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Red Roses In A Bouquet


This is story about Siew Ping, a girl that live with her mother and brother.She help her mother sells a flower in a small feet stall to earn money for their living.She had a friend named Ali whose always come to her stall to buy a flowers and chatting with her all day while waiting his employer finish work.But Siew Pings mother doesnt like Ali because of racial reason.In the end of this story,Ali died in an accident an this make Siew Ping feels regret because she cannot gives him flowers and see him for the last time.Besides that,her mothers thought about Ali doesnt change.


A main character in this story. Hardworking. Has a different view with his mother about Ali. Has a feeling with Ali.

Siew Pings friend,a driver to rich man. Kind,smart,cheerful, Sensitive, understanding His word is like a philosopher according to Siew Ping.


A complained mother. Doesnt like Ali because he is Malay.Her father,Siew Pings grandpa was killed by Malay people. Materialistic and avaricious.

Siew Pings youngest brother. 13 years old. Helps collected flowers from railway station to sells in her mothers stall. Lucky than his sister because can continue his study.


EXPOSITION -this story begin with Siew Pingss daily life in her small feet flowers stall. -customer comes and go while Siew Ping keep thinking about what will happen to her flowers. RISING ACTION -the readers introduced with Ali,Siew Pings friend whose always talk with her about life,love and flowers.Some times he like to fooling around her but quick to back down. -The kindness of Ali make Siew Ping falls for him and always thinking about him. -Siew Pingmother doesnt like Ali because her father,Siew Pings grandpa is killed by Malay people. This make her point of view about malay people is negative.

CLIMAX -Ali does not show up for a few days,Siew Ping feel worried,all peoples she saw is like Ali to her. -Then,Alis employer comes to her stall and buy a wreath. From that,Siew Ping knows that Ali was died in an accident in his village. -when the employer want to pay the price of the wreath, she refuse and told that wreath is her last gift for Ali. -her mother does not satisfied on Siew Ping and accept the payment.

FALLING ACTION -Siew Ping feels sorry for herself that she could not see Ali for the last time and not ask him where he lives. -She also feels regret with her mother view with Ali even he was died. RESOLUTION -quietly,Siew Pings mother made a decision to betrothal Siew Ping with her sisters son. -Siew Ping silent herself all day and doesn't care what happen around her.

Ali died in an accident In his village.

Rising action Siew Pings mother doesnt like Ali

Falling action Siew Ping feels regret For herself

Siew Ping doing her daily life in her feet stall.

Siew Ping Quiet herself all days


# In a big and busy city
# A small 10x12 feet stall.

# Siew Pings house.

EARLY IN THE MORNING. -Two women returning from the market stopped at the stall to purchase some flowers. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY -The sun was already high. Her mother does not appeared yet. NIGHT -That night, her mother was really happy.


Sacrifice. Love. Racial Spirit/revenge. Materialistic. Life. A beauty and glory of flowers.


# Regret # Appreciative # Love # Sadness

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