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Who is the father of nation?

A.Mahatma Gandhi
B.Motilal Nehru
C.Jawaharlal Nehru
D.Feroze Gandhi
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● Motilal Nehru is the father of Jawaharlal
● Motilal Nehru (6 May 1861 – 6 February
1931) was an Indian lawyer, activist and
politician belonging to the Indian National
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● Jawaharlal Nehru was born
on14 November 1889
● He was an Indian anti-
colonial nationalist, secular
humanist, social democrat
statesman and author.

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● Feroze Gandhi was born on 12
September 1912
● He was an Indian freedom fighter,
politician and journalist.

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Who wrote the book ‘Midnight’s Children?
A. Salman Rushdie
B. B.Francid Bacon
C.Girish Karnad
D.Arunthathi Roy

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