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Traditional and

Digital Arts
So what is Art?

• Art is a fun hobby

• Art is also a talent it is where you can draw your imaginations or
• There are many meanings about Arts it only depends on the Artist.
• There are also funny Arts,Sad Arts,Cute Arts and so on..
• Some Art are realistic too.
Here are some pictures about Arts:
Pictures about Digital Ars:
Pictures about Traditional Art:
What do you mean about Traditional art and
Digital Art?:
• Digital Art makes use of Technology meanwhile Traditional Art is
where you draw on paper using pencils..
Which is better?

• Many people prefer Digital and some is Traditional

• And as for me I prefer both and yes some people agrees too.
Is doing Art hard?

• Yes Art is a hard thing to do why?

• It is because when you first start doing art you don’t even know what
to start on..So you watched tutorials but as you watch tutorials its gets
a little more hard because some tutorials is a bit hard to understand.
• As for me I started using a base and reference at first and it made me
draw easy.
• Now I know your wondering what is base and reference?
Base and Reference

• Picture of the base: Used base with clear copy:

Is Base and Reference are the same?

• Yes .
• They are both used in Art..
Here are some of my Art only only Digital:
Thank you

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