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Artificial Intelligence

& Research: The New

Trends - "CHATGPT"

National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services (NAERLS)

Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.

…Delivering Innovative and Proven Agricultural Information & Technologies

Presentation Outline
• Introduction

• Definition and Overview of AI


• The Role of AI in Research


• Current Trends in AI

• CHATGPT: An Example of AI in Action


• The Future of AI in Research

6 • Conclusion

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 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with
the development of intelligent machines and algorithms that can perform
tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception,
speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. The
ultimate goal of AI is to create systems that can exhibit human-like
intelligence and can operate autonomously or with minimal human
intervention. AI systems can be designed to perform specific tasks or can
be more general-purpose, able to learn and adapt to new situations over
time. The field of AI has seen rapid advances in recent years and is
increasingly being applied in a wide range of industries, from healthcare
to finance to entertainment.

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AI Trends
 Explainable AI (XAI): With the increasing use of AI in critical decision-
making processes, there is a growing need for AI models that are
transparent and interpretable. XAI aims to develop AI systems that can
explain their decisions and reasoning in a way that is understandable to
 Reinforcement learning: Reinforcement learning is a type of machine
learning that focuses on training AI systems to make decisions in an
environment by learning from rewards and punishments. It has
applications in fields such as gaming, robotics, and autonomous vehicles.

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AI Trends
 Generative models: Generative models are AI algorithms that generate
new data samples that are similar to a given training set. These models
have been used for tasks such as image generation, text generation, and
music composition.
 Transfer learning: Transfer learning is a technique in which a pre-trained
AI model is fine-tuned on a new task, using a smaller dataset. This allows
AI models to be trained more quickly and effectively, even with limited
 Multi-modal AI: Multi-modal AI systems integrate information from multiple
sources, such as text, images, and audio, to make decisions. This
approach has the potential to provide a more comprehensive
understanding of complex problems and to improve the accuracy of AI
models. …Delivering Innovative and Proven Agricultural Information & Technologies 5
AI Trends
 Adversarial AI: Adversarial AI involves the use of AI algorithms to identify
and defend against malicious attacks on AI systems. This is an important
area of research given the increasing use of AI in sensitive domains and
the potential for AI systems to be vulnerable to attacks.

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Role of AI in Research: Agriculture

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to greatly benefit a variety of

fields, including agricultural research. Here are some ways AI is being
used to support agricultural research and the benefits it offers:
 Precision Agriculture
 Crop Monitoring and Yield Prediction
 Disease and Pest Detection
 Livestock Monitoring
 Irrigation Management
 Improved Data Analysis

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Role of AI in Research: Agriculture

Precision Agriculture: AI can be used to analyze large amounts of data

collected from sensors, drones, and other sources to support precision
agriculture. This can help farmers make informed decisions about
planting, harvesting, and resource management.

Crop Monitoring and Yield Prediction: AI algorithms can analyze

satellite images and other data to monitor crop growth and predict
yields. This can help farmers make more informed decisions about
planting and harvesting, and can also provide valuable information to
policymakers and researchers.

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Role of AI in Research: Agriculture

 Disease and Pest Detection: AI algorithms can be trained to identify

and detect diseases and pests in crops, which can help farmers
respond more quickly and effectively to potential threats to their
 Livestock Monitoring: AI can be used to monitor the health and
behavior of livestock, which can help farmers identify potential health
problems early and prevent outbreaks.

 Irrigation Management: AI can help farmers optimize irrigation

schedules and water usage, reducing water waste and conserving
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Role of AI in Research: Agriculture

 Improved Data Analysis: AI can be used to analyze large amounts of

data from agricultural research, including data from experiments and
field trials. This can help researchers identify trends, make
predictions, and draw insights that would be difficult or impossible to
discover otherwise.

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AI in Education: Advantages of AI in
FMARD Research/Project
 Providing Information and Background Knowledge: I can provide
• Speed and efficiency
• Ability to process large amounts of data
• Improved accuracy and consistency
• Increased scalability

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Role of AI in Research: Education

 Providing Information and Background Knowledge: I can provide

information on various topics related to the research project, including
definitions, theories, and methods. I can also provide context and
background information that can help the student better understand
their research area.
 Generating Ideas and Hypotheses: I can help generate ideas and
hypotheses that the student can test in their research. This can
include discussing different perspectives, exploring potential
variables and their relationships, and suggesting ways to approach a
particular research problem.

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Role of AI in Research: Education

 Literature Review: I can assist the student in conducting a thorough

literature review, by helping them identify relevant papers, articles,
and other sources. I can also provide suggestions for how to organize
and analyze the information they gather.
 Data Analysis: I can help the student with data analysis, by providing
suggestions for statistical methods and tools that can be used to
analyze their data. I can also provide guidance on interpreting the
results and drawing meaningful conclusions.
 Writing Assistance: I can assist the student with writing their research
paper or thesis, by providing suggestions for structure, organization,
and style. I can also help with editing and proofreading, to ensure the
writing is clear, concise, and free of errors.
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 AI is playing a growing role in the field of research and is
transforming the way we approach complex problems and make new
discoveries. The advancements in AI, such as Natural Language
Processing, Computer Vision, Robotics, and Generative Adversarial
Networks, are enabling us to tackle challenges that were previously
thought to be insurmountable. CHATGPT is a prime example of the
power of AI and its potential to revolutionize the way we interact with
technology. As we move forward, it is essential that we approach AI
with a clear understanding of its capabilities and limitations and work
together to ensure that its benefits are realized while minimizing its
risks. With a responsible and ethical approach to AI, we can harness
its potential to make the world a better place for everyone.
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+234 818-260-7811

Thank you


Listening. NAERLS, ABU, Zaria.

…Delivering Innovative and Proven Agricultural Information & Technologies

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