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YONES ARIANSYAH ( PO7120221064 )
NELI MUSTIKA ( PO7120221044 )


A. Definition of the Digestive System

Digestion of food is the process of changing

food from large to large sizes smaller and finer
sizes, and break down complex food molecules into
simple molecules using enzymes and digestive
The digestive process of food in the human
body can be divided into 5 types, namely:

1. Injesti
Is the process of putting or inserting food in the mouth.
Usually by hand or using tools such as spoons, forks,
chopsticks, and so on.
2. Mechanical Discrimination
The process of mechanical digestion is the process of
turning food into small and soft.

3. Chemical digestion
The process of chemical digestion is the process of
changing the molecules of food substances that are complex
into simpler molecules that are easy to digest.
4. Absorption
Absorption is the movement of nutrients from the digestive
system to the circulatory system and lymphatic capallaries
through osmosis, active transport, and diffusion.

5. Defecation/Removal
Removal of undigested material from the digestive tract
through the anus.
B. Organs that play a role in the
digestive system
a. Mouth

The digestive process begins when food enters the

mouth. Inside the mouth there are tools that help in the
process of digestion, namely teeth, tongue, and salivary
glands (saliva).
b. Pharynx

The pharynx is a connecting organ between the oral

cavity and the esophagus or esophagus. Food that
has been digested will enter the esophagus through
the process of deglutition through the pharynx.
c. Esophagus
The esophagus (oesophagus) is a connecting
channel between the oral cavity and the stomach.
The esophagus functions as a way for food that
has been chewed from the mouth to the stomach.
d. Stomach

In the stomach there are three enzymes, including:

 Enzyme pepsin (converts starch into maltose & glucose),
 Lipase steapsin enzyme (emulsifies fat into fatty acids &
glycerol) and
 Enzyme trypsin (converts peptones into polypeptides
(amino acids).

The stomach functions to temporarily store food and carry

out chemical digestion with the help of gastric juice.
e. Small Intestine

The small intestine (intestimum) is the place where food

is absorbed and where the longest digestive process takes
place. The small intestine consists of:
1) duodenum (duodenum)
2) empty intestine (Jejemum)
3) Absorbent intestine (Ileum)
f. Large Intestine

The large intestine is the part of the intestine between

the appendix and the rectum. The main function of this
organ is to absorb water during the digestive process,
form faecal masses, push leftover food from digestion
(feces) out of the body, and form mucus to lubricate
the mucosal surface.

g. Anus (Rectum)
The last part of the colon is called the anus
(rectum).This organ functions as a temporary
storage area for feces, holds feces so that they do
not come out suddenly, helps feces exit with

C. The mechanism of the digestive system

 First of all Digestion is carried out by the mouth. Here

mechanical digestion is carried out, namely the process
of chewing food using the teeth and chemical digestion
using the enzyme ptyalin (amylase).
 Food is then carried to the stomach and through the
 After the food is processed in the stomach which takes
about 3-4 hours, the food will be brought to the
 Next, the food is carried to the small intestine. In the
small intestine a process occurs chemical digestion by
involving various digestive enzymes.
 Food that is not digested in the small intestine, such as
cellulose, along with mucus will go to the large intestine
to become feces.

Food digestion is the process of changing food from a

large size to a smaller and finer size, as well as breaking
down complex food molecules into simple molecules by
using enzymes and digestive organs. This enzyme is
produced by the digestive organs and the type depends
on the food that will be digested by the body. Digested
nutrients will be absorbed by the body in more form

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