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Eating disorders in

women and men

Dlin, Dlyar and Kürsat
Contents of this presentation
1. What are eating disorders

2. Eating disorders Men/Women percent

3. Anorexia

4. Bulimia

5. Bigorexia

6. Binge eating

7. How eating disorders are developed

8. Concequences
What are eating disorders

-Behavioural conditions
-disturbance in eating patterns
-unhealthy food relationship
-unhealthy lifestyles
Eating disorders percent men/women
-70 1
million people suffer from an eating disorder
-Women have a 1,75-3x higher risk for anorexia/ bulimia compared to
-males and females display ed- behaviour at the same rate
-NEDA states that 20 million women, 10million men had an ed in their
-Men are often more undiagnosted than women
-Refusal to eat smth.

-extreme fear of gaining

-low body weight

-can lead to death

-distored body image

-inability to understand the seriousness of their low

body weight
Genetic causes
• family history
• mental illnesses
• personality traits

Psychological causes
• perfectionism
• anxiety
• low self-esteem

Sociocultural causes
• beauty ideals
• social media
• bullying

● Life-threatening
● Want to get rid of the extra calories
● Preventing weight gain
● Strict dieting
● Distorted body shape
● Obsession with fodd and weight
● Binge-eating and then vomiting
● Overusing laxatives
● Healthy weight
Binge eating
How eating disorders are developed

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