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Design Patterns


 What are Design Pattern

 Design Pattern Evolution
 Types of Design Patterns
What are Design Patterns

 Design Patterns are evolved as reusable solutions to the problems that we

encounter everyday of programming.
 They are generally targeted at solving the problems of object generation and
 These generalized patterns act as templates that can be applied to the real-world
Types of Design Patterns

There are 3 types of Design Patterns

 Creational
 Structural
 Behavioral
Design Patterns: Creational

 This type deals with the object creation and initialization.

 This pattern gives the program more flexibility in deciding which object need to
be created for a given case.
Eg: Singleton, Factory, Abstract Factory, etc..
Design Patterns: Structural

 This type deals with class and object composition.

 This pattern focuses on decoupling interface and implementation of classes and its
Eg: Adapter, Bridge, etc.
Design Patterns: Behavioral

 This type deals with communication between the classes and the objects.
 Eg: Chain of Responsibility, Command, Interpreter, etc…

 Understanding of Object Oriented concepts like Abstraction, inheritance,

polymorphism, and encapsulation.
 Knowledge of Classes, Interfaces and Abstract classes.

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