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A consumer good is an item that has been purchased and does not require any
productive transformation because it will not be used to produce other items.

Consumer goods are products that people buy for day-to-day use. In other words,
they are items that people consume in their daily lives.

A consumer good is the final product of a manufacturing process. As a result, it

directly meets people’s needs
2 categories

Classified into two categories: durable and nondurable. Durable consumer

goods last longer than three years, such as furniture, cars, and appliances.
Nondurable consumer goods are those that do not last long enough to be
considered durable, such as food and clothing.
Various goods
• Any economy has a variety of goods that vary depending on the purpose
they serve.
• The assets that are used to produce other goods are known as capital
• Intermediate goods are inputs that are used to create the final product.
• consumer goods are those that are sold to end users.
Convenience products

Current Goods
consumption bought by
items impulse
Shopping products

Homogeneous Heterogeneous
items items
Specialty products
Goods not required
Accessible to all
Benefits of
Consumer Quantity


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