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13th April 2022 By: Faza

Safety Hacks When You Balik Kampung

#1. Rest Well Before Driving

Fatigue is one of the main causes of road accidents and
it can simply be avoided by just getting enough rest.

#2. Ensure That Your Car Is Road-Trip

It is very important that you take your car to a
mechanic or workshop for a quick check-up and
service. You want to make sure that all your car’s
components are at its best functioning condition –
especially before you go on a long road-trip (not to
mention hours stuck in traffic).
Safety Hacks When You Balik Kampung

#3. Better Late Than Never

Drive at the appropriate speed and follow the speed
And when you do get frustrated with heavy traffic, take
a deep breath and take it nice and easy. Remember, it’s
better to be late than to never make it home at all.

#4. Strictly Navigation Only!

The only reason your phone should be in-use during
your road-trip is for navigation ONLY!
If you must fiddle with your smartphone, do pull over
or get to a rest stop before doing so!
Safety Hacks When You Balik Kampung

#5. That is NOT A Fast Lane

The emergency lane is just that – for emergencies only.
Never should anyone use it as a main travelling,
especially at high speeds. Speeding in the emergency
lane can cause accidents and risk lives as there may be
people who are using it when their vehicles break
down or for other emergencies.

#6. Take a break

Take safety breaks every 2 hours or 200km. Ensure
safety during your coffee break too.

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