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A noun is a word used to name a person, place, thing, or idea. Person architect Place neighborhood Thing money Idea courage

There are two basic kinds of nouns:

proper nouns common nouns

Common nouns name any person, place, thing, or idea. They can be either concrete or abstract

Concrete nouns name things that can be seen heard smelled touched Tasted Examples: city, calendar

Abstract nouns name ideas qualities, feelings, or characteristics that do not use the five senses. Examples are: progress, time, culture

Proper nouns name specific persons, places, things, or ideas. The first word and all other important words in a proper noun are capitalized. Examples: Monday, African American

A compound noun is two or more words used together as a single noun. A compound noun can be written 3 different ways.
One word videocassette Separated words compact disc Hyphenated word self-esteem

A collective noun is a word that names a group. Examples: committee, flock, team, troop

Every collective noun can have either a singular meaning or a plural meaning.
When speaking about a group as a unit, the noun has a singular meaning. A collective noun stands for more than one without adding an s to the ending.

Example: The entire audience applauds the performance. (singular) The committee argue with one another over the rules. (plural)

The IT/THEY rule

If you can substitute the word it for the collective noun (and any words that describe it), the collective noun is singular. If you can substitute they, the collective noun is plural. Example: The family eat their sandwiches. It eat their sandwiches. (incorrect) They eat their sandwiches. (correct/plural)

Possessive nouns show ownership or relationship. Possessive nouns function as adjectives when they modify a noun. Example:The ducks feathers are colorful. ducks modifies feathers I held Coreys camera. Coreys modifies camera

If the noun is singular or doesnt end with an s, add an apostrophe and then s. If the noun ends in an s, but is not plural, add an apostrophe and then s. Jamess If it is plural add the apostrophe after the s. Desks


__________ name specific people, places, things, or ideas. proper nouns

A(n) __________ is a noun that names ideas, qualities, or feelings. abstract noun

The two basic kinds of nouns are _________ and _________.

common, proper

A(n) ________ is a word used to name any person, place, thing, or idea. common noun

Tell whether the following is common or proper. If it is common, tell whether it is concrete or abstract. people Common, concrete

Tell whether the following is common or proper. If it is common, tell whether it is concrete or abstract.

The Republic of Congo proper

Tell whether the following is common or proper. If it is common, tell whether it is concrete or abstract.

pleasure common, abstract

Tell whether the following is common or proper. If it is common, tell whether it is concrete or abstract.

Rain common, concrete

Tell whether the following is common or proper. If it is common, tell whether it is concrete or abstract.

imagination common, abstract

The three ways a compound noun can be written are

One word Separated Hyphenated

Find the compound nouns in the following sentences

We always celebrate St. Patricks Day at our high school. St. Patricks Day, high school I have eaten meatloaf at Mels Diner many times. Meatloaf, Mels Diner

A) compound, concrete B) common, abstract C) common, collective D) proper, collective C) common, collective

A) common, concrete B) common, abstract C) common, compound D) common, collective A) common, concrete

A) compound, common B) common, abstract C) collective, abstract D) common, collective B) common, abstract

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