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WEEK 9: Task Assignment

Part II

Course: English I Modalidad: CGT

Learning outcome

At the end of this session, students will be

able to know how to work on the Task
assignment – Part II using the appropriate
grammar and vocabulary.
Part II : Oral Exam
Part II:
Remember the email that you wrote last week? Disney loved your
team! They want to get to know you better. 
La tarea es realizar una conversacion.(group work)
Plan the dialogue that you are going to present, keeping in mind
that it should last from 3:30 to 4:30 minutes.

Before starting the dialogue, each member must introduce

themselves mentioning their full name. 
Then, try to ask and answer different questions to get to know each
other. Look!
What do you do on weekdays?
What do you do on weekends? 
When do you (ex. study)? 
What do you like/dislike doing? 
What kind of music/food do you like/love/dislike/hate? 
What is your favorite (ex. kind of music)? 
Do you like (ex. pasta)? 


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