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Solar Energy – Cost Effective Comparison

with conventional energy sources

Karnika Gaira 11E

• Index
• Acknowledgement
• Certificate
Written, as guided through years
1.What is Conventional Energy?
The sources of energy which have been in use since a long time are
called conventional sources of energy. OR When we cannot reuse a
source of energy after using it once we call them “conventional
sources of energy” or “non-renewable energy resources”. They are
the most important conventional sources of energy. These include
coal, petroleum, natural gas and nuclear energy. Oil is the most
widely used source of energy.  Coal, petroleum and natural gas
account for about 90% of world’s production of commercial energy
and hydroelectric and nuclear power account for about 10%.
Additionally, firewood is also a conventional source of energy but
its usage is now limited to kitchens in rural parts of India.
2.What is solar energy ?

Solar energy uses the sun’s light and heat to generate renewable or ‘green’ power.
The most common form of solar energy is harnessed by solar panels, or photovoltaic
cells. In photovoltaic power stations, they’re arranged almost edge-to-edge to capture
sunlight in large fields. You’ll also see them on top of houses and other buildings at
times, as well. The cells are created from semiconductor materials. When the sun’s
rays hit the cells, it loosens electrons from their atoms. This allows the electrons to
flow through the cell and generate electricity.
On a much larger scale, solar collectors can generate power for thousands of people
at once. Solar-thermal power plants use a variety of techniques to produce power
using the sun. The sun’s energy is used to boil water which, in turn, operates a steam
turbine to generate in a similar fashion to that of coal or nuclear power plants.
Solar Energy Pros and Cons
Solar energy has pros and cons. It’s important to find an energy that works for you, and determining if solar energy will fit into your daily lifestyle is a priority.
Here are some factors to consider when deciding which energy choice is right for you.

Advantages of Solar Energy Disadvantages of Solar Energy

Lowers your Electricity Bills Expensive Initial Investment
Environmentally Friendly It Won’t Work at Night
Moves us Closer Towards Energy
Limited Energy Storage
Sustainable Space Constraints
Low Maintenance Isn’t 100% Pollution-Free
Benefits the Electricity Grid Depends on Location
History of energy
• Long before the first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970, generating awareness about
the environment and support for environmental protection, scientists were making the first
discoveries in solar energy. It all began with Edmond Becquerel, a young physicist working in
France, who in 1839 observed and discovered the photovoltaic effect— a process that
produces a voltage or electric current when exposed to light or radiant energy. A few decades
later, French mathematician Augustin Mouchot was inspired by the physicist’s work. He began
registering patents for solar-powered engines in the 1860s. From France to the U.S., inventors
were inspired by the patents of the mathematician and filed for patents on solar-powered
devices as early as 1888.
• Take a light step back to 1883 when New York inventor Charles Fritts created the first solar
cell by coating selenium with a thin layer of gold. Fritts
reported that the selenium module produced a current “that is continuous, constant, and of
considerable force.”
 This cell achieved an energy conversion rate of 1 to 2 percent. Most modern solar cells
work at an efficiency of 15 to 20 percent. So, Fritts created what was a low impact solar cell,
but still, it was the beginning of photovoltaic solar panel innovation in America. Named after
Italian physicist, chemist and pioneer of electricity and power, Alessandro Volta, photovoltaic
is the more technical term for turning light energy into electricity, and used interchangeably
with the term photoelectric.
• It was around this time in the 1970s that an energy crisis emerged in the United States.
Congress passed the Solar Energy Research, Development and Demonstration Act of 1974, and
the federal government was committed more than ever “
to make solar viable and affordable and market it to the public.” After the debut of “Solar
One,” people saw solar energy as an option for their homes. Growth slowed in the 1980s due
to the drop in traditional energy prices. But in the next decades, the federal government was
more involved with solar energy research and development, creating grants and tax incentives
for those who used solar systems.
• That said, at least until recently, the means to find a viable and affordable energy solution is
more important than making solar cells aesthetically pleasing or beautiful. Traditional solar
panels on American rooftops aren’t exactly subtle or pleasing to the eye. They’ve been an
eyesore for neighbors at times, and surely a pain for homeowners associations to deal with,
but the benefits to the environment are substantial. So, where’s the balance? Today,
companies are striving towards better looking and advanced solar technology, such as 
building-applied photovoltaic (BAPV). This type of discreet solar cell is integrated into existing
roof tiles or ceramic and glass facades of buildings.
• Solus Engineering, Enpulz, Guardian Industries Corporation, SolarCity Corporation, United Solar
Systems, and Tesla (after their merger with SolarCity) have all been issued patents for solar
cells that are much more discreet than the traditional solar panel. All of the patents
incorporate photovoltaic systems, which transform light into electricity using semiconducting
materials such as silicon. Solar panels and solar technology has come a long way, so these
How do solar The solar panels that are installed on the roof of a house capture
panels work? energy from the sun. They take this energy and use it to provide the
house with electricity and even hot water. Solar panels can even work
on cloudy days when the sun isn’t very visible at all.
Of course, solar panels cannot provide a home with power at night, so
most people still have to remain connected to the National Grid (this is
where you get your electricity from). However, there are some
advantages to staying connected to the National Grid, and this step by
step to how solar power provides energy for your home will show you
•The sun shines on the solar panels and the panels absorb the energy,
creating direct current (DC) electricity.
•The electricity is fed into what is called a solar inverter. This converts
the current into alternating current (AC) electricity.
•The AC current is then used to power the appliances in your home.
•Any power that your home does not need gets sent back (or sold) to
the National Grid for others to use.
In a way, you could say that the National Grid works in a similar way to
a bank. You can deposit your excess energy from your solar panels,
but when you need it back later (such as during the evening), you can
take some back.
Economical Advantages Of
Solar Panels
Drastic reduction in electric bills
Whether you’re a business owner or a homeowner, electricity bills can add up to a large part of your monthly
expenses. With a solar panel system, you can easily produce free power throughout the lifespan of your system,
which is 25+ years.
2. Get high returns on your investment
Solar panels need to be looked at as an investment, and not an expense. Thanks to considerable savings on the
electricity bill, the average Indian homeowner pays off for their solar panel system in around 7 to 8 years and
sees an ROI of 20% or more for the next 25+ years.
3. Saves you from rising energy costs
One of the most evident benefits of solar panel technologies is their capability to hedge utility prices. In the past
decade, residential electricity rates have risen by an average of 3% annually. However, by investing in a solar
energy system you can simply save your pocket from ever-increasing tariff rates. If you’re a business owner or
homeowner with varying cash flow, going solar will also help you get a better estimate and manage your
4. Increase the value of your property
Various studies have found that properties equipped with solar power systems have a higher value and sell more
quickly. Evaluators are considering installing solar power systems to increase the value of homes at the time of
selling them. As homebuyers are getting more educated about the benefits of solar power, the demand for
properties furnished with solar systems will continue to grow.
5. Boost India’s energy independence
We all know that the sun is a never-ending source of energy and an essential element of achieving energy
independence in the country. By developing our capacity to produce electricity from the sun, we can also protect
India from fluctuations in prices in global energy markets.
6. Create jobs and support your local economy
According to various researches conducted, the solar industry is adding jobs faster to the Indian economy. This
growth is expected to last for a long time. The jobs related to solar energy tend to be higher paying and these
jobs cannot be outsourced. Hence, are a significant contributor to the Indian economy.
7. Protect the environment
Solar energy is an exceptional way to reduce your carbon footprint. Around 38% of all carbon emissions in India
occur from buildings, and going solar can significantly lower this number. A standard residential solar system
reduces around 3 to 4 tones of carbon emissions which is almost equivalent to planting over 100 trees each
8. You get to show your commitment to sustainability
Sustainability and corporate civil responsibilities are essential parts of the culture and values of an organization,
producing bottom-line returns. More consumers and communities are acknowledging and rewarding businesses
that prefer to operate responsibly. Companies are discovering that “green” credentials are a strong driver helping
a consumer make a purchasing decision, creating goodwill, and growing business results.
9. Stay competitive
Companies are recognizing the social and economic advantages of embracing solar power. As early adopters
trail ahead of the competition, numerous companies are exploring and adopting solar power as a way to keep up
with the pace
Benefits Of Using Solar Energy In
• 1. Less Impact To The Environment- Utilizing the power of the sun to power your home is definitely better
for the environment as compared with other sources of energy. Traditional power sources like coal, oil,
and natural gas are responsible for the greenhouse gases, air and water pollution, and other toxic wastes
that are causing some major problems to the health of our environment.
• Installing a home solar panel is the first step to helping the environment and saving money at the same
• 2. Save On Utility Bills- One of the main reasons many homeowners are opting for home solar systems is
that they can help save on monthly utility bills. You can really feel good about the savings that you and
your family will see on your monthly utility bills.
• When you use install a home solar system, you can significantly lower your energy consumption costs.
• 3. Reliable Energy Source- More than 
85 percent of the electricity we use today come from non-renewable sources of energy like coal, natural
gas, and oil. However, these non-renewable sources are limited and are even expected to become
depleted in the near future.
• 4. Low Maintenance Costs- Contrary to what most people think, home solar systems are easy to
maintain. In fact, solar panels are very durable and will even take several years before requiring
maintenance, which means less hassle for homeowners.
• 5. Easy Installation- It can also be installed almost anywhere, making it a flexible and versatile source of
Comparison between Solar
Energy and Conventional

Meaning Conventional sources of energy are the sources that are solar energy refers to the sources that are identified few
commonly in use since long time. decades ago.

Exhaustible They can be exhausted due to over consumption. They cannot be exhausted.

Pollution They pollute environment, on a large scale and adds to They are environment friendly sources, which does not
global warming. causes pollution.

Use They are primarily used for industrial and commercial They are mainly used for domestic purposes.

Expense Costly. Comparatively less expensive.

Time consuming to extract . This energy takes a lot of effort and time to extract Less time consuming to extract

Dangerous for humans fossil fuels can emit carbon monoxide. This is dangerous They are safe for humans.
to humans and can cause respiratory problems and death
if inhaled.
may run out by the end of this century. Moreover, using
up all the non-renewable sources of energy now,
Not viable for future generations without leaving any for future generations, can also be Solar can be considered the way of the future due to its
said to be a selfish act.
Dirty quite dirty, leaving soot and dirt on furnishings in the This can’t make your place dirty.
home. When used in factories, they release soot and
other dirty substances into the air which can coat
buildings and pavements, and make cities feel dirty and
Continued from the table

Power from conventional sources

cost The cost of grid-connected PV
comprise more than 90% of
systems range from Rs 50,000
electricity supplied in the country.
to 75,000 per kWp and the cost
The national APPC for FY17, FY18,
varies according to the inverter
FY19 and FY20 were Rs 3.40/unit,
and type of panel chosen. The
Rs 3.48/unit, Rs 3.53/unit and Rs
cost of off-grid solar PV systems
3.60/unit, respectively.
is approximately Rs 1,00,000 as
these PV systems require
batteries which are costly.

Hence, we deduce that we should prefer solar energy over conventional sources of energy as
they are cost efficient, clean and do not take years to get formed. There is less pollution
from it and also better for the environment.

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