RS 15 History Taking On Prostate Problem

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History taking on Prostate

Dr Vandana
Common conditions
Presenting complaint
Difficulty passing urine
Urine infection related
Bone pain
Pathological fracture
Take history from a patient presenting with
obstructive urinary symptoms
Difficulty passing urine
Patient particulars
Lower urinary tract symptoms:
a) Obstructive urinary symptoms:
Hesitancy – difficulty starting the stream of urine
Straining – forcing to urinate
Weak stream – comes close to the toilet
Prolonged voiding
Terminal dribbling – few drops comes out at the end when they
think it is finished (dripping of urine after mainstream is complete)
Double voiding – after passing urine, they go again to pass
Colour – any blood?
HPC cont…
Lower urinary tract symptoms:
b) Irritative urinary symptoms:
urgency – need to go urgently (sudden intense desire
to go)
nocturia – awakening at night to void
Amount - small voided volumes
colour – dark yellow? Any blood?
HPC cont..
Other symptoms which can be present in both:
Colour – blood
HPC cont…
Progress – Is it there every time? Is it worsening?
Any pain?
Some patients can come with sudden urinary retention
meaning can’t pass anything at all suddenly and this can
be very painful.
 This can happen on the background of:
 chronic obstructive symptoms – acute on chronic

 Without any previous obstructive symptoms – like after using

Prostate – BPH, cancer, infection (Prostatitis)
Bladder – UTI, Stones, Cancer
Urethra – stones, urethral stricture eg after STIs
Nerves – eg. SCI, diabetes, stroke
General: Fever, appetite, weight loss, trauma



Abdomen - Back pain/loin pain/abdominal pain; BO – constipation can

sometimes result in sudden urinary retention

Pelvic - Discharge from urethra

Ext - Bone pain, weakness in the legs

Any operation
Recent catheterisation
Comorbid illness esp diabetes, stroke
Sympathomimetic eg pseudoephedrine – stimulate
sphincter contraction
Parasympathetolytic eg loratidine – inhibit detrusor
Sexual partners
Water intake/Diet
Social support – Who will take care? Finance?

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