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Name: Shahroz Aslam

Registration No: 2019-AG-6931

Oral communication and presentation

What it takes to became an entrepreneur?

• Entrepreneurs have the potential to make the
world a better place on many fronts. Not only
can they meet the financial needs and make
the customers happy but they can also help
their employees to reach their full potential.
What it takes to became an entrepreneur?

• Love what you do

One of the most important elements of
successful entrepreneurship is to loving what you do .
This means not just a love for doing business but also a
passion for your specific field .You are all likely to spend
your free time to brushing up you skills or thinking of
ways to attract more clients. those who love what they
do are also more likely to deal with failure constructively
learning how to do better rather than getting discourages
What it takes to became an entrepreneur?

• Take productive actions

Effective business people spend every
moment trying to get results.
They constantly look for opportunities to grow their
business and work hard whenever the opportunity
arises. Constant action does not mean that unwise
decisions are necessary in business. What this means
is that we are basically productive all the time so that
whatever you do contributes to your goals.
What it takes to became an entrepreneur?

• Define Business goals and come up with

detailed plan to achieve
Successful business people regularly define their
business goals and develop detailed action plans to
achieve them so that they can focus on their actions
towards lasting positive results for the company. A
glimpse into the planning that you will always have a
clear idea of ​what you want to do next and a better idea
of ​how individual decisions fit into your broader strategy.
What it takes to became an entrepreneur?

• Remain flexible
Commitment to planning for a long-term
vision or strategy is so important that sooner or
later something will happen that you did not
expect a successful entrepreneur to respond to
without hesitation. Will When they become
unworkable and make the necessary changes to
cope with any new developments, they are able to
adjust their plans.
What it takes to became an entrepreneur?

• Honesty
Honesty is not only a moral virtue but also a
practical necessity in the business world. Employees,
suppliers, consumers and regulators all need to know
that they can trust you. If they know you are
misrepresenting, they will refuse to cooperate with you.
Dooming your business in the long term you best have to
have a reputation for honesty and integrity and there is
no reliable way to secure that reputation other than to
actually being honest.
What it takes to became an entrepreneur?

• Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence is essential in the
business world. Your own emotions can easily get
in the way of decision making, which is why you
view the wrong choice positively or ignore the
right. It is also important that you understand your
employee's feelings about how your decisions
affect them and try to keep them happy and
Thank you so much.

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