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How can you put God’s Word into

practice today?
• I can realign my thoughts with Scripture.
• I can look for ways to honor the people around
• I can serve someone with compassion.
Three things to help us find the calm when we
are encountering the overwhelming waves of
1. BOW
Bow before Him. Bring all of your cares to Him.
Honor Him as God. Lay them at His feet. Humble
yourself before Him. Bring Him your heartache,
your children your spouse, your finances, your day,
your future, your life and all other concerns.
Three things to help us find the calm when we
are encountering the overwhelming waves of
2. Offload your anxiety
Humbly hold each thought up to the Word of God.
Take your worry, your anxiety, your fear, your
unbelief, your anger – all of the sin that is weighing
down your little water craft – and confess them to
the Lord.
Three things to help us find the calm when we
are encountering the overwhelming waves of
3. Worship the Lord
Fix your eyes upon Him. Take your eyes off of
yourself and off of your circumstances and set them
securely upon your Lord. Enter His gates with
thanksgiving and come into His courts with praise.

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