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Find instances of the contrast

between light and dark.

Write quotes illustrating this aspect. What is the point here? What is the author illustrating
thought this motif?
What parallels/remnants of current
society are illustrated in the text?
What is the same/different about these remnants of the Unmentionable Times?
Explore and explain Equality’s feelings
about himself, his job, his fellow men,
those in authority, society’s rules.
What religious references are
seen in the text?
Explore and show ideas regarding good and evil (sin) in the text. What is the significance
How do you see Marxism
playing a part in Chapter 1?
Give specific examples that illustrate a Marxist mentality in this society?
 Grab some Sticky Notes – Grab a partner (metaphorically of
 You each have some pennies. Your goal is to keep and get
more pennies.
 You will have a choice to either “split” the pennies you and
your partner have in which case you each keep what you have
or you can “steal” your partners pennies by writing either
Marxism Game “split” or “steal” on your sticky note. Then I will read the
sticky notes for you and your partner. If both of you wrote
“split” you each keep your pennies. If both of you wrote
“steal” I take all of your pennies. If one writes “split” and the
other writes “steal” the pennies go to the “stealer.”
 We will keep repeating the process until only five people are
left with pennies.
 To those who have all the pennies…Congratulations you are
the Bourgeoisie or the ruling class. However, you made all
your money by exploiting the Proletariat or the working class.
 This was a basic premise of Carl Marx and an underlying
principle in the argument against capitalism.

End Game  How does this experience relate to what is happening thus far
in Anthem?
 How does this situation relate to the world today?

Idea: Draw Current Event Issue (random) have two sides debate from Pov of your side (Bourgeoisie versus
Proletariats); Have each side pay pennies to speak in debate .5 to .1

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