.):
On April 1, 1946, the Malayan
Union was founded, followed on Currency Exchange Rate: 1
February 1, 1948, by the USD equals 4.187 Malaysian
Federation of Malaya. A ringgit
competition for a national flag
led to the design first hoisted on Head Of State: Paramount
May 26, 1950. Ruler: (Yang di-Pertuan Agong)
Sultan Abdullah of Pahang
Form Of Government: Federal The powers of the federal
constitutional monarchy with two parliament are relatively broad
legislative houses (Senate [701]; and include the authority to
House of Representatives [222]) legislate in matters concerning
government finances, defense,
Official Religion: Islam foreign policy, internal security,
the administration of justice, and
Constitutional Framework: citizenship. The constitution also
Malaysia is a federal provides that some issues may be
constitutional monarchy with a addressed by either the federal
ceremonial head of state—a legislature or a state legislature.
monarch—who bears the title Of the roughly 200 members of
Yang di-Pertuan Agong the House of Representatives,
(“paramount ruler”) and who is about two-thirds are from
elected from among nine Peninsular Malaysia, one is from
hereditary state rulers for a five- the federal territory of Labuan,
year term. The Malaysian and the remaining seats are
constitution, drafted in 1957 divided fairly evenly between
following the declaration of Sarawak and Sabah. Members
independence (from the British) are elected to office from single-
by the states of what is now member constituencies to terms
Peninsular Malaysia, provides for of five years. The Senate consists
a bicameral federal legislature, of about six dozen members; of
consisting of the Senate (Dewan these, nearly two-thirds
Negara) as the upper house and (including those from the federal
the House of Representatives territories of Kuala Lumpur and
(Dewan Rakyat) as the lower. Labuan) are appointed by the
The paramount ruler appoints a paramount ruler on the
prime minister from among the recommendation of the prime
members of the House of minister, and the others are
Representatives. On the advice of elected by the state legislative
the prime minister, the monarch assemblies. Election to either
then appoints the other ministers house is by a simple majority, but
who make up the cabinet. The amendments to the constitution
number of ministers is not fixed, require a two-thirds majority. A
but all must be members of the bill passed by both houses and
federal parliament. The federal sanctioned by the Yang di-
government also includes an Pertuan Agong becomes a federal
independent judiciary and a law.
politically neutral civil service.
Local government: Malaysia Adopted: 1957; Establishes the
comprises 13 states and 3 federal Federation as a constitutional
territories. Each state has its own monarchy with the role of Yang
written constitution, legislative di-Pertuan Agong (Head of State)
assembly, and executive council, being largely ceremonial. It also
which is responsible to the provides for the establishment
legislative assembly and headed and the organization of three
by a chief minister. The federal branches of the government: the
territories, which include the bicameral legislative branch
capital city region of Kuala (Parliament) which consists of
Lumpur, the administrative the House of Representatives
capital of Putrajaya, and the (Dewan Rakyat) and the Senate
island of Labuan off the coast of (Dewan Negara); the executive
East Malaysia, carry the same branch led by the Prime Minister
status as states, but they do not and Cabinet Ministers; and the
have separate legislatures or judicial branch.
heads of state.
Government Branches:
Most of the peninsular states are
led by hereditary rulers. Johor, Main Powers
Kedah, Kelantan, Pahang, Perak,
Selangor, and Terengganu have Executive: The King is largely a
sultans, while Perlis has a raja ceremonial role and is head of
(“king”), and Negeri Sembilan is state. The prime minister is the
ruled by the Yang di-Pertuan head of government, leads the
Besar (“chief ruler”). The heads cabinet of ministers and can
of state of Melaka, Penang Island choose to not appoint a Deputy
(Pulau Pinang; also Penang), Prime Minister if they so please.
Sarawak, and Sabah—known as
Yang di-Pertuan Negeri (“state Judicial: The highest court and
ruler”)—are appointed to office. the final appellate court in
The ruler of a state acts on the Malaysia.
advice of the state government.
The constitution provides for Legislative: The Dewan Negara
federal parliamentary elections reviews legislation that has been
and for elections to state passed by the lower house. If the
legislatures, to be held at least Dewan Negara rejects a bill, it
every five years. can delay the bill's passage by
only a year before it is sent to the
All states in Malaysia are King. The Dewan Rakyat is the
subdivided into districts. In lower house of parliament - all
Sarawak and Sabah, however, bills must be passed by both
these districts are grouped into houses before they are given
larger administrative units called Royal Assent.
divisions. The village, headed by
a tua kampung (“village leader”),
is the smallest unit of
Election Process MYANMAR

Executive: Monarchy is elected Location:

by hereditary state rulers. The
prime minister is designated by

Judicial: Justices appointed by

the monarch on advice of the
prime minister.

Legislative: The Dewan Negara

has 44 members that are
appointed by the monarch, 26
members are elected by state Myanmar, also called Burma,
legislatures. The Dewan Rakyat country, located in the western
members are elected by plurality portion of mainland Southeast
vote in single-member Asia. In 1989 the country’s
constituencies. official English name, which it
had held since 1885, was
Election Cycle: changed from the Union of
Burma to the Union of Myanmar;
Executive: At least once within 5 in the Burmese language the
years country has been known as
Myanma (or, more precisely,
Judicial: Mandatory retirement Mranma Prañ) since the 13th
age of 65 century. The English name of the
city that served as the country’s
Legislative: Dewan Negara: 3 capital from 1948 to 2006,
years; Dewan Rakyat: 5 years Rangoon, also was dropped in
1989 in favour of the common
Burmese name, Yangon.

In 2005 the government began to

shift its administrative centre,
first to the city of Pyinmana
(some 200 miles [320 km] north
of Yangon) and then to Nay Pyi
Taw (Naypyidaw), a newly
constructed city near Pyinmana.
Nay Pyi Taw was proclaimed the
capital of Myanmar in 2006.
Flag: The flag of the President of
Burma still retain this peacock
insignia, which is a symbol of
royalty, the sun, Buddhism,
happiness, and unity.

Head Of Government: Prime

Minister: Senior Gen. Min Aung

National flag consisting of three Capital: Nay Pyi Taw

equal horizontal stripes of yellow, (Naypyidaw)
green, and red, with a central
white star overlapping the three Population: (2021 est.)
stripes. The flag has a width-to- 55,199,000
length ratio of 1 to 2.
Head Of State: President: Myint
The flag of Myanmar consists of Swe (acting)
horizontal tri-colors yellow,
green and red with a central, five Form Of Government: Military
pointed star overlapping the government and Parliamentary
stripes. There is no official Republic
explanation for the meaning of
the colors you the generally Constitutional Framework:
accepted implication is that the Myanmar’s first constitution
colors the following: green came into force on Jan. 4, 1974,
Peace, tranquility and the lush the 26th anniversary of the
green landscape of the country, country’s independence, and was
yellow Solidarity or national suspended following a military
unity and red courage and coup on Sept. 18, 1988. The
determination. country was subsequently ruled
by a military junta, known first as
At the center of the flag is a the State Law and Order
massive five-pointed star, which Restoration Council (SLORC)
is a symbol of unity in the and, between 1997 and 2011, as
country, it was adopted in favor the State Peace and Development
of the royal peacock insignia that Council (SPDC).
was initially there The socialist
flag also consisted of one Under the 1974 constitution,
massive star with fourteen supreme power rested with the
smaller stars. However, the unicameral People’s Assembly
recent change in regime coupled (Pyithu Hluttaw), a 485-member
with the destruction of the popularly elected body that
rebellious movement triggered exercised legislative, executive,
the adoption of one-line star. and judicial authority.
The Council of State, which More than 90 parties participated
consisted of 29 members (one in the elections, which were held
representative elected from each in May 1990; of these the most
of the country’s 14 states and important were the dominant
divisions, 14 members elected by BSPP, which had changed its
the People’s Assembly as a name to the National Unity Party
whole, and the prime minister as (NUP), and the main opposition
an ex officio member), elected its party, the National League for
own secretary and its own Democracy (NLD).
chairman, who was ex officio
president of the country. The The NLD won some four-fifths
secretary and the president were of the seats in the new assembly.
also, respectively, the secretary- However, after the NLD’s victory
general and the chairman of the the SLORC announced that the
Burma Socialist Programme elections were not actually for a
Party (BSPP), which, under legislative assembly but for a
military leadership, was the only constituent assembly charged
official political party from 1964 with drafting a new constitution;
to 1988. Civil servants, members furthermore, the SLORC did not
of the armed forces, workers, and permit the assembly to meet.
peasants belonged to the BSPP, Instead, in 1993 the SLORC
and senior military officials and convened a National Convention
civil servants were included in of handpicked participants—
the party’s hierarchy. rather than the elected assembly
of 1990—to formulate a new
After the military took control of constitution. This constituent
the government in 1988, it assembly met intermittently in
established the SLORC as the 1993–96 and then again from
new ruling body, and all state 2004 until early in 2008, when it
organs, including the People’s finally passed a completed draft
Assembly and the Council of constitution. The constitution was
State, were abolished and their put to a popular referendum in
duties assumed by the SLORC. May and was approved, but the
The law designating the BSPP as document did not to go into effect
the only political party also was until Jan. 31, 2011, following
abolished, and new parties were elections for a new parliament
encouraged to register for general that were held in November
elections to a new legislative 2010.
Under the 2008 constitution, The State Administrative
legislative authority is vested in a Council, headed by the
bicameral Assembly of the Union commander in chief of the armed
(Pyidaungsu Hluttaw) consisting forces, was formed to handle the
of a 224-seat House of functions of government during
Nationalities (Amyotha Hluttaw) the state of emergency.
and a 440-seat House of
Representatives (Pyithu Adopted: 2008; Was voted on by
Hluttaw).Three-fourths of the a public referendum in attempt to
members of each chamber are slowly transition Burma into a
directly elected, and the democracy, although opposing
remaining one-fourth are authorities consider it to be more
appointed by the military; all of a tool for maintaining military
members serve five-year terms. control of Burma. The structure
Executive authority, per the of government, its powers, and
constitution, rests with the elections are detailed in depth.
president, who is elected to a However, revisions in state
five-year term by members of the structure were not implemented
House of Representatives and until August 2010.
heads an 11-member National
Defense and Security Council Local Government: Myanmar is
(cabinet). However, it is thought divided administratively into
that the military retained some seven states largely on the basis
level of influence on the of ethnicity—Chin, Kachin,
government behind the scenes Kayin (Karen), Kayah, Mon,
after Jan. 31, 2011. Rakhine (Arakan), and Shan—
and seven more truly
In February 2021 the military administrative divisions of
seized power by detaining the Myanmar proper—Ayeyarwady
president, upon which one of the (Irrawaddy), Magway (Magwe),
vice presidents, a former military Mandalay, Bago (Pegu), Sagaing,
officer, became acting president Taninthary (Tenasserim), and
and immediately invoked articles Yangon. These states and
417 and 418 of the constitution: divisions are subdivided further
the former allowing him to into townships, urban wards, and
declare a one-year state of village tracts.
emergency and the latter
allowing him to transfer power to
the commander in chief of the
armed forces. The legislative
houses were also suspended per
article 418.
Until 1988, at each level of local Legislative: Members of the
government there was a People’s house of nationalities (Amyotha
Council that followed the pattern Hluttaw) are elected on basis of
of the People’s Assembly. Every township and population.
local government council also Members of the house of
had an Executive Committee, and representatives (Pythu Hluttaw)
all but the village or ward are directly elected equally from
councils had a Committee of regions and states.
Inspectors. Local and national
elections were held Election Cycle
simultaneously. In 1988 the
SLORC dissolved these bodies Executive: 5 years
and assumed control of local
administration, establishing in Judicial: Mandatory retirement
their place military-dominated age of 70
Law and Order Restoration
Councils. Legislative: 5 years

Government Branches: Political System:

Main Powers a. Parliamentary System

b. Unitary State
Executive: The president appoints c. Presidential System
the cabinet, nominates judges, is d. Parliamentary Republic
the commander-in-chief of armed
forces, and is in charge of SINGAPORE
executory tasks of the
government. Location:

Judicial: The supreme court is the

highest court of the land.

Legislative: The legislative

branch is in charge of creating
legislature and confirms the
president's nominations.

Election Process Singapore is an island country off

the southern tip of the Malay
Executive: The president is Peninsula in Southeast Asia.
elected by the parliament from
among three vice presidents of
the different parliamentary

Judicial: The chief justice and

judges are nominated by the
president with approval of the
Pythu Hlattaw.
It is separated from Malaysia by Singapore is the largest port in
the Straits of Johor, and from Southeast Asia and one of the
Indonesia's Riau Islands by the busiest in the world. It owes its
Singapore Strait. Singapore has a growth and prosperity to its focal
strategic location for Southeast position at the southern extremity
Asian sea routes. The of the Malay Peninsula, where it
government system is a dominates the Strait of Malacca,
parliamentary republic; the chief which connects the Indian Ocean
of state is the president, and the to the South China Sea. Once a
head of government is the prime British colony and now a member
minister. Singapore has a highly of the Commonwealth, Singapore
development free market first joined the Federation of
economy in which the economy Malaysia on its formation in 1963
is open and corruption-free. but seceded to become an
Singapore is a member of the independent state on August 9,
Asia-Pacific Economic 1965.
Cooperation (APEC), the
Association of Southeast Asian Flag:
Nations (ASEAN), and the Trans-
Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Singapore, city-state located at

the southern tip of the Malay
Peninsula, about 85 miles (137
kilometres) north of the Equator.
It consists of the diamond-shaped
Singapore Island and some 60
small islets; the main island The national flag of Singapore
occupies all but about 18 square comprises two equal horizontal
miles of this combined area. The sections – an upper red section
main island is separated from and a lower white section. A
Peninsular Malaysia to the north white crescent moon occupies the
by Johor Strait, a narrow channel upper left red section, with five
crossed by a road and rail white stars arranged in a circle
causeway that is more than half a beside it.
mile long. The southern limits of
the state run through Singapore Each color and symbol on the
Strait, where outliers of the Riau- flag has a distinctive meaning
Lingga Archipelago—which and significance attached to it.
forms a part of Indonesia—
extend to within 10 miles of the
main island.
The color red symbolizes It separated from Malaysia on
universal brotherhood and the August 9, 1965. On December
equality of man, while white 22, 1965, the Legislative
represents pervading and Assembly passed a Singapore
everlasting purity and virtue. Independence Bill and a
Together, the two colors signify Constitutional Amendment. The
Singapore’s goal to achieve Constitutional Amendment
brotherhood and equality through provided for a parliamentary
purity and virtue. The crescent system of government, with a
moon represents a rising young president, whose duties were
nation, while the five stars depict largely ceremonial, elected every
Singapore’s ideals of democracy, four years by the Parliament.
peace, progress, justice and
equality. Singapore became an
autonomous state within
Regardless of size, the length to Malaysia, with its own
the width of the flag is in the constitution, on September 16,
ratio three to two. The official 1963. It separated from Malaysia
colors are Pantone 032 for the red on August 9, 1965. On December
portion and Pantone White for 22, 1965, the Legislative
the white portion. Assembly passed a Singapore
Independence Bill and a
Head Of State Government: Constitutional Amendment. The
Prime Minister: Lee Hsien Loong Constitutional Amendment
provided for a parliamentary
Head Of State: President: system of government, with a
Halimah Yacob president, whose duties were
largely ceremonial, elected every
Capital: Singapore four years by the Parliament.

Population: (2021 est.) The Constitution can be amended

5,709,0002 by a two-thirds vote of
Parliament. A 1966 amendment
Currency Exchange Rate: 1 allowed appeal from the Court of
USD equals 1.345 Singapore Appeal in Singapore to the
dollar Judicial Committee of Her
Majesty's Privy Council in
Form Of Government: Unitary Britain. In 1968 an amendment
multiparty republic with one created the office of vice
legislative house (Parliament president and liberalized the
[1011]) requirements of citizenship.

Constitutional Framework:
Singapore became an
autonomous state within
Malaysia, with its own
constitution, on September 16,
A 1969 amendment established Government Branches:
the Supreme Court in place of the
High Court and Court of Appeal Main Power
as the highest appeal tribunal. A
1972 amendment entitled Executive: Responsible for the
"Protection of the Sovereignty of general direction of the
the Republic of Singapore," government and accountable to
introduced a measure to ensure the parliament.
the sovereignty of the city-state.
It prohibited any merger or Judicial: Administers justice
incorporation with another independently of influence from
sovereign state, unless approved other branches of government.
in a national referendum by a
two-thirds majority. Under the Legislative: Responsible for
same terms, it also prohibited the enacting legislation.
relinquishment of control over
Singapore police forces and Election Process
armed forces. In 1978 the
Fundamental Liberties section of Executive: President is elected by
the Constitution (Part IV, Articles plurality vote and prime minister
9-16) was amended; the is appointed by the president.
amendment extended government
powers by establishing that Judicial: Appointed by president
arrests to preserve public safety
and good order and laws on drug Legislative: 12 members are
abuse would not be inconsistent elected by plurality vote in
with liberties set forth in that single-member constituencies, 75
section of the Constitution. members are elected through a
group representation constituency
Adopted: 1965; This constitution (GRC) system, 9 members are
exercises the concept of original nominated by the President and 3
jurisdiction, meaning the power members are appointed from a
to hear cases for the first time in national compensatory list.
the case of the High Court. This
constitution is considered to be Election Cycle
the supreme law of the land for
the country of Singapore. Basic Executive: 6 years
topics such as the structure and
functions of the government are Judicial: Life appointment
also covered in detail.
Legislative: 5 years
Political System: Until the second half of the 20th
century, Thailand was primarily
a. Unitary State an agricultural country, but since
b. Parliamentary Republic the 1960s increasing numbers of
c. Constitutional Republic people have moved to Bangkok,
the capital, and to other cities.
Although the greater Bangkok
THAILAND metropolitan area remains the
preeminent urban centre in the
Location: country, there are other sizable
cities, such as Chiang Mai in the
north, Nakhon Ratchasima
(Khorat), Khon Kaen, and Udon
Thani in the northeast, Pattaya in
the southeast, and Hat Yai in the
far south.

Siam, as Thailand was officially

called until 1939, was never
brought under European colonial
domination. Independent Siam
was ruled by an absolute
monarchy until a revolution there
in 1932. Since that time, Thailand
has been a constitutional
Thailand, country located in the monarchy, and all subsequent
centre of mainland Southeast constitutions have provided for
Asia. Located wholly within the an elected parliament. Political
tropics, Thailand encompasses authority, however, has often
diverse ecosystems, including the been held by the military, which
hilly forested areas of the has taken power through coups.
northern frontier, the fertile rice During the last two decades of
fields of the central plains, the the 20th century and the first
broad plateau of the northeast, decade of the 21st, parliamentary
and the rugged coasts along the democracy steadily gained wider
narrow southern peninsula. popular support. Although a crisis
emerged in 2006, when the
military, aligned with the
monarchy, overthrew an elected
government, new parliamentary
elections were held—as promised
by the interim government—in
Flag: Head Of Government: Prime
Minister: Prayuth Chan-ocha

Capital: Bangkok

Population: (2021 est.)


Currency Exchange Rate: 1

USD equals 32.419 Thai baht
The flag of the Kingdom of
Thailand shows five horizontal Head Of State: King
stripes in the colors red, white, Vajiralongkorn
blue, white and red, with the
central blue stripe being twice as Form Of Government:
wide as each of the other four. constitutional monarchy with a
The design was adopted on 28 220-member interim legislature
September 1917, according to the
royal decree issued by Rama VI. Constitutional Framework:
Since 2016, that day is a national Thailand is a constitutional
day of importance in Thailand monarchy with the monarch as
celebrating the flag. the head of state. While almost
every government since 1932 has
The colors are said to stand for accepted constitutional authority,
nation-religion-king, an the country has had 17
unofficial motto of Thailand, red constitutions, the most recent
for the land and people, white for drafted in 2007. All of these
religions and blue for the documents have provided for a
monarchy, the last having been National Assembly with a prime
the auspicious color of Rama VI. minister as head of government.
As the king declared war on Power is exercised by the
Germany that July, some note the bicameral National Assembly, the
flag now bore the same colors as Council of Ministers, and the
those of the UK, France, Russia courts in accordance with the
and the United States. provisions of the constitution and
laws passed by the National
The colors are said to stand for Assembly.
nation-religion-king, an
unofficial motto of Thailand, red
for the land and people, white for
religions and blue for the
monarchy, the last having been
the auspicious color of Rama VI.
The constitution of 2007 (largely Adopted: 2007; Drafted by a
based on that of 1997) provides committee established by the
for the direct election of military junta. Additionally, the
members of the lower house of junta made it illegal to publicly
the Assembly, the House of criticize the draft. Contents of the
Representatives, to four-year document include the rights and
terms, five-sixths from single- freedoms of the people, structure
member districts and the of the government, duties of the
remainder based on proportional Thai people, direct political
representation from the political participation of the public, etc.
parties. It also requires the prime
minister to be a member of the Local Government: For most
House of Representatives. people in Thailand, government
Members of the upper house, the is experienced primarily through
Senate, are directly elected to six- centrally appointed officials who
year terms. Legislation originates hold posts in local administration,
in the House of Representatives, the main units of which are
but it can be modified or rejected provinces (changwat) and
by the Senate. districts (amphur). In the 1990s
three new provinces were carved
In May 2014, following a out of the existing ones, resulting
military coup, the 2007 in a total of 76.
constitution was suspended
(except provisions pertaining to A marked devolution of power
the monarchy), and a council of has taken place since the 1980s.
military leaders took power. That By far the most significant of the
council appointed a 200-member local governing bodies are those
single-chamber interim in the major cities, including
legislature in late July. The leader Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and
of the council was named interim Pattaya. Locally elected
prime minister in late August. provincial assemblies have little
power, but they serve as
The execution of laws is carried incubators for local politicians
out by the civil service, whose who may later be elected to the
members are known as National Assembly. In 1997,
kharatchakan, “servants of the communes (tambon), units
king.” The bureaucracy, consisting of several villages,
particularly the Ministry of were given increased powers and
Interior, has always enjoyed a the authorization to elect
significant degree of autonomy in members of tambon
administering the country. The administrative organizations.
number of elective offices and
senior civil-service positions
occupied by women is small,
though increasing slowly.
With new administrative and Election Process
financial authority, these bodies
have become the most important Executive: Prime minister is
local democratic units in appointed by the monarch.
Thailand. Headmen of villages
(muban) are also elected, but Judicial: Approved by monarch.
their authority is circumscribed
by centrally appointed district Legislative: Senate (Wuthisapha)
officers and the tambon has 73 members appointed by
administrative organizations. judges and independent
government bodies and 77
Government Branches: members elected by plurality
vote in single-member
Main Power constituencies, and the House of
Representatives (Sapha Phuthaen
Executive: Advises the king on Ratsadon) has 375 members
matters of legislation, elected by plurality vote in
government affairs, clemency, single-member constituencies and
awards, and other matters 125 members elected through a
requiring the king’s signature. closed-list proportional
representation system.
Judicial: Interprets the
constitution, as well as adjudicate Election Cycle
disputes involving state agencies,
state enterprises, and local Executive: Prime Minister: 4
government organizations, or years
between state officials and
private individuals. Judicial: Until dismissal by
Legislative: Appointment of a
regent, declarations by a regent, Legislative: 4 years
amendment of the Palace Law on
Succession, approval of Political System:
succession to the throne,
reconsideration of bills or organic a. Parliamentary System
law bills, constitutional b. Unitary State
amendments, a declaration of c. Constitutional Monarchy
war, and approval of treaties.
TIMOR LESTE The national flag of East Timor
(Portuguese: Bandeira de Timor-
Location: Leste) is one of the official
symbols of East Timor. It consists
of a red field with the black
isosceles triangle based on the
hoist-side bearing a white five-
pointed star in the center
superimposed on the larger
East Timor, island country in the yellow triangle, also based on the
eastern Lesser Sunda Islands, at hoist-side, that extends to the
the southern extreme of the center of the flag.
Malay Archipelago. It occupies
the eastern half of the island of The new national flag was
Timor, the small nearby islands adopted on May 20, 2002, when
of Atauro (Kambing) and Jaco, East Timor achieved full
and the enclave of Ambeno, sovereignty. The black represents
including the town of Pante more than four centuries of
Makasar, on the northwestern colonial repression, the yellow
coast of Timor. Dili is the capital the struggle for independence,
and largest city. and the red the suffering of the
East Timorese people. The white
The geography of Timor-Leste is star symbolizes hope for the
mountainous. The government future.
system is a republic; the chief of
state is the president, and the Head Of Government: Prime
head of government is the prime Minister: Rui Maria de Araújo
minister. Timor-Leste has a
mixed economy in which there is Capital: Dili
limited private freedom, but the
economy remains highly Population: (2021 est.)
controlled by the government. 1,320,000

Flag: Head Of State: President:

Francisco Guterres

Form Of Government: Republic

with one legislative house
(National Parliament [65])
Constitutional Framework: The It was agreed that an
Portuguese arrived on the island independence referendum would
in the 16th century, looking for a be held under the supervision of
stopping point for their trade in the United Nations in which the
the East Indies. Despite a Dutch people themselves would be able
claim on the western half of to accept or reject a plan of
Timor, the Portuguese managed increased autonomy under the
to maintain their hold on the Indonesian flag. If the people
eastern half right up to the period rejected this plan, it was agreed
following World War II. It was that the United Nations would
not until 1975, when a new assume responsibility for the
socialist, anti-imperial territory until it could transition
government took power in to full independence. In August
Portugal, that the road was 1999, the referendum resulted in
cleared for independence. On 28 a more than 75% vote in favour
November 1975, the of independence. As a result, the
revolutionary Fretilin resistance United Nations set up a
movement, led by the popular transitional government to
Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, prepare a constitution, as an
declared East Timor’s international peace keeping force
independence, but the fought to quell violent protests
Indonesians invaded on 7 that had followed the vote.
December and forcibly took
control of the island. This led to a The constitution building process
long and brutal guerrilla war that was slowed, however, because
followed over the next several the United Nations did not have a
decades. concrete plan for the formation of
an independent East Timor. It
In 1998, Indonesian President was not until April 2000 that the
Suharto was forced to resign due Security Council began talking
to internal political pressure about a state-building plan that
resulting from the Asian financial included the creation of a
crisis, which led to the constitution. The shadow
appointment of his Vice-President Timorese government, led by
B.J. Habibie as his replacement. Gusmão, was, however, already
Habibie allowed more political discussing this issue. Many of the
autonomy for the region, but it former independence leaders
was a tripartite agreement were members of this group,
between Indonesia, Portugal, and called the Conselho Nacional da
the United Nations reached on 5 Resistência Timorense (CNRT),
May 1999 that marked the real which was often called upon to
turning point for East Timorese advise the United Nations
independence. government.
The CNRT had already met in Municipalities of East Timor:
August 1998 to discuss the Aileu, Ainaro, Baucau,
development of the country post- Bobonaro, Cova Lima, Dili,
independence, including the Ermera, Lautém, Liquiçá,
drafting of a constitution, and Manatuto, Manufahi, Oecusse
they met twice more in 1999 and (SAR), and Viqueque.
2000 to talk about the creation of
a constitutional convention. Most The borders between Cova Lima
were in favour of a full public and Ainaro and between Baucau
consultation process and stressed and Viqueque were changed in
the importance of public 2003.
participation, but the United
Nations decided that an elected Government Branches:
88-member constituent assembly
would draft the new constitution Main Power
within 90 days, with the option of
transforming itself into the first Executive: Powers are somewhat
parliament. The constituent limited by the constitution, but is
assembly was sworn in on 15 able to veto legislation which can
September 2001, and by 22 be overridden by the parliament.
March 2002, the nation’s first
constitution went into effect. Judicial: Independent courts,
Gusmão was elected the nation’s described as organs of
first President. sovereignty with competencies to
administer justice in the name of
Adopted: 2002; Recognizes the people.
Timor-Leste as an independent
republic after centuries of Legislative: Pass relevant, well
Portuguese colonization from the drafted legislation in a timely
16th century. The Constitution manner, provide a counterbalance
contains provisions regarding to the powers of the presidency,
intellectual property. and establish and maintain
proper, efficient and effective
Local Government: East Timor communication between the
is divided into thirteen various branches of government.
municipalities, which in turn are
subdivided into 65 administrative
posts, 442 sucos (villages), and
2,225 aldeias (hamlets). Articles
5 and 71 of the 2002 constitution
provide that Oecusse be governed
by a special administrative policy
and economic regime.
Election Process

Executive: President is elected by

absolute majority vote through a
two-round system, prime minister
is appointed by the president.

Judicial: Appointed by president.

Legislative: National Parliament

members are elected through a Tribal Viets inhabiting the Red
closed-list proportional River delta entered written
representation system. history when China’s southward
expansion reached them in the
3rd century BCE. From that time
Election Cycle onward, a dominant theme of
Vietnam’s history has been
Executive: 5 years interaction with China, the source
of most of Vietnam’s high
Judicial: 4 years culture. As a tribute-paying state
after throwing off Chinese rule in
Legislative: 5 years 938 CE, Vietnam sent
lacquerware, animal skins, ivory,
Political System: and tropical products to the
Chinese emperor and received
a. Democracy scrolls on philosophy,
b. Republic administration, and literature in
c. Unitary State return. Sinic culture seeped
d. Parliamentary System deeply into society, but it shaped
e. Semi-Presidential System the aristocracy and mandarinal
families more than it did the
VIETNAME peasantry, which preserved
distinctive customs, beliefs,
Location: vocabulary, lifeways, and gender
relations. Modeling themselves
Vietnam, country occupying the on Chinese emperors, Vietnam’s
eastern portion of mainland kings exacted tribute from ethnic
Southeast Asia. minorities on the periphery of the
Vietnamese state and called
themselves emperors when not
addressing the Chinese court.
Although cultural and spatial The red flag of North Vietnam
gaps between the Vietnamese was later adopted as the flag of
court and the farthest reaches of the unified Vietnam in 1976.
society were not as great as they
were in China (Vietnam is about Head Of Government: Prime
the size of a Chinese province, Minister: Pham Minh Chinh
with a comparable population),
the Vietnamese state’s capacity to Capital: Hanoi
rule diminished with distance
from the capital. The refractory Population: (2021 est.)
character of bamboo-hedged 98,678,000
peasant communes was captured
in the cliché, "The emperor’s writ Head Of State: President:
stops at the village gate.“ Nguyen Xuan Phuc

Flag: Form Of Government: Socialist

republic with one legislative
house (National Assembly [500])

Constitutional Framework: The

first constitution of the Socialist
Republic of Vietnam, adopted in
1980, established a Council of
State as a collective presidency
and a Council of Ministers. In
The flag of Vietnam features a 1992 this document was
yellow five-pointed star on a red superseded by a second
background. The flag is a symbol constitution, which, in addition to
of the country's struggle against replacing the Council of State
domination by the French and with an elected president and
communist leadership. The star otherwise reforming Vietnam’s
on the flag represents the government and political
country's national unity despite structure, also outlined major
its turbulent past. shifts in foreign policy and
economic doctrine. In particular,
The flag was modified on 30 it stressed the development of all
November 1955 to make the rays economic sectors, permitted
of the star pointier. Until the end private enterprise, and granted
of the Vietnam War in 1975, foreign investors the right to legal
South Vietnam used a yellow flag ownership of their capital and
with three red stripes. assets while guaranteeing that
their property would not be
nationalized by the state.
A unicameral, popularly elected There are also several
National Assembly is the commissions under the cabinet,
supreme organ of the such as the State Inspectorate.
government. It elects the The prime minister’s office
president, who is head of state, oversees a number of general
and the vice president, who is departments beneath the
nominated by the president. The ministerial level and committees
cabinet consists of the prime that are formed to supervise
minister, who is nominated by the major projects which involve
president and approved by the more than one ministry.
National Assembly, and deputy
prime ministers and the heads of Adopted: 1992; Communist Party
government ministries and of Vietnam holds the central role
various state organizations, who in politics and society. The
are named by the prime minister constitution's focus on strict
and confirmed by the Assembly. communist orthodoxy has
The cabinet (which superseded become less important than
the earlier Council of Ministers) economic development as a
coordinates and directs the national priority as seen through
ministries and various state recent amendments.
organizations of the central
government and supervises the Local Government: The
administrative committees at the country is divided
local government level. administratively into more than
64 provinces (tinh), of which
Initially, administrative Hanoi, Haiphong, Da Nang, Ho
responsibilities were divided Chi Minh City, and Can Tho are
along narrow functional lines municipalities (thanh pho). These
among many ministries; there are further subdivided into
were, for example, numerous several dozen urban districts
economic ministries concerned (quan) and hundreds of rural
with agriculture and the food districts (huyen). Nearly 10,000
industry, marine products, communes (xa) comprise
forestry, and water conservancy. Vietnam’s lowest level of local
In the mid-1980s, such smaller administration. At the provincial,
ministries were consolidated to district, and commune levels, the
streamline the system. Larger highest government authority is
ministries now tend to be an elected People’s Council, the
relatively self-sufficient, with actual work of which is carried
their own colleges, training out by a People’s Committee
institutions, and health, social, elected by the council.
and cultural facilities.
Government Branches: Judicial: Justices are appointed
by the National Assembly of
Main Power Vietnam.

Executive: President serves as Legislative: National Assembly

head of state, nominal (Quoc-Hoi) 500 members are
commander of the armed forces elected by absolute majority vote
and chairman of the Council of through a two-round system.
National Defense and Security.
Prime Minister heads a cabinet Electoral Cycle
composed of deputy prime
ministers and heads of ministries Executive: 5 years
and agencies, all confirmed by
the National Assembly. Judicial: 5 years

Judicial: Responsible for Legislative: 5 years

providing leadership to the
Vietnamese court system,
supervising the judicial process, Political System:
and recommending bills to the a. Socialist State
National Assembly as appropriate b. Unitary State
under law. c. Communist State
d. One-party State
Legislative: Responsible for
fundamental domestic and
foreign policies, socio-economic
policies, defense and security
issues, and it exercises supreme
control over all state activities.

Electoral Process

Executive: The president is

elected by the National Assembly
and prime minister is appointed
by the president.

Is a process by which individual

interest is reconciled with
collective action and provision of
public good.

Struggle of Power.

Power is the ability to make

things and prevent things from
happening, in other words "you
are in control“

Commonwealth is like adulthood,

a parent and child relationship,
you need your parents guidance
in your stage. A country under
commonwealth is supervised by a
foreign country until its

Suzerainty countries are

politically and militarily
independent while depends on
other country when it come to
their foreign policies.

Protectorate is a state that is

controlled and protected by
another sovereign state. A
country can be a protectorate of
foreign country when his/her
head of State ask for military

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