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Presented by:
Rafael López Bonilla
What is a declension?

• Consists on adding an ending to nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numbers and articles

• There are four cases of German declension: nominative, accusative, dative and
Declension is really a problem?

• Non native speakers have the same problem.

• It is the main reason that German language is denominated as difficult.

Theoretical Framework

• Second Language Acquisition (Krashen)

• Harmer

• Vygotsky

• Witzlinger
Methodology and Instrument

• Qualitative research

• Interview

• LILEX’s students

• Students prefer electronical devices to learn new vocabulary instead regular


• They prefer to memorize the contents.

• They do not feel comfortable with their skills.


• Students are more concerned about the final grade than acquiring properly the
language skills.

• Average students are the most balanced.

• A’s students do not feel competent and they are the most uncomfortable with the
Questions and suggestions
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