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The racism

By Emanuel Osorno
What is the racism?
 Its has two meanings which we can abord:

 1. form of discrimination centered on differences biological, real or

imaginary, which are extended to signs or indicators cultural or

 2. Ideology that appealed to biology to establish hierarchical

relations of inequality between human groups.
 Its origin comes from Spain in at the same
time that the conquest took place.

 The Spanish Empire in America maintained

that there were three pure races (white, black
and indigenous) and a series of "crosses"
between people of different races, also called
"castes" (mestizos, Chinese, zambos,
mulattoes, jump backwards, etc. )
Why the racism exist?
 The racism no is a problem, no is a mental problem, simply is a way of think that the person
with a white skin think that the person with a skin color a little darker is inferior than he/she.

 how you hear is stupid, the human is the same wherever you are, if you have other nationality,
skin color or religion, this thinking comes from years ago and oppressive ideas and colonization
and around of the years the people have never done anything to remove it
Historic facts
 since the beginning of humanity the discrimination has always been present, we saw that in the
times of the slavery, the white people were the owners of the black people, as if they were a
simple object.
 The most racist country know is USA, the racism in this country are very common and we can
see that the least fortunate and most comfortable people are black
 The problem is not just racial, the religion is other fact of discrimination, we saw that in a lot
years in the history. One example, the Hitler case.
 It is not easy to believe but there are groups that persecute people because of their skin color or
Main Racist
 In the first place and indisputable, The Ku Klux Klan. is an American white supremacist hate
group, known for promoting racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism, as well as homophobia,
anti-Catholicism and anti-communism through violent and propagandistic acts. Created in the
19th century, immediately after the Civil War, it brings together several organizations structured
as a secret society, which have often resorted to terrorism, violence and acts of intimidation –
perhaps the most famous being the burning of crosses – to impose their criteria and oppress
their victims.
The Police
 The police in general around the world are very discriminating, but the case of police brutality
on people of color are so common, the most recent example is the case of George Floyd (R.I.P)
that was murder in the hands of a police officer, that detonated Many protests throughout the
United States and around the world
The people
 Many people still has beliefs and stigmatizations against the black race that generates fear and
We have to fight with this for have a better world
Ways to stop the racism
 Listen and investigate. listen to what people who are victims of racism have to go through and
read about it
 Report racism content: share in the social media police abuse, racism by people or anything that
is racism
 Share conscience: share your knowledge with other people to make a change in your
we can change that if the all people do it, if we are a few we will never change this.
 The racism is a so big problem in around the world, but we can change that, we have to start to
love the other, don’t see his skin, think way or nationality, we have to treat the everyone equally

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