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Made by Rita, number 24, 9B

Page 1--------------------------- Title Page 2---------------------------Index Page 3---------------------------Introduction Page 4---------------------------The Egyptian Flag/ where is the Egypt? Page 5---------------------------Principal cities of Egypt Page 6--------------------------- Monuments that I will talk Page 7--------------------------- Kom Ombo Page 8--------------------------- The temple Edfu Page 9--------------------------- The temple of Dandara Page 10------------------------- The pyramides of Giz Page 11--------------------------- Museum of Cairo Page 12----------------------------Religion Page 13/14/15------------------- Egyptian Gods Page 16/17------------------------ Egyptian food Page 18 ----------------------------Conclusion Page 19-----------------------------Bibliography

I shose Egypt to my work because I think it is a beautifull and a mysterious country.

I hope you like it!


The Egyptian Flag

The Egyptia flag has three pri cipal colors: red, white a d black a d i the center it has one eagle.

Where is the Egypt?

Egypt is in North of Africa. Like the image shows

Pri ci

l citi s of

The Egypt has three principal cities: Cairo (first picture), El Gza (second picture) and Alexandria (third picture).

Cairo is the capital of Egypt and it is the biggest citie of Africa!


So e


Kom Ombo; The temple Edfu ; The temple of Dandara ; The pyramids of Giz;

Kom Ombo
Kom Ombo is one temple very beautifull. It is on eastern shore of Nilo (principal river of Egypt). This temple were built only with stones.

The temple edfu

Edfu is the most beautifull and preserved temple of Egypt. We can call him the temple of Hrus too. It is on West of Nilo. This temple were built with sandy stones and it had carved designs in relief.

The temple of Dandara

This temple was built by the king Petolomeo VIII and the queen Cleopatra II. It was dedicaded to Hathor (the Goddess of love, music, maternity and happiness). The temple is surrounded by a clay wall.

The Pyramids of Giz

The Pyramids of Giz was one of the 7 wonders of the old world. They was tumbs for the Pharaohs: Quops, Qufren and Miquerinos. They was built with limestones. There construction was difficult and it took about 30 years to finish it.


The Egyptian Museum of Cairo is the most important museum of Egypt. There, we can find wonderful egyptian treasures.


Today, in Egypt, the principals religions that we can find are Islam(90%), the official religion of egyptians (8%) and Christianity(2%).


the official religion of egyptians

In the Old Egypt, the egyptians were polytheistic (they believed in 12 gods: Osris, sis, Anbis, Horus, Hathor, Maat, Neftis, Ptah, , Seth ,Thoth and Selkhet).
Osris is the brother of Seth and the usband of sis. He is the firstborn of Geb (land) and Nut (sky), so he had the privilege to govern Egypt. Isis is the most popular goddess of Egypt. She represents the magic and the mysteries of Egypt. Anbis conduct the human souls to Osris, for their Final Judgement. He lives in the world of dead.


Horus is one solitary deity and he is the judge of the Final Judgement.
Hathor is the cowgoddess and she represents the sky, happiness, love, maternity and the pleasure.

Neftis represents evil.

Ptah protects the Egypt. He is the creator of art.

Maat represents the balance and the harmony of Universe.


R is the principal God of every gods. He is the god of the Sun.

Thoth represents the wisdom and the mistery. He notes the words, the actions and the thoughs of humans.

Seth represents the darkside of Osris. He killed his brother Osris.

Selkhet is the goddess of dead and she gives food for the dead mens.


Egyptian food
Egyptian food is the better food you can eat in your life derivate of his distinct ingredients. Gambari Gambari is a delicious dish and it is made with giants cameroon and garlic sauce of Alexandria.


Mashi is made with rice, white meet, tomatoes, eggplants and green peppers.

Hanan is made with stufed pigeons and wheat grains or rice.


I loved make this work. I think Egypt is really an wonderful country. I didn t made more slides because teacher didn t want more, the maximum was 19 !!! ut I researched more things and now my dream is go to Egypt !


Bibliography o-de-Edfu.html ntos/piramides_gize.htm useseg.htm

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