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Unit 3 Water

Water surrounds and pervades every

land-mass on our planet. It is essential to
life. It is also an inspiring form of natural

However, water can also bring chaos

and destruction, and in its hidden depths
it harbours feared monsters.
Water power harnessed: the Three Gorges dam on
the Yangtze river in China is the largest power
station in the world.
The wind lends the sea majestic force.
Water assisted by gravity: Victoria Falls in East Africa.
Too much water causes floods.
The aftermath of a tsunami in Japan – the power of
water at its most destructive.
Ever since humans began to sail the oceans, they have
reported sightings of terrifying creatures dwelling in the
depths. This one was seen in 1555.
The Kraken was a feared sea
monster in medieval times. This
illustration of 1801 is based on
the accounts of French sailors
who claimed they were attacked
by the giant squid off the coast
of Angola.
Some monsters prefer lakes. This famous example
apparently lives in Loch Ness in Scotland.
But nothing is more beautiful than a scene of tranquil
water, like this one in Ireland.

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