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Health and W

Dr. Hemavath
WHO defines health as
“a state of complete physical, mental and
social wellbeing and not merely the absence
of disease or infirmity”
Dharmarth Kam Mokshanam
Arogyam Mulamuttamam
Rogastasya apahartha
sreyasojeevitasya cha
In order to accomplish the Dharma, Artha,
Karma, and Moksha health is important and
disease becomes an obstacle to progress.
Sama dosha sama agnischa sama
dhatu mala kriyaaha
Prasanna atma indriya manaha
swastha iti abhidheeyate
The equilibrium condition of Three doshas
(Vata, pitta, and Kapha), Digestive fire, all the
body tissues & components (Dhatus) as well
as all the excretory functions along with a
pleasant mind, controlled senses, and spirit
contribute to health.
Sharir Madhyam Khalu Dharma

Body is means of achieving the

great objectives of a meaningful life
Health is normal and harmonious vibration of the
elements and forces composing the human entity on the
physical, mental, moral and spiritual planes of being, in
conformity with the constructive principle of Nature
applied to individual life.
Physical Health
0 Eat a well-balanced diet.
0 Participate in regular physical activity.
0 Get at least 6-8 hours of sleep.
0 Have regular health screenings.
0 Avoid tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.
0 Avoid unnecessary risks.
Mental/Emotional Health
0 Face difficult situations with a positive and
realistic outlook.
0 Identify, express, and manage your feelings
0 Set priorities so that you can handle all of your
0 Use your talents effectively to achieve your goals
0 Learn from your mistakes.
Social Health
0 Support and value members of your family.
0 Have a friendly and open attitude toward other
0 Pay attention to what you say and how you say it.
0 Be a loyal, truthful, and dependable friend.
0 Don’t insult others or put them down.
Spiritual Health
0 Adherence to a religious doctrine
0 Ability to discover and express one’s purpose of
0 Ability to express love, joy, peace, and fulfillment.
0 Ability to help yourself and others to achieve full
What influences your
0 Passing on of traits from biological parents to

What are some genetic factors or traits that are passed on through

Skin,eye,and hair color; body type and size; growth patterns:

likelihood of getting certain diseases.
All living and nonliving things that
surround you.
City Suburbs Rural

climate you live in.

Family and Friends
How can family affect your health?

How can your friends affect your health?

Various methods for communicating information.
Most Significant Factor

Our Own Choices

Risk Behaviors

Actions or choices that may cause injury or harm to you or


Teens are often considered the group most likely to engage in

risk behaviors.

1. Do you think this perception of teens is accurate? Why

or why not?

What are some risk behaviors that teens participate in?

Wellness refers to a state of wellbeing.
The basic aspects of wellness include self responsibility;
an ultimate goal; a dynamic, growing process;
daily nutrition, stress management, physical fitness,
preventive health care, emotional health and most
importantly, the whole being of the individual.

Ability to carry out daily task, achieve

fitness, maintain adequate nutrition and
proper body fat, avoid abusing drugs and
alcohol or using tobacco products and
generally practice a positive lifestyle habits.
Physical Wellness
• Physical wellness is the ability to maintain a quality of life
that allows you to get the most out of your daily activities
without undue fatigue or physical stress. 

• Physical wellness recognizes that our daily habits and

behaviors have an impact on our overall health, well-being,
and quality of life.
Goals for your Physical Wellness
•Understand how and why your body works
•Feel comfortable with your physical appearance
•Make informed choices about your body and sexuality
•Feel competent at physical activities
•Develop well-balanced and healthy eating habits
•Become aware of how a lack of sleep, stress, and non-activity affect
your body
•Become aware of how food, beverages, drugs, chemicals, additives,
and caffeine affect your body
•Engage in the regular movement to improve flexibility, strength,
aerobic, and cardiovascular health.
What components
determine Physical Fitness?
5 Components of fitness
0Cardiovascular endurance
0Muscular endurance
0Muscular strength
0Body composition
Cardiovascular Endurance
0 Ability of your heart, blood
vessels, and lungs to have
performance duration.
0 The ability to sustain a
prolonged stressful effort
or activity
0 Ex. Marathon Runner
Muscular Endurance
0 Ability of your muscles to
have performance
0 The ability to sustain
strength throughout a
prolonged stressful effort
or activity.
0 Ex. Pull-ups
Muscular Strength
0Power to resist
0Capacity for a
short or one time
0 Having a soft tissue range
of motion that enables one
to perform all movement
types demanded of the
body during any task
without strain or injury.
Body Composition
0 The ratio of fat to muscle
to bone to other tissues of
the body.
0 Extremely high or low
percentages of body fat is
0 BMI – Body Mass Index
Physical Activity vs. Exercise

Physical Activity:
Any body movement carried out by skeletal muscles and
requiring energy.
Examples: Raking leaves, standing up, carrying a bag of
groceries, washing a car
Physical Activity vs. Exercise

Planned, structured, repetitive movement of
the body designed to improve or maintain
physical fitness…to develop fitness a person
must perform a sufficient amount of physical
activity to stress the body in order to cause long
term changes.
Emotional Wellness

• Emotional wellness involves developing an awareness

of your feelings and your response to everyday

• This awareness allows you to better understand why

you are feeling that way and can actively respond to
your feelings.
Goals for your Emotional Wellness
•Become more aware of your feelings and accept them as valid
indicators of what you are experiencing
•Develop the ability to experience and appropriately express a wide
range of emotions such as humor, joy, fear, anger, frustration,
appreciation, sadness, etc.
•Develop assertiveness and confrontation skills
•Develop positive feelings about yourself by instituting healthy self-
esteem and self-concept
•Develop the skills to handle stress, irritations, crises, etc.
•Develop, establish, and maintain intimate and loving relationships.
Social Wellness
• Social wellness focuses on building and nurturing meaningful and
supportive relationships with individuals, groups, and
• It enables you to create boundaries that encourage
communication, trust, and conflict management.
• Social wellness also includes showing respect for others, oneself,
and other cultures.
Goals for your Social Wellness
•Develop the ability to create and maintain close friendships
•Feel comfortable interacting with diverse individuals and groups
•Become aware of your responsibilities for the welfare of different
•Understand and accept those with a different sexual orientation,
gender identity, race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, life
experience, etc. 
•Understand the concepts of sex and gender role stereotyping and
explore appropriate sex and gender role behavior for yourself
•Develop a "global consciousness" by recognizing the
interrelatedness of cultural, global, and national issues and needs
•Work toward becoming a responsible world citizen
Intellectual Wellness
• Intellectual wellness encourages us to engage in creative and
mentally-stimulating activities, and it requires lifelong learning
and curiosity.
• Intellectual wellness can be developed through academics,
cultural involvement, community involvement, and personal
hobbies that expand your knowledge and skills while allowing
you to share your knowledge and skills with others.
Goals for your Intellectual Wellness
•Strive to be open to new experiences and ideas in all areas of
your life
•Expand your ability to create, develop, analyze, critique,
concentrate, understand, evaluate, problem solve, predict,
comprehend, etc.
•Feel competent in intellectual and academic activities by
improving your skills in academics, studying, time management,
stress management, note taking, listening, and public speaking.
•Develop a love for learning and philosophy for “life-long
Environmental Wellness

• Environmental wellness refers to leading a lifestyle that

values the relationship between ourselves, our
community, and the environment.
• The core principle of environmental wellness is respect
—respect for all nature and all species living in it. 
Goals for your Environmental
•Become aware of how your external environment affects you 
•Redesign your environments to more effectively support and
reinforce your needs
•Be concerned about the future of the local, national, and world
ecology and climate
•Minimize your contribution to the destruction of the outdoor
Spiritual Wellness
• Spiritual wellness allows us to be in tune with our inner
selves. This realm of wellness lets us find meaning in life
events and define our individual purpose.
• Spirituality can stem from beliefs, faith, values, ethics, or
moral principles that provide purpose and direction in our
• A healthy spirit helps us remain resilient and better
prepared to face life’s challenges.
Goals for your Spiritual Wellness
•Explore your personal values
•Question and clarify your values
•Become aware of how values develop and change from life
•Become aware of the differences in others’ values
•Search for meaning in your own life
•Develop integrity by acting in ways that are consistent with your
•Explore the issues related to mortality and your own life and
Occupational Wellness

• Occupational wellness allows you to explore various career

options and encourages you to pursue the opportunities you
enjoy the most.

• This dimension of well-being recognizes the importance of

satisfaction, enrichment, and meaning through work.
Goals for your Occupational Wellness
•Increase your awareness of the wide variety of major/career opportunities
available to you.
•Challenge societal sex roles and other barriers that limit major/career
•Explore your interests, skill, values, and needs and how they relate to your
major/career choice.
•Choose a major/career direction that reflects your values, preferences,
interests, and skills.
•Understand the relationship between your major/career choice and other
parts of your life such as with your family, spouse/partner, leisure activities,
and friends.
•Develop effective job-related skills in assertiveness, confrontation, feedback,
time management, active listening, motivation, etc.
Financial Wellness

• Financial Wellness involves the process of learning how

to successfully manage financial expenses.

• Money plays a critical role in our lives, and it can impact

our health as well as our academic performance.
Goals for your Financial Wellness
•Learning how to gain control of your finances so they work for you.
•Understanding how to manage a budget, credit cards, checking and
savings accounts, investments, retirement funds, etc. 
•Handling finances without too much stress.
•Setting and making progress toward your short- and long-term
•Not spending too much time and effort handling your finances.
•Know the resources available to you on campus to help if you are
experiencing a financial issue such as food insecurity,
homelessness, economic crisis, or financial management.

Disease is an abnormal or inharmonious

vibration of the elements and forces composing
the human entity on one or more planes of
being, in conformity with the destructive
principle of Nature applied to individual life

The primary cause of disease, barring

accidental or surgical injury to the human
organism and surroundings hostile to human
life, is violation of Nature’s Laws.

we are simply referring to actions that not only fail to take maximum
advantage of the laws of nature but where the functioning of natural law
results in negative consequences for the individual. For example,
smoking cigarettes introduces known carcinogenic compounds which
cause DNA mutation, and cancers to form in the bronchi and lungs.
Smoking is thus an example of an action that “violates natural law,” an
action that stimulates certain laws of nature to produce undesirable

The Effect of Violation of Nature’s Laws
The effect of violation of Nature’s Laws are:

1. Lowered vitality.
2. Abnormal composition of blood and lymph.
3. Accumulation of waste matter, morbid materials, and poisons.

These conditions are identical to the disease, because they tend to lower,
hinder or inhibit normal function (harmonious vibration) and because
they engender and promote the destruction of living tissues.
What Is Acute Disease?
Acute disease is in reality the result of Nature’s efforts to
eliminate from the organism’s waste matter, foreign matter, and
poisons, and to repair injury to living tissues. In other
words, every so-called acute disease is the result of a
cleansing and healing effort of Nature. The real disease is
lowered vitality, the abnormal composition of the vital fluids
(blood and lymph), and the resulting accumulation of waste
materials and poisons.
What Is Chronic Disease?
Chronic disease is a condition of the organism in which lowered vibration (lowered
vitality), due to the accumulation of waste matter and poisons, with the
consequent destruction of vital parts and organs, has progressed to such an extent
that Nature’s constructive and healing forces are no longer able to react against the
disease conditions by acute corrective efforts (healing crises).

Chronic disease is a condition of the organism in which the morbid encumbrances

have gained the ascendancy and prevent acute reaction (healing crises) on the part
of the constructive forces of Nature.

Chronic disease is the inability of the organism to react by acute efforts or healing
crises against constitutional disease conditions.
What Is a Healing Crisis?

A healing crisis is an acute reaction, resulting

from the ascendancy of Nature’s healing forces
over disease conditions. Its tendency is toward
recovery, and it is, therefore, in conformity with
Nature’s constructive principle.
Primary Secondary

Primary Prevention
Includes all practices designed to keep health
problems from developing. This includes following
recommended childhood immunization schedules,
eating calcium-rich foods to prevent osteoporosis,
and non-smoking to prevent lung cancer.
Secondary Prevention

Refers to early detection, screening, diagnosis

and intervention, to reduce the consequence of a
health problem. Screening for TB, and performing
breast examination are both examples.
Tertiary Prevention
Refers to caring for a person who already has a
health problem, and is treated after symptoms
appeared to prevent further progression.
Ex: taking antibiotics for an ear infection should
eliminate the infection.
An important aspect of tertiary prevention refers
to prevent deterioration of a person’s
condition and minimizing the loss of function.
Ex. Providing ROM exercises to a client who has had
a stroke to encourage circulation and maintain the
function of extremities.
Yoga is a holistic and integral science of life dealing with the physical, mental,
emotional, and spiritual health of an individual and society.

Yoga is one of the Indian philosophical systems that emphasize the importance of
the work with the body to develop healthy behaviors as well as body wellness. 

Yoga is a method for superior living and well-being.

It guarantees extraordinary effectiveness in work and superior authority over the

psyche and feelings, through yoga one can accomplish both physical and mental

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