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Major Scale



 ee-ee

5 lines 4 spaces
5 lines represent the pitch names
E,G B, D, F
Every, Good, Boy, Does, Fine,
4 spaces F,A,C,E Father, Always, Comes, Early
Review the pitch name and the corresponding so- fa syllables

Based on the scale that you see..

How many lines? Spaces?

What symbol do you see in the staff?

What do you see in each line and space?






Let us try to
Identify the pitch
name in our hand
Paste the pitch name of the notes in the staff?

How do you feel when you
hear a sad or happy song?

Melody is a songs tune or

basic element of music that
pertains to the linear
succession of musical tones.
In Music, the melody is not
stationary, it moves. These
movements give excitement to the
The melody can go upward or skip,
or repetition
A scale is a series of tones
arranged from highest to lowest or
vice versa. Caption
Diatonic and Pentatonic Scale
 There are different scales but the most common musical
scale is Diatonic scale they are the major and minor scale.
 Diatonicscale is composed of 8 notes arranged in
succession in ascending and descending manner.
 But in Chinese music they used the Pentatonic scale consist
only of different whole notes do, re, mi, so, la or do, re, fa,
so, la,
 In
major scale we follow the pattern of WS, WS, HS, WS, WS,
 WS means whole step HS means half step
Let us find the 8 notes of C major by following
the diatonic pattern.
Let us study the relationship of the notes in the
major scale.
The key of C is based on the major
diatonic scale. It has no sharps or flats. It’s
home tone or last tone is DO. The home
tone of C major is in the first ledger line
below the staff. The C major is the most
commonly used key signature in music.
The C major scale has no sharps and flats
on the staff. The pitch names are
C,D,E,F,G,A, D, C. The so-fa syllables are
do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti,do
G major
The G major scale has one sharp
on pitch F. Its pitch names are
G, A, B, C, D, E, F# and so-fa
syllables so,la,ti,do,re,mi,fa,so
F major
The F major scale is based on the key
of F. Its key signature has once flat on
pitch B. Its pitches are F
( home tone) G, A, Bb(flat), C,D,E and
F. Its so-fa syllable fa, so, la, ti,do, re,
mi and fa.
Answer learning task 2.
1. How many notes are there in C major scale ? F major scale?
and G major scale?
2. What is the first pitch name of the first note in C major scale?
F major scale? And G major scale?
3. Where do you find the first note on the staff in C major scale,
F major scale? And G major scale? Is it in the line or space?
4. What are the names of the scale that we have learned?
5. Give the so- fa syllables of the first note in each scale?
6. Where can you find the first note in each scale?
Based on the discussion that we have, what have
you noticed with the C major, G major and F major
Why there is flat and sharp?
Not only to raise and low the tone but also it helps
to complete the whole and half step in achieving
the major scale.
In a song we can easily find the key signature of
songs by looking the number of sharp and flat
The order of sharps in key signature notation is
F♯, C♯, G♯, D♯, A♯, E♯, each extra sharp being
added successively in the following sequence of
major keys:
Here are some of the major scale with
sharp #
C→ G→ D→ A→ E→ B→ F♯→ C♯
0# 1# 2# 3# 4# 5# 6# 7#
Cardo Good Dad Always Eats Banana Fruit
Finger talk: Thumb ups if the statement is True and
thumb down if the statement is False
Learning task 4 page. 10
1. Melody is one of the basic elements of music that
pertains to the linear succession of musical tones.
2. A pentatonic is a six-tone scale.
3. The most common diatonic scale is the Major scale.
4. There is flat and sharp in C major scale.
5. The first home tone of G major scale is G or so.

6. There are eight notes in C major scale that
moves in ascending order.
7.The first home tone of F major is C or do.
8. F major scale utilizes a flat sign instead of a
sharp sign.
9. C or do is the first note that can be found in C
major scale.
10. The sharp helps in achieving the correct interval
of half and whole steps of the G major scale.
Always remember that we should be familiarize
with the symbol we used in the staff
Group work
What are the things to remember in the major scale that
we have learned..
1. A scale is composed of notes based on a sound patter
2. The diatonic scale is the most common type scale.
3. The major scale follows the WS, WS, HS, WS,WS,WS,
4. These are the first note of each major scale and its
key signature.
C major scale C or do ( no sharp or flat )
G major scale G or so ( one sharp on the 5th line)
F major scale F or fa ( one flat on the 3rd line)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10. 11.
12. 13. 14. 15.
Thank you for listening I
hope you learned from
this lesson. Good
morning and God Bless

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