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Children’s Literature

Medieval Period
Tongue Twister
Wood Chuck

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a

woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,
and chuck as much wood
As a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could
chuck wood.
 also called abcedaria, abcee, abcie, or absey
 it contain in addition to the to the alphabet,
depending on their historical function, a
selection of illustration, rhymes, a syllabarium ,
prayers, biblical text, or stories.
 This books are use to support emergent and
 Alphabhet books encourage literacy
development in the following ways. Unlock the
symbols of language, connect knowledge to
other sources; provide books usage knowledge
to young children; complement children's
enjoyment of books and aid early readers in
becoming independent readers and writers.
Examples of ABC
Had the alphabet (some upper and lower case letters)
sometime common letter combinations and syllables,
numerals, and the Lord prayer. It was block of wood
with a single parchment or sheet of paper covered
with transparent horn to protect the paper, fastened
with strips of brass around the edges, with tack heads
to protect the horn from scratches and some could be
around the neck or a belt.

 Chapbook is a small publication of

up to about 40 pages, sometimes
bound with a saddle stitch. In early
modern Europe a chapbook was a
type of printed street literature.
 small book or pamphlet containing
poems, ballads, stories or religious

 Chapbooks inexpensive books from a penny that

were sold by peddlers (chapmen). They had 16, 32,
64 pages that were usually folded with no binding
or fastener.
 They included any stories that could be found
retold in a drastically condensed version.
 All literary quality or charm was lost, the grammar
was often faulty. It was action and adventure that
moved along a simple plot to tell the story.

 Most famous Chapbook in United

State is Thomas Paine's " Common
Sense" ( January 1776)
AND ORSON, which is thought to
be a fore runner of Mowgli in
Kipling's JUNGLE BOOK'S and
 Tom thumb his life and death.

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