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Go Programming

Explained Simply!
Why Golang?
• To make processors highly performant Hardware
manufacturers are adding more and more cores to the
• Since data centers are running on such processors the
number of cores will increase over the years.
• However, addition of cores has physical limitations and
software optimizations are required.
• Thus, languages should support concurrency easily and
they should be scalable with increased number of cores.
• Go was developed with the express purpose of scalability
and concurrency.
Following are some of the features of Golang,
which make it most suitable for modern
computing needs:

Go has lightweight threads that

However, it is the channels that
execute asynchronously thus
allow safe communication
handling multithreading in
between the threads.

These channels make the order of

The way in which Golang handles
execution controllable in race
multithreading brings in
conditions thus making the code
concurrency allowing for faster
run as fast as possible while also
ensuring that it executes safely.
Interesting, right?
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