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Socrates Biography
(c. 470 BCE–399 BCE)
• Socrates was an ancient
Greek philosopher
considered to be the
main source of Western
thought. He was
condemned to death for
his Socratic method of
Socrates believed that the “self” exists in two
• One part is the physical, • The second part is the soul,
tangible aspect of us. This which he believed to be
is the part that is mortal immortal. The soul is the
and can be/is constantly part that is unvarying across
changing. Earth also all realms (it is unchanging
while it is attached to your
belongs to this physical
body and thus in the
realm that our bodies physical realm, but is also
belong in, because just as unmodified once you die
us in terms of physicality, and your soul leaves the
the Earth is constantly body to travel to the ideal
being modified realm).

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