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Checking Someone’s Understanding and Responses

showing someone’s understanding
Checking someone’s understanding adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk
mengetahui apakah orang yang diajak bicara sudah mengerti atau belum.
Dalam bhs indonesia checking someone’s understanding diartikan
“mengerti?” , “sudah jelas”, “ sudah paham?”

For example: Khilmi is busy with himself.He is not listening to Mrs Susi’s
Khilmi : I’m busy to finish my homework.Do you understand what Mrs
Susi said ?
Candra: Yes,I do. She asks Us to do project Unit 1.
Khilmi : I see. Thanks.
• Example no 2:
Teacher : I want you to make a group consist
of four.Read the text page 3,answer
the questions no 1 to 3 and report the
answer.Do you know what I mean?
Students : Yes,we know.
“Do you understand what Mrs Susi said?”,”Do
you know what I mean” are the examples to
express Checking someone’s understanding.

Yes,I do” , “ Yes, we know” are the examples of responses showing that someone undestand.

•The other expressions checking someone understand :

Do you understand?
Do you understand what I said?
Do you know what I mean?
Do you know what I am talking about?
Are you with me?
With me so far?
Is it clear?
Am I right ?
•Responses showing that someone understand :
Yes,I doI know
I undestand what you said. I see
I see what you mean Yes,you are.
I know what you mean
I’m with you

• Sajian contoh soal :
1.Mr Andi : Next month we plan to go study tour to Jakarta- Bandung for 3
days. Santi,…………….?
Santi : …………..
2. Teacher : Well,Yogi, I think it is time for us to make the list of the questions
that we are going to ask at the interview. ………………?
Yogi : Yes, I do Sir

Kunci Jawaban :
1. Mr Andi : Do you understand what I said?
Santi : I understand what you said.
2. Teacher : Do you know what I mean ?
• Latihan Soal :
1.Luki : To cook fish soup you need a fish,carrot, ,water,ginger,red onion. ………?
Ana : …………….
2. Lia : I don’t hear what Mrs Tuti sai about ecosystem. ………………………..
Tom : ………………………..
3. A captain Class : The teacher tells that we must do the experiment in the lab.
His friends : ………………………?
4. Toni : To plant flowers we dig the hole, and give water. ……………?
Yuli : ………………………
5.Teacher: I will tell you the story about Sangkuriang. ………………….about the story?
Siti : ……………….
6. Mr Hamdan : We must keep our environment clean …………………
Students: ………………….
7. Andi : Only boh of us will clean he classroom. …………………
Tom : …………………
C. To show our appreciation and Responses
• To show appreciation adalah ungkapan to memberi penghargaan atau penilaian
atas sesuatu.
• Responses to show appreciation adalah jawaban atas pemberian penghargaan
atau penilaian.
For examples:
1.Mr George : Is that your work?
A staff : Yes,Sir.
Mr George : That’s good. Excellent.
A staff : Thank you, Sir.
2.Mom : Finally you can cook soup.Your soup is very nice. Great.
Rina : Is it ? Thanks Mom.
“Excellent” , “ Great” are the examples of expression to show our appreciation.
“Thank you” , “Is it? Thanks Mom” are the examples of responses to show
• The other expression to show our appreciations are:
Excellent Nice You look very good in…
Great Awesome That’s very nice…..
Terrific Lucky you Keep up the good work
Good job Well done This dish is delicious
The Responses to show appreciations:
Thank you I really appreciate it
I am glad you like it Is it ? Thanks
How kind of you say it

Sajian Contoh Soal :

1. You got 10 on Mathematic test. Your teacher appreciates it.
Teacher : Good Job.You get 10 in Mathematic test.
You : Thank you,Sir.
• Latihan Soal :
1. You meet a woman in a bookstore.She has a very beautiful handbag.Show your
You : ………..I like it.
The woman : …………
2. Your friend just won the speech contest.Show your appreciation.
You : ……………
Your friend : …………
3. You have just eaten dinner at your friend’s house. You really liked the meal.
Show your appreciation.
You : ………..
Your friend : …………..
4. Your friend is taking you around his house. You see an interesting painting in the
family room. Your friend made the painting himself. You appreciate his work.
you : ……………
Your friend : ……………..

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