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Karakter fisik
Warna : gelap, kehijauan, coklat, hitam,
kuning, ungu bening
Kilap kaca.
Translusen - transparan
Habits include compact nodules or as
massive layers between other volcanic rocks
Pecahan konkoidal
Kekerasan is 5 - 5.5
Specific Gravity : 2.6
Cerat : putih

Other Characteristics: Generally lacks open

voids or large bubbles like other volcanic

Notable Occurrences include Italy; Mexico;

Scotland; Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Utah
and Idaho, USA, as well as the Cascade
Volcanic Mountain range and its associated
lava beds, which stretches from Northern
California into Washington state.
Best Field Indicators are color, fracture, flow
bubbles, softness, association with other
volcanic rocks and lack of crystal faces.
> 70% SiO2

Chemical composition of obsidian is close to that of rhyolite or granite, with dominant SiO2. MgO and Fe2O3 are the most common minor
constituents, which affect the colour of obsidians. In contrast to common rhyolite and granite, the Al2O3 content is lower. As a rule, granite and
rhyolite are peraluminous, with corundum in their norms, whereas the Lipari obsidian is metaluminous, devoid of the normative corundum. Some
obsidians can be slightly peraluminous, for instance that from the Glass Buttes locality in U.S. The Fe2O3 content (wt. %) in the Lipari obsidian
was recalculated to FeO for the purpose of the proper calculation of the Mg-number -Mg/(Mg+Fe2+). Obsidian is unstable in atmospheric
conditions and it temporally crystallizes to very finely grained crystal aggregate. Weathering is accelerated in the presence of water. Obsidians
from various localities in the World differ partly in terms of their trace element contents. This can be utilized for the provenance studies of
historical artifacts. The Lipari obsidian contains 46.7-58.4 ppm La, 0.95-1.75 ppm Sc and 15.1-16.4 ppm Cs. The Cs content in the obsidian from the
Palmarola Island, 1.13-1.56 ppm, is similar to that in the Lipari obsidian.
Suda. Y., 2012. 'Chemical analysis of obsidian by Wave length-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry: application to nondestructive analysis of
archeological obsidian artifacts", Journal of Natural Resources and human no.2 pp 1 -14
Masa lalu (pra sejarah)
untuk membuat senjata tajam [sifat
pecahan yg membentuk sisi tajam, lancip]
 untuk cermin
 alat dan benda dekoratif

Saat ini
 ornamental stone, jewellery
 used in cardiac surgery. a cleaner
cut which results in less tissue
damage and faster healing.
Bahan bangunan
Beton ringan (perlit buatan),
Bahan perlit rekayasa/artificial ferlit Perlit artificial
dapat direkayasa dengan bahan baku dari obsidian
(Sukandarrumidi, 1983). Dari penelitian dengan bahan
baku obsidian dari nagrek sesudah dipanakan
dengann oven selama 90 menit pada temperature
1000 – 1100 C
Genesa dan keterdapatan

- pada aliran lava

Kebanyakan obsidian didapatkan sebagai
batuan beku luar pada gunung api Indonesia Keterdapatan di Indonesia
yang berumur relative muda (Pleistosen

Tempat diketemukannya obsidian antara lain


· Jambi : G. Gantung, S Purgut dan S Penuh

(pada batuan lava andesit)

· Jawa barat : Nagreg Kab. Bandung (berupa

sisipan dan bongkah pada batuan tras);
G. ciamis Kab. Garut (terdapat selang-
seling dengan perlit diatas andesit);
Ciasmara Kab. Bogor: Leuwiliang, G.
Kiaraberes, kurang lebih 6 km sebelah
barat G. Salak (merupakan lava dan
kurang lebih panjang 2 km dan aliran
lava yang merupakan susunan balok
berwarna abu-abu dengansteroida);
Terogog, Priangan (singkapan 100 – 150
panjang, tebal 1 – 5 m); Anyer, G.
Barengkong sebelah selatan/barat
Barengkok, Banten.

· Lampung: Pulau Krakatau, Pulau Panjang,

Wai Seputih (merupakan singkapan bulat
sepanjang 1 km).

· Kalimantan: dekat Sampit
· Sulawesi Utara: Tataaran, Tomohon Kab.

· Irian Barat: P. Namotote

Karakter fisik
The word pumice is derived from the Latin word pumex,
meaning foam
Warna : putih, krem, abu-abu cerah, hijau, coklat
kehijauan, hitam.
Tekstur : berlubang, vesikuler-pumisan, porositas
tinggi (90%).
Kekerasan : 5.5 Mohs
pH : 7.0 – 8.0
Titik lebur : 1200 oC
SG : ringan, 2.40 g/cm3, mengapung di air
Bulk Density : 0.76 – 0.85g/cm3
Habit : bongkah, fragmen dalam piroklastika atau
peresapan air
(water absorption) 16,67%
> 60 % Si O2

Contoh hasil analisa dengan FAAS

Compound Element Chemical Formula

Silicon Dioxide SiO2 74.55%
Aluminium Oxide Al203 12.45%
Potassium Oxide K2O 4.50%
Sodium Oxide Na2O 4.00%
Ferric Oxide Fe2O <2.00%
Calcium Oxide CaO <2.00%
Magnesium Oxide MgO <2.00%
Titanium Dioxide TiO2 <2.00%
Sulphur Trioxide SO3 0.20%
Manganese Oxide MnO 0.10%
Carbon Dioxide CO2 0.10%
Ferrous Oxide FeO 0.06%
Phosphor P2O5 0.005%
Combined Water H2O+ 4.35%

 Industrial Abrasive
- Polish glass, clean and texturize electronic
circuit boards, clean lithographic plates,
prepare metal surfaces for electroplating, buff
leather and fine furniture woods, act as a
tumbling media for things like buttons, cutlery,
small metal or plastic parts
 Product Abrasive Pumice
 Manufacturing and Finishing Processes
using Pumice
- Mold Release AgentTextile Softening
 Pumice for Filtration
 Horticultural Applications for Pumice
 Pumice Fillers and Extenders
 Pumice Concrete
- Portland Cement, pumice aggregate, pumice
sand, pumice pozzolan, and water
Pumice for Filtration
Pumice is a viable alternative to sand and
anthracite as a filtration and clarification media
for several reasons:
1) Pumice has a low-density, multi-faceted,
angular structure that traps and hold impurities;
2) is chemically inert, inorganic, long filtration
media lifespan; 3) versatility allows for use in
single or multi-media filters and in both pressure
and rapid-gravity filter designs; 4) low-cost filter
refurbishment; 5) lightweight.
—Waste Water Treatment:—Drinking Water:.
—Pumice Soil:—Reverse Osmosis
Processes: —Biomass Support for Aerobic
Treatment Process—Sludge De-watering—
Grade Size
Pumice Filtration Media No.3 0.2 – 0.5 mm
Pumice Filtration Media No.5 0.8 – 1.3 mm
Pumice Filtration Media No.6 1.2 – 2.4 mm
Pumice Filtration Media No.8 2.0 – 3.5 mm
Genesa dan keterdapatan
- piroklastika
Genesa dan keterdapatan
Keterdapatan di Indonesia
 Berasosiasi dengan Gunungapi
Kuarter - Tersier
 Lebih dari 80% permukaan bumi,
baik di dasar laut hingga daratan
tersusun atas batuan gunung api.
 Di Indonesia saja, terdapat 128
gunung api aktif yang tersebar dari
Sabang sampai Merauke, dan
sebanyak 84 di antaranya
menunjukkan aktivitas eksplosifnya
sejak 100 tahun terakhir.

Contoh lokasi :
 Serang,
 Sukabumi
 Ternate
 Lombok, NTB
 Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah
 Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur
 Gunungkidul, Piyungan, Imogiri,
 Simirik, Tapanuli
Sekilas tentang Grup Silika
 The common name for silica is quartz. Mineralogically, quartz is
classified into two
 broad divisions based on degree of crystallization. These are: (a)
Phenocrystalline (large crystal embedded in a fine grained mass) and (b)
Cryptocrystalline (intrinsically crystalline but apparently massive).
Karakter fisik
Gemstone Crystal System Density Hardness Refractive index Treatments
Chalcedony microcrystalline 2.65 7.0 1.535-1.539 dying
Chalcedony is microcrystalline quartz.

Bands with a fibrous structure alternate

with microgranular bands or as separate
fibrous and microgranular varieties Also
common in mammillary aggregates and
nodules, often with more or less concentric
bands of color

Warna : bervariasi
Tembus cahaya : Semi-transparent to
Fluorescence:Generally Inert
Retakan : Konkoidal, beberapa granular
Kilap : Kaca ketika dipoles, redup ketika
masih kasar
Belahan : Tidak ada
Jenis – jenis Kalsedon
Agate : A concentric, banded, fibrous variety formed by precipitation
from watery solutions m rounded cavities in lava rocks (geodes),
sometimes with beautiful clusters of rock crystal or amethyst at the

Jasper : Massive, fine-grained quartz with large amounts of admixed

material, expeciaily iron oxides. The commonest forms are usually
strong shades of red, but grayish-green (prase), yellow or black also jasper
occur. Also a very common sedimentary rock.

Onyx : A variety of agate with alternating parallel layers of black and

white; sardonyx when red and white. Often employed m cameo

Carnelian : Uniformly colored, light- to dark-brown chalcedony. The Carnelian

orange-red color is due to the presence of very fine particles of
hematite or limonite.

Heliotrope : Opaque green with red markings, like drops of blood

(honco called "bloodstono ) The red spots are caused by iron oxides

Flint or Chert : Siliceous nodules frequently found in chalk and

limestone. Flint has a compact microcrystalline granular toxture and
typically is dark gray to soot black in color. Heliotrope
Lustre: Waxy, Dull
Diaphaneity (Transparency): Translucent
Comment: vitreous when polished
Colour: colorless, gray, red, white, any color due to
embedded minerals, multicolored specimen not
Streak: white
Hardness (Mohs): 6½ - 7
Tenacity: Brittle
Cleavage: None Observed
Fracture: Conchoidal, Sub-Conchoidal
Density: 2.6 g/cm3 (Measured)
Comment: varies with amount and type of impurities

Tipe :
 brecciated agates,
 carnelian agates,
 concentric (wall-layered) agates,
 moss agates,
 tubular agates
 vein agates
Spherulites are radiating
masses of fibrous crystals in a
Komposisi glassy matrix.

 Mikro – kriptokristalin silika (kuarsa)

 polimorf silika -- Moganit

 kristobalit

Quartz-amethyst vein from Mexico state, displaying the common

radiating, fibrous habit of silica. Sample 800, Long-axis field-of-view
2.5 mm, XP-TL
Kimiawi (SiO2.nH2O)

The large quartz crystals in the centre of the agates contain

much less iron, aluminum, calcium etc. than the surrounding
layers. Thus, most likelythey grew from more pure solutions than
the silica gels from which, the fibrous
those which contained
chalcedony was diagenetically formed. (iancu, O., G., et al, 2009,
“Mineral chemistry of some agates from Gurasada (Mures Valley,
Romania), Journal Geologia)

Among 9 trace elements includingAl, Ca, Co, Fe, Ti, Cr, Mn, Cu and Ni. Al and Fe are the most abundant, up
to ~5000 ppm in red agate and up to ~500 ppm in blue agate, whereas concentrations of other elements are
less than 400 ppm (Park, et al, 2xxx, Quantifying trace element distributions in agate banding by LA-ICP-MS)
Genesa dan keterdapatan
CRUSTIFORM-COLLOFORM Banded massive & moss
chalcedony-moss adularia- sulfide bands
 Hidrotermal
 Suhu tinggi, hipogen
 Asosiasi logam berharga
 Proses boiling : perubahan tekanan dan
suhu mendadak

 Akumulasi koloid larutan silika

 Aktivitas supergen daerah vulkanik, kaya
larutan Silika
 Gel silika (koloid) Agate

 Suhu permukaan
 Tranformasi dari glass – cristobalite –
keatite – chalcedony – quartz (white &
Corwin, 1961)
 Melewati retakan dan rongga – rongga
 Asoiasi batuan : basal, andesit, riolit,
dasit, batugamping.
 Vulkaniklastika

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