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By : - Aditya Wisnu Wardhana

- Franciscus Satya Cahya. P
What is Tarantula?

Tarantula is the name that given to

the kind of spiders that have bigger
size than usual spiders, It also have
so many hairs, their scientific name
is Theraphosidae, from Arachnida
Tarantula have 8 legs which they use for move and catching
their prey, they usually make a nest made out of hole that they
build and also has some of their web. They have 8 eyes but
mostly with poor vision, Tarantula depends on sensitives hairs
on its leg to feel their environment. They also have 2 pairs of
fang that inject venom into and hold onto prey.

They also use their nest for hunting their prey. With their
sensitive hair, they can feel when their prey is approaching their
nest, when its too close, they will catch it as soon as possible
Tarantula’s are carnivorous, they are predators that hunting their prey for their food,
they also have unique habits, for example, when they feel threatened, they will stand up
with a pairs of their front leg will raise up as a sign that the threat will never want to
messed up with it.
But mostly, they are shy creature, they usually will hide
when they see us, they only do this when they have no
place to run/escape.
A fun fact. There are also people People like to adopt a Tarantula
who adopt a Tarantula as a pet. because of their unique form, people
usually put Tarantula in a tank or cage
with imitating their environment (like
putting dirt, sand, rock, etc)

Hi 
That’s all we know, do you have any

Plz say no

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